A Geometric Approach To Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement Project Source Code

A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement project is a 2008 project which is developed in java platform. In every network packet loss analysis is must to estimate accuracy of data transmission  In order to find the accuracy we use tools for finding packet loss on end to end paths. But research is carried out on accuracy of packet loss calculation using this tools which shows in present networking systems old models doesn’t work effectively.

In order to solve this problem we implement a new approach for calculating packet loss in system more accurately. In this project we initially test existing Poisson-modulated end to end method and its capability in calculating packet losses in end to end network. These tests results shows that existing system is in accurate and not efficient.

Here we provide entire project execution procedure using video.

download A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement 2008 project documentation,java source code and base paper pdf and PPT.

Efficient On-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance by Using Codec Design

  • Project Title:    Efficient On-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance by Using Codec Design             

  • Tools Used:   Xilinx Tool.
  • Platform:   VLSI.

 Project Description:   The main objective of developing this Efficient On-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance by Using Codec Design project is to provide crosstalk features. By using this crosstalk we can remove the error code at receiver section. The information transformation between source and destination using storage nodes is the biggest problem now days. The crosstalk code system was implemented by using Fibonacci algorithm. This is one of the best methods to transfer the data without delay & corrupt. This final year ECE project was designed with Xilinx tool under VLSI platform

Zigbee Enabled Intelligent Monitoring and Control System

Main project: “Zigbee Enabled Intelligent Monitoring and Control System”

Project Purpose:          This Zigbee Enabled Intelligent Monitoring and Control System ECE project was developed with embedded system technology; here we have implemented a new efficient system on ZigBee technology for Wireless sensor networks. This electronics project can be very useful in mechanical industrial companies to provide communication between remote areas. The data can be reached with safe and secure systems using this application.

The microcontroller attached to all areas of ZigBee wireless system where one side of controller can be highly taken care of the temperature and fire accidents in the chemical companies where we should set the temperature before going to implement this project when the temperature is high compare to the controller temperature it can automatically solve the problem without any fire damage.

This system works with zigbee safe methods. The other main advantage of this system is to prevent any short circuits or power problems in homes and small offices.

Download Zigbee Enabled Intelligent Monitoring and Control System ECE Project Abstract , Total Documentation, Screen Shots, and other reference documents.

Networking project

  • Project Title:   Networking project

  • Software Tools: packet tracer 5.0 

Project Description: The main objective of this final year Networking project is to provide connection between routers and switches. By using this project anyone can troubleshoot problems in small networks, We have implemented Vlab and packet tracer 5.0 to develop a small Networks over the LAN.

A Concurrency Control Protocol for Clipping Indexing Project

A Concurrency Control Protocol for Clipping Indexing project is a cse project which is implemented using java and Mysql. 

This project explains about analyzing the situation in multidimensional databases and its growth in various applications and improvements need to be done to satisfy present growth.

In this paper we propose a effective concurrency control protocol which is integrated to R+ tree for supporting fast access to multidimensional data. 

But this new mechanism is not possible to directly apply to R+tree because object in R+tree may be indexed in multiple levels.

In order to solve this problem, we use granular locking for clipping indexing. This is the first method which is specially designed for R+ trees. 

A Concurrency Control Protocol for Clipping Indexing project base paper, pdf, ppt.

Managing Multidimensional Historical Aggregate Data In Unstructured P2p Networks Project Abstract

Managing multidimensional historical aggregate data in unstructured p2p networks project explains about implementing Peer to a peer-based framework which will support multidimensional historical data. 

This project mainly concentrates on two factors firstly combining the amenities of peer to peer network and compressing of data.

These both factor can improve the process of queries and improve efficiency with accurate answer methods.

Peer to peer network is one of the widely used technology on the internet for sharing and downloading files where data is communicated with large communities of users in terms of file sharing. 

This project will analyze peer to peer network performance and try to provide new methods through which performance can be increased.

Managing multidimensional historical aggregate data in unstructured p2p networks project with pdf, documentation 

Record Matching Over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases Project Documentation

Record Matching over Query Results from multiple web databases  project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a efficent method for querying data from database uisng UDD technique where duplicate searches from same database source will be possible. In order to implement this method we use two cooperating classifiers and a weighted component and SVM classifiers to find out duplicate searches.

In data integration process record matching is a important factor. In most of the record matching methods users to provide with training data. But in the case of web based search query it is not possible so in order to solve this problem we implement a efficient method by implementing UDD technique.


download Record Matching over Query Results from multiple web databases  project pdf, documentation and ppt with 2010 base paper.

Provisioning Of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in Wdmmesh Networks Project

Provisioning of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in WDMMesh Networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about understanding problems caused due to bandwidth allocation for improving new services by telecommunication networks to provide new services like IPTV gird computing …etc which need accurate and consistent bandwidth.

This can be solved by implementing wave length division multiplexing which works on optical networks. This technology uses optical cross connections and protocols like ASON/GMPLS which are used for controlling automatic and dynamic provision of light paths.

In order to handle these new technologies with  consistent bandwidth and quality of service dynamic switching circuits are used which are suitable to these conditions.


download Provisioning of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in WDMMesh Networks project 2010 base paper, project abstract and project report.

Performance Evaluation of Video Streaming Over Multi Hop Wireless Local Area Networks Project

Performance evaluation of video streaming over multi hop wireless local area networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about implementing Markov-chain model for improving quality of video streaming in wireless multi hop network. In present scenario IPTV works on IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards which provide wireless video streaming but this model does not provide achievable throughput because of factors like limited attenuation and interference.

After implementing this model we test throughput based on network simulation on both upper layer and lower layer simulation modules. This results shows that new two dimensional Markov-chain model performances is better that available model. For more analysis of this system we use H.264 based video streaming simulation with application layer performance metrics.

download Performance evaluation of video streaming over multi hop wireless local area networks project  2010 cse base paper, project report and project abstract

Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing With Intra-Session Network Coding For Mesh Networks Project

Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing With Intra-Session Network Coding for Mesh Networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about improving performance of multi path routing in mesh network by using network coding techniques, this system deals with number of packets in system compare to specific packets.

In this project we compare both single path and multipath routing methods using simulator which shows multipath routing method outperform single path routing.

Improving performance in wireless channel can be possible because of it unique features like broadcasting nature which can provide opportunistic transmission as suggested.

download Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing with Intra-Session Network Coding for Mesh Networks project 2010 base paper and project report and project abstract