Source Code For Fuzzy Control Model Optimization For Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision Project

Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project Description:

Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project is a 2008 project which is implemented in visual studio .net platform. This project describes about analyzing performance of congested dynamic traffic networks and developing H-infinity filtering approach for a fuzzy model which is used to determine consistent and effective performance of network. In this paper we propose a method by adjusting member ship function parameters which will deal with nonlinearities and modeling errors, this approach will help fuzzy model to improve its performance model.

Here we provide entire project code in .net with entire database.

download Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project base paper pdf, source code in .net and project report with ppt.

Defect Tracking System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Name of the Project: Defect Tracking System .Net Project with Source Code

Software Requirements: MS Visual Studio, ASP.Net, C#.Net, SQL Server, Java Script.

Project Description: The main objective of developing Defect Tracking System final year ASP.Net project is to provide efficient bug tracking system in software projects.

This web based application mainly consists of project developer module, project team leader module, project manager module, quality analyst module, bug register module, bug information module, etc.

The other advantage of this project is to store the previous solved defects information in the database and it can use for future defect solving process.

This project works with SDLC process where developers can gather the client requirements and develop an application where testers can test the code and if there is any bug found in the system they can report it at the bug reporting tool.

Defect Tracking System  ASP.Net project abstract, Project Report,  Full documentation, source code, database File, Paper Presentation, Screen Shots, Conclusion.

Truth Discovery With Multiple Conflicting Information Provides On Web Project Source Code

Truth discovery with multiple conflicting information provides on web project description:

Truth discovery with multiple conflicting information provides on web project is a 2008 project which is implemented in java platform.  Main idea of this project is to develop a algorithm called trust worthy algorithm which is used to analyze any content that is present on websites and generalize whether content provided on that site is genuine and trust worthy. This is done by taking content and searching same content in different trust worthy sites and rate the content genuinely.

In present trend internet had became a huge source for data. Users believe in the content which is present on the web site but the important question is whether it is correct or wrong this problem is called as veracity.  In order to provide solution for veracity we propose this new algorithm which will work better than search engines. 

Here you can download (abstract, database, reference paper, source code) entire project report source code and step by step procedure for running project.

download Truth discovery with multiple conflicting information provides on web project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Consistent Object Sharing For Edge Services Project Source Code

Consistent object sharing for edge services project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project is designed to explain how quiver works for distributed clients by dealing with proxies and sharing objects with proxies for improving performance of the system. Quiver is a system where different proxies are arrange at the end of network for sharing information with distributed clients for accessing mutable objects. Quiver enables these proxies to access shared objects by sending objects to proxies and performing operations on those objects.

Here we provide entire project source code and step by step procedure for running this application.

download Consistent object sharing for edge services project 2008 base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Performance Of A Speculative Transmission Scheme For Scheduling Latency Reduction Project Source Code

Performance of a speculative transmission scheme for scheduling latency reduction project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project to improve performance of centrally schedule cell switch by reducing latency of the system which is caused when there is delay between request and arrival of the grant. In order to achieve this we use speculative transmission scheme which can work along with centralized matching algorithms for achieving maximum utilization. In this paper we propose a speculative transmission scheme which is employed in cross bar switching.

Here we provide entire project report and source with step by step procedure for executing this project.

download Performance of a speculative transmission scheme for scheduling latency reduction project 2008 base paper pdf, project source code and project report with ppt.

Corporate Recruitment System Project

  • Project Title:   Corporate Recruitment System Project

Software Technologies:   HTML, Java Script, JSP and Oracle 9i

Project Description: The purpose of developing this Corporate Recruitment System Project is to give effective online web based human resource fresher recruitment system. 

This CRS project was fully developed in four months and submitted in our college for final year project report submission criteria.

The main modules played a major role in this application are admin module and user module where admin module works like job provider modules like HR management people can do the same in all corporate companies and the user module works like job seeker module like fresher’s who wants to appear for the interview for their job.

Here users can post their resumes into the system and admin can validate and send back the reply if the user has the necessary skills for that exact Job.

This CRS project was coded with Java server pages scripting language for server side better validation and HTML used for designing index home page, user profile pages, registration pages, SQL used for storing both admin and users details at the back end.

CRS Project Report, project Code and  paper presentation  of  Corporate Recruitment system ASP .Net Project .

Rate And Delay Guarantees Provided By Clos Packet Switches With Load Balancing Project Source Code

Rate and delay guarantees provided by clos packet switches with load balancing project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about using clos packet switching to provide efficient load balancing in a network. Multihop fabric provides higher capacity compare to single hob cross fiber for switching elements. In order to maintain traffic load we use clos switching at middle stage where all the traffic will get through this system to control overload problem.            

 Here we analyze tolerable delays that are caused by using fabric utilization and examine various load balancing algorithms and derive general formula for effective load balancing algorithm.

Here you can download entire project report and source code and step by step procedure for executing this project.

download Rate and delay guarantees provided by clos packet switches with load balancing project base paper pdf, project source code in java and project report with PPT.

Electronic Land Information Management System

  • Project Title:    Electronic Land Information  Management System

  • Software Technologies:    JAVA, J2EE, MySql

Project Description:    The main purpose of developing this Electronic Land Information Management System Java project is to provide efficient web based tool for property management. This application provides all information about land details like land location, land cost, owner of the land, buyer information, seller information, bidding information, etc. This property management system was developed with advanced java programming using J2EE with Mysql Database.

Minimizing File Download Time In Stochastic Peer To Peer Networks Project Source Code

Minimizing file download time in stochastic peer to peer networks project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. The main idea of this project is to solve issues in download time and packet losses in streaming videos by implementing effective methods.

In this paper we work on spatial heterogeneity and temporal correlations in service capacity which can improve download time in peer to peer network and propose distributed algorithm for removing negative factors.

In existing system calculating download time is based on service capacity which is not a accurate method. Here we use simulators for analyzing performance of both existing and proposed system.

Here you can download entire project source code of four peers, server code, and client code. You can execute entire project using step by step procedures which are provided in how to run file.

On wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability

Project Title:    On wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability

Project Description: The main objective of developing this on wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability final year project is to provide efficient and reliable algorithm for wireless sensor networks. This based engineering project was coded with Microsoft C#.Net with SQL server database.

Download On Wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability project 2010 base paper and documentation.