Secure Distance-Based Localization In The Presence Of Cheating Beacon Nodes Project

Secure Distance-Based Localization in the Presence of Cheating Beacon Nodes project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in visual C#.Net platform. Main aim of this project is to implementing becon based localization algorithms which is used to determine the location of mobile device with respect to local or global coordinate system.

This project is displayed by considering three becon nodes. Becon A ,B and C and Becon server. Becon server shows postion and distance between becon and display status information of each becon at what distance they are positioned. Then becon clients and excecuted ,  On Becon Client gui we can view graphical view of distance between them. By setting ip address of each becom client and use move left and move right option we can increase or decrease distance between them.

Detailed explanation of project excecution is shown in video.


download Secure Distance-Based Localization in the Presence of Cheating Beacon Nodes project 2010 cse base paper and project documentation.

Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection Project

Layered approach using conditional random fields for intrusion detection project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to improve efficiency and accuracy in network system by considering implementing approach and conditional random fields.

In networking systems intrusion detection plays important part to control malicious activities in network and effectively deal with large amount of network traffic.  Network administrators and security professionals need to take challenging task to deal with intrusion detection.

Signature based systems are implemented at periphery of a network to controll attacks.  

Detailed explanaiton of project is explained in video


download Layered approach using conditional random fields for intrusion detection project 2010 cse base paper and project documentation

Cross Layer Design In Multi hop Wireless Networks Project

Cross layer design in multihop wireless networks project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in visual C#.Net platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a holistic approach for existing protocol architecture design in multihop wireless networks. Main intention is to combine different protocol layers in to rigorous framework by considering them as distributed computations inside multihop wireless network to reduce optimization problems.

This project is explained using server module and scheduling approach and download access and processor view display. Initially basic parametrs are set and file is transferred and performance is calculated in existing architecture and same file is transferred and performance is calculated in proposed architecture.

Detailed explanation of project is shown in video file.

download Cross layer design in multihop wireless network project 2010 cse base paper and documentation.

Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Optimal jamming attacks and network defense policies in wireless sensor networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform.  This project explains about attackes that are caused in jamming and defense mechanisim is implemented and graphical view of the performance and attacks are shown.

In this project we create our own attacking system which will attact different nodes. This attacker is not part of any authenticated or associated network. Main intention of jammer is to cause damage at receiver by attacking packets. Because of intentional collision packets are re transmitted which cause additional engergy consumption and produces less output for a given amount of consumed energy.

Detailed explanation of the project is explained in base paper and video file.


download Optimal jamming attacks and network defense policies in wireless sensor networks project 2010 CSE base paper and documentation. 

Multicast Authentication Based On Batch Signature Project

Multicast Authentication Based on Batch Signature project is a 2010 CSE project implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a digital signature technique for providing security for data from malicious attacks. Multicast technology is one of the efficient methods for transmitting multimedia files like video files to group of receivers. This system is gaining importance in video conference, gamming field, online education field and broadcasting field.

In this method authentication is one of the important factor where application should provide security for user data from any middle attacks.This project explains about this problems and implement digital siganture method to solve this problem.

Project excecution is explained in video demo.



download Multicast Authentication Based on Batch Signature project base paper and project documentation and paper presentation

Opportunistic Routing In Multi Radio Multi Channel Multi Hop Wireless Networks Project

Opportunistic routing in multi radio multi channel multi hop wireless networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main idea of this project is to implement a opportunistic routing technique for wireless transmission systems which can increase throughput and reduce combat losses caused in network.

Main reasons for limiting thoughput in multi hop wireless network systems are unreliability of data while transmission. By introducing new technologies like multi radio and multi channel wireless communication systems had increased concurrent transmission in the network which can increase system capacity.

Project excecution is explained in the video demo.


download Opportunistic routing in multi radio multi channel multi hop wireless networks project base paper and documentation.

Wireless Scheduling Algorithms for Minimizing the Queue Overflow Probability Project

Wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability project is a 2010 project which is implemented in visual C# .net language. Main aim of this project is to implement algorithm for wireless celluar networks to improve scheduling by minimizing the queue overflow probability.

This project is implemented by developing three mobile client which will select destination ip address and file to transmit. Initally scheduling application is excecuted and files are sent from three mobile clients one after other. We can anlyze the out put at scheduling GUI which will display data transmission and scheduling mechanism by truning off and on which is showed on GUI.

Detailed explanation is provided in video.

download Wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability project 2010 base paper and documentation.

Privacy Conscious Location Based Queries in Mobile Environment Project

Privacy conscious location based queries in mobile environment project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java plat-from  Main aim of this project is to provide security for mobile user and provide protection on location privacy in order to provide this we use new approach where location based queries are transformed into regional based queries.

In order to implement this application we use three mobile nodes and one server. In first stage mobile 1 will request information about location from server by sending related information and server will send requested information to mobile client. Similarly when mobile 2 requests other location based query he will get information from server and he can also request information from neighbor mobile client for information and he will send information to requested neighbor client.

Detailed explanation is provided in video file.


 download privacy conscious location based queries in mobile environment project 2010 base paper and Project document.

Conditional Shortest Path Routing In Delay Tolerant Networks Project

Conditional shortest path routing in delay tolerant networks is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to provide shortest path between nodes while transmitting data from source to destination. In present system end to end path connectivity is not stable and estimation of future node connection is not known in these networks this system works only on optimistic forwarding while delivering message.

In this paper we propose conditional inter meeting time metric which works on observation of changes in human mobility based on his connection history. Based on this past contacts best path between nodes is calculated.

We show this project by using 20 node connections and sending information using different combinations and analyze the shortest path which is shown in text file.

download conditional shortest path routing in delay tolerant network project 2010 cse abstract and project documentation.

A Distributed Protocol To Serve Dynamic Groups For Peer To Peer Streaming Project

A distributed protocol to serve dynamic groups for peer to peer streaming project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java project. Main aim of this project is implement Smesh frame work which is called as distributed overlay framework for gorups in peer to peer groups where users can change form one group to other group with out disturbing stability of users. Smesh frame work will create stable mesh system for controlling messaging.

Construing delivery trees is important part in mesh dynamic host system for joing and leaving. Delaunay triangulation protocol is helpful in constuction of efficent mesh low maintance cost.

download A distributed protocol to serve dynamic groups for peer to peer streaming project 2010 cse base paper and project documentation.