Advances in powder metal sintering technology

Introduction to Advances in powder metal sintering technology:

Powder metal sintering technology seminar topic explains about introducing new method for powder metal industries to improve their standards and productivity in less time. As we know most of the companies are still using press and sinter technology which is old. In present systems developed methods like sintering is used. Detailed explanation about the model is given in base paper.

Final  year b.teh and mechanical engineering students can use advances in powder metal sintering technology topic for seminar and project. Students can download base paper for free of cost.

download Advances in powder metal sintering technology .

Automobile engineering seminar topic

Introduction to Automobile engineering seminar topic:

Automobile engineering seminar topic explains about construction and operation of vehicles and detailed functionality about how they work and different technologies involvement in preparing a automobile. Using these seminar topic students will learn basics about gearing, braking, construction and many other factors involved in automobiles.

Final year diploma students can use automobile engineering seminar topic for paper presentations. Students can find readymade ppt for free download. Detailed explanation about seminar topic is available in ppt.

download Automobile engineering seminar topic .

Modern cars and parts seminar topic

Introduction to Modern cars and parts seminar topic:

Modern cars and parts seminar topic explains about basic functionality of how cars or four wheelers works and functionality included by every part is explained. Students can learn in detail about car engines, structuring of a 4 wheeler and functionality.

Diploma final year mechanical students can use modern cars and parts seminar topics for their final year paper presentation. Here we provide ready made ppt for free download. Detailed explanation about this topic is provided in project report.

download Modern cars and parts seminar topic .

Gps and weapons technology seminar topic

List of Gps and weapons technology seminar topic:

Gps and weapons technology seminar topic explains about how bombing technology works and what the different draw backs in previous technologies are and how they are overcome by new technology.  Students can understand how new technology like gps, satellite communication is integrated in to weapon technology.

Final year and mechanical engineering students can download gps and weapons technology seminar topic with readymade ppt which will be useful as paper presentation. Detailed explanation about this topic is provided in ppt.

download Gps and weapons technology seminar topic .

Artificial intelligence and extreme robotics

Introduction to Artificial intelligence and extreme robotics:

Artificial intelligence and extreme robotics is a new method of developing robots which works of a common communication platform where a human being and robot can communicate with one another. Her in this project we use vision as common communication between human being and robot. We use concepts developed by robotics companies like asimo , kismet and coco.

Final year and mechanical students can download artificial intelligence extreme robotics reference material from this site. Detailed explanation about the project is explained in documentation.

download Artificial intelligence and extreme robotics .

Cruise Control technology

Introduction to Cruise Control technology:

   cruise control technology is used in automobile industry for automatic controlling speed of motors. This technology is mostly used in large four wheeler vehicles.  cruise control is also called as speed control. Main operation of speed control in this technology is to take over control of throttle of the car and maintain steady speed which is adjusted by driver.

 Final yer and mechanical engineering students can use cruise control technology as seminar topic and project topic for major and minor projects. Students can know more about this topic by downloading base paper,ppt  from this site. 

download Cruise Control technology .

A 3D Fax Machine based on Claytronics

Introduction to A 3D Fax Machine based on Claytronics:

    A 3D fax machine based on claytronics project and seminar topic explains about a new electronic technology which will help research team who work on fossils, clay calculation and research on past objects.  This technology works on 3d calculation of objects and capturing data in digital format and produce replica of same object. Detailed explanation about the project is provided in project base paper.

    Final year and students can use A 3D Fax Machine based on Claytronics project as reference for seminar topics and final year project. Students can download large collection of project reports,ppt,pdf,base papers and seminar topics for free of cost.


Aircraft design projects report

Introduction to Aircraft design projects:

Aircraft design projects report and book will help students to know detailed explanation about how new aircraft can be designed and history of design to latest modern techniques in aircraft design. Students can download this project document and learn how to design a aircraft as major and minor projects.

Final year and students can download aircraft design project reference documents in pdf format for free of cost. Mechanical final year students who are looking for latest project topics and innovative seminar topics can use these documents as reference.

download Aircraft design projects report.

Automation and control project report

Introduction to Automation and control project:

Automation and control project explains about new changes that accored in steel production companies in terms of process and quality and out put. These factors has became main back bone for every company for improving there standard in international market and improve there market. In order to solve these problems electrical systems with accurate and specific functions are developed. Detailed explanation about automation and control project is explained in project report.

Final year and mechanical engineering students can download automation and control project  report for free of cost. Here we provide latest collection of automation final year projects with reference material like project report,ppt,pdf,seminar topics and paper presentations for fee download.  

download automation and control project report.


Radial Piston Engine

Mechanical engineering students who are interested in radial piston engine can download reference material from this site for free of cost. This material provided here will help students to know basics about radial position systems and information about piston. This material will help students for final year project reference and as seminar topic.

Introduction to radial piston engine:

Design of radial piston engine looks like spokes on wheel with cylinders pointing out words to the central part of the engine. This type of engine design was mostly used in aircraft engines which are designed with a compressed structure for turbo shaft and turbo jet engines.

download radial piston engine project report.