Web Alerts .Net Project

Project Title:  Web Alerts .Net Project.

Project Objective: The main objective of this Web Alerts .Net Project is used to know how we create our own web alert regarding any information in the web browser that will help to reduce the browsing effort.                  

Environment:  .Net Technologies, MS SQL 2005

Developer Role:  Code and Implementation by using VB.NET, C#.NET language and .NET 3.5 Development kit

Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing Against Selfish

Project Title:    Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing Against Selfish

 Project Description: This Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing Against Selfish project is mainly designed and developed to obtain efficient network for a typical software development organization in order to perform their transactional activities like sharing confidential issues among the different organization, etc. 

Without data loss and also provides that data be transferred within a very less span of time by our efficient routing system.

The goal of the engineering computer science student project is to provide the smooth flow of data in multicast communication.

Download Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing Against Selfish Project Report

ICOMITRAX .Net Project Report

ICOMITRAX project is implemented as final year project in .Net platform and java HTML, XML is used for web designing.

This projects main idea is to implement a software application for income tax department to organize their data more efficiently.

This application is implemented in different modules where each module is designed with different features.

The iCOMITRAX system has the following modules:

  • Dealer information system
  • Tax accounting system
  • Law and judicial system
  • Industrial exemptions
  • Check-post monitoring and management

Application for College

Project Title:  Application for College.

Technologies:  ASP.Net, C#.Net, Visual Studio 2008, HTML, DHTML, Java Script. ADO.Net

Back End Database:  MYSQL Server 2005.

Project Description:  

The ultimate aim of the Application for College project is to maintain the applications for colleges In order to take the admission in college through online as well as during the Examinations student’s can download the hall ticket in order to attend the exams.

This final year ASP.Net & C# computer science  Application for College project contains 3 Modules i.e… Admission Form module, Admin module, Hall ticket generation module.

Integrated Competency Assessment Tool

Project Title: ICAT (Integrated Competency Assessment Tool)

Software Technologies: ASP.Net, C#, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript

Back End Database: MYSQL Server 2005.

Project Description:

The ultimate aim of the Final Year ASP.Net project is to maintain the company recruitment’s. This Integrated Competency Assessment Tool project contains 3 modules namely survey module, skill Refinement module and Resource Management module. In survey Module will be maintaining all the details of the employees list, resume upload and download, happenings etc. Skill refinement will be having online exam. Resource Management will be retrieving the recruiters result based on their skill, experience and score that they can view their Email id, mobile number and name etc. MYSQL Open Source database server can be used for storing assessment details.

Courier Management System

Project Title: Courier Management System

Developer Role: Team member as a Programmer

Project Technology: ASP.NET with C#, SQL Server 2005

Project Description: Courier Management System is an Intranet based web Application.

The main objective of this final year project is to help the courier company to maintain its information system along with multiple branches.

This application has mainly 2 modules 1) admin 2) users.

Download Courier Management System project report.

Medical Search Engine or Imed Project

Medical search engine or IMed projects the main idea is to implement a dedicated search engine with medical information for users and students in the medical field who can easily get information related to medicines and research works and updated medical improvements happening all over the world.

In this search engine, we use different search engine techniques like questionnaire based query interface guide which will guide users who are poor in medical knowledge with accurate information they are searching for.

The second improvement in this application is keyword ideas for related searched queries. The third improvement of this system is results are provided in hierarchy manner.

This application is implemented in ASP.Net with C#.Net programming language.

download Medical Search engine projects documentation.

Explore India Website Mini Project Abstract

Explore India Website that provides actual, realistic and descriptive information about the  tourist places all over India . This application is implemented in .Net and HTML. This website is provided with tourism places and online hotel booking and selecting tour packages for people who are interested in travelling. Away from tourism information this website consists of literature, ancient scripts for free download.

This website provides user login options where every user can create own pages and upload and information related to India and discuss on different topics this is done through forum pages.

Face Detection Using Neural Networks

Project Description: This Face Detection Using Neural Networks software is to identify human faces on the supplied image and to create artificial neurons and neural network to identify the face patterns present on the image. 

Face patterns identified by this software may even be extracted and given to the face recognition system. This Face Detection project was well developed with .Net Technologies.

Environment: Asp.net (c#.net)

Download Face Detection Using Neural Networks reference documents.

Training Tracker Web Portal Project Abstract

Training  tracker projects main idea is to implement a online portal for  organization through which users can manage and control information related to training and information of employees at one place. In order to provide a integrated software application which will cover information of employees in single software application. Using this application in any organization can save time and reduce cost of human resource.

This application covers different functionalities like user registration, work flow and self service training programs.  Using this system clients can be connected to employees directly and communicate with them for training services any where from the world.

In this system admin will look after the arrangement for fixing time between trainers, employees and clients. This information is only available for trainers and delegates. Security is maintained between client and organization.