Utilization of electrical power in railway passenger coaches

The main aim of this Utilization of electrical power in railway passenger coach’s project is to study the generation as well as utilization of electricity in railway coaches. The 3 phase ac voltage generated is converted into constant 130V dc by using a rectifier cum regulator unit. This electronics and electrical engineering student project has been done under the guidance of General Manager in South Central Railways, Hyderabad for duration of 60 days.

RFID Proximity Based Checking, Detecting Expiry Date & Stock Updating

RFID Proximity Based Checking, Detecting Expiry Date & Stock Updating is electronics based final year project based on RFID technology. Different RFID tags or cards are assigned to different products or items. By using these cards, we can easily detect the available stock of any particular item. When some amount of item gets added into the stock, the updated stock is detected by the RFID tags. In the hardware part, there is a power supply unit, an ATMEGA 16 microcontroller, a LCD, one RFID reader module, one alarm or buzzer used to implement it.

Home Security System Mini Project

Mini Project Title :  “Home Security System Mini Project

Project Description  :  The main aim of this Home Security System project is intended to develop a security system to protect our home and offices from the thieves. This simple circuit rings an alarm when an unauthorized persons or thieves entering into home. This working is developed for final electronics students based on LASER and LDR. Microcontrollers, keil tool, embedded c programming used to design this mini ECE project.

Automation of Blood Donation Using GSM

Project Title: Automation of Blood Donation Using GSM

Project Abstract: The main aim & objective of this project “Automation of Blood Donation Using GSM” is wherever a person wants blood; he will get information via SMS or through internet regarding the donors who are having the related blood group in that area, by just sending message to the GSM Modem. The GSM modem which is interfaced to the microcontroller receives message from person who requires blood. Controller searches for required information in the data base. GSM modem collects proper information from controller and then it returns a message to that person. By using this electronics final year project to help injured patients who wants immediate help.

Home Intruder Alert Via Way2SMS Project

  • Mini project: Home Intruder Alert Via Way2SMS Project
  • Programming               : PIC flash
  • Development Tool       : MP lab

Project Description: The main objective of this Home Intruder Alert Via Way2SMS  ECE project is to provide SMS signals for security issues, if any theif or object is entering into the home in between two transceiversthen this electronics application sends sms to our mobiles .to develop this project we used pic microcontroller i.e.16F877A. It is the main component and module of the project.if transceivers receives any information about theifs or objects then automatically microcontroller will send sms to the respect mobile which is located with in the world. First we have to provide our mobile number. This application was developed with PLC flash programming using MP lab.

 Applications of project:

 This Home Intruder Alert Via Way2SMS Project is mainly used in security pupose. Without human beings we will  control the home using using transceivers

1.used in atm security

2.used in homes security.

Programmable temperature monitor & controller project

  • Project Title: Programmable temperature monitor & controller project
  • Technology used: Embedded system, Micro controller based, Embedded C Programming, Keil software tool.

Project Description: This Programmable temperature monitor & controller project is a digital temperature meter for final year electrical and electronics students which monitors and controls the heating element of the system according to user’s requirement. This project is used in “Industries to control and monitor the temperature of Boilers”. This project was developed under embedded c using Keil tool, micro controllers, sensors, other electronics instruments.

A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design Project

  • Project Title: A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design
  • Technology used: Embedded system and wireless communication.
  • Operating System: Windows XP professional

Project Description: The A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design final year embedded system technology project mainly consists of two modules:

Transmitter module and receiver module, transmitter module consists of sensors, these sensors acquire the data and receiver module having a server which receives the data from transmitter module using RF modules(Transmitter, Receiver ).

This engineering ECE project can be used in “vehicle tracking system to track the vehicle”.

This project was developed with microcontrollers, embedded c programming language, Keil IDE tools, temperature sensors, etc.

A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design abstract.

Towards Optimal Network Fault Correction in Externally Managed Overlay Networks Project

Towards optimal network fault correction in externally managed overlay networks project explains about implementing a cost efficient procedure for correction of data in externally managed overlay network. In end to end packet transmission system data failure is regular problem at nodes. Every node is maintained by different admin domains.

In this project we propose a system in which we will follow optimal strategy at candidate nodes instead of considering faulty nodes. In order to improve system performance we implement several heuristics for inferring the most important node which need to be checked in large scale networks. Performance of new method is checked by using simulators.

 download Towards optimal network fault correction in externally managed overlay networks project documentation and base paper.

Slow Adaptive OFDMA System through Chance Constrained Programming Project

Slow adaptive OFDMA system through chance constrained programming project explains about implementing adaptive OFDMA scheme for providing high computational complexity and improving efficiency in excessive signaling overhead. OFDMA technique had proved that it is the most efficient method for transmitting data fast and with less signal distortion in future broad band wireless systems. In order to provide fast transmission OFDA users radio resources with sub carriers and power , applied to channels of every user.

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is one of the widely used technology in present trend providing efficient broad band service. In order to meet the demand to mitigate wireless channel impairments we propose  subcarriers to improve system capacity.

 download Slow adaptive OFDMA system through chance constrained programming project documentation.

IR Remote Switch

The main aim and objective of the IR Remote Switch final year ECE project is to  switch on/off the Home Appliances like Lights, fans, TV, Computer AC, Refrigerator, Door Lock, Secret Cameras, etc by using a standard Remote control, It mainly consists of 6 major devices to control the Switches like on and Off. In Homes this electronics & communication Engineering technique can be used with 10 meters area. IR Remote Switch doesn’t work well when Home Appliances exceed 10 meters distance. To develop this project we used Infra-Red Sensor & Microcontroller.

Download IR Remote Switch final year ECE project