Going Back and Forth Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Clouds Project

The main aim of this Going Back and Forth Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Clouds android application is to design a new virtual file system for efficient virtual machine storage. This android project is designed under Iaas middleware technologies. This final year project can be useful for B Tech Students, M Tech Students, MCA Students for developing storage management cloud services.

Dynamic Audit Services for Integrity Verification of Outsourced Storages in Clouds

The main aim of this Dynamic Audit Services for Integrity Verification of Outsourced Storages in Clouds Google android project is to improve efficient audit service to unverified cloud storage. This android application provides huge storage database for text messages and it can be applicable for encrypting the data to provide security.

The audit system layered architecture works with owner of the data, data storage servers, data name servers, data flow management, target application users, verification methods, target user authentication, secret key generators, security providers, query managers, cloud applications, etc..

Record Matching Over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases Project Documentation

Record Matching over Query Results from multiple web databases  project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a efficent method for querying data from database uisng UDD technique where duplicate searches from same database source will be possible. In order to implement this method we use two cooperating classifiers and a weighted component and SVM classifiers to find out duplicate searches.

In data integration process record matching is a important factor. In most of the record matching methods users to provide with training data. But in the case of web based search query it is not possible so in order to solve this problem we implement a efficient method by implementing UDD technique.


download Record Matching over Query Results from multiple web databases  project pdf, documentation and ppt with 2010 base paper.

Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems Project

The main aim of this Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems Google android project is to provide decision management system support for traffic & transport management strategies to control traffic. This final year engineering android application developed under mobile multiagent technology. This software system works with different layered methods 1) application method layer, platform method layer, unified source method layer, and fabric method layer.

Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images Project

The main aim of this Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images Google android project is to generate passwords for sessions in digital applications using images and different colors. Previous systems works on text based passwords but the problem is security so we have implemented this android application most efficiently. Draw- a-Secret method used for shoulder surfing. Pair-based Authentication technology and Hybrid Textual Authentication technology used to develop this software system for final year engineering students.

A Query Formulation Language for the data web

The main aim of this A Query Formulation Language for the data web Google android project is to find out structured data. MashQL used in this software application mainly Query Formulation Language has been done on two types of editor’s online mashup editor, and a Firefox add-on. By using this android application we can provide more efficient interaction between the users. This application has search text box top of the screen and provides search query results.

Provisioning Of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in Wdmmesh Networks Project

Provisioning of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in WDMMesh Networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about understanding problems caused due to bandwidth allocation for improving new services by telecommunication networks to provide new services like IPTV gird computing …etc which need accurate and consistent bandwidth.

This can be solved by implementing wave length division multiplexing which works on optical networks. This technology uses optical cross connections and protocols like ASON/GMPLS which are used for controlling automatic and dynamic provision of light paths.

In order to handle these new technologies with  consistent bandwidth and quality of service dynamic switching circuits are used which are suitable to these conditions.


download Provisioning of Deadline-Driven Requests with Flexible Transmission Rates in WDMMesh Networks project 2010 base paper, project abstract and project report.

Performance Evaluation of Video Streaming Over Multi Hop Wireless Local Area Networks Project

Performance evaluation of video streaming over multi hop wireless local area networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about implementing Markov-chain model for improving quality of video streaming in wireless multi hop network. In present scenario IPTV works on IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards which provide wireless video streaming but this model does not provide achievable throughput because of factors like limited attenuation and interference.

After implementing this model we test throughput based on network simulation on both upper layer and lower layer simulation modules. This results shows that new two dimensional Markov-chain model performances is better that available model. For more analysis of this system we use H.264 based video streaming simulation with application layer performance metrics.

download Performance evaluation of video streaming over multi hop wireless local area networks project  2010 cse base paper, project report and project abstract

Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing With Intra-Session Network Coding For Mesh Networks Project

Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing With Intra-Session Network Coding for Mesh Networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about improving performance of multi path routing in mesh network by using network coding techniques, this system deals with number of packets in system compare to specific packets.

In this project we compare both single path and multipath routing methods using simulator which shows multipath routing method outperform single path routing.

Improving performance in wireless channel can be possible because of it unique features like broadcasting nature which can provide opportunistic transmission as suggested.

download Toward Practical Opportunistic Routing with Intra-Session Network Coding for Mesh Networks project 2010 base paper and project report and project abstract