Distributed Channel Management System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Name of the Project: Distributed Channel Management System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Software Tools: ASP.Net, SQL Server, HTML, Visual Studio 2008, VB.Net.

The main objective of developing this Distributed Channel Management System is to provide efficient interaction between Dealers and management. This software application has implemented on Visual studio 2008 with ASP.Net, and VB.Net Coding using SQL Server 2005 database. The main purpose of this project is to create distribute channel in corporate offices. The advantages included in this project are automating communication, provide company products, etc. The previous system has lots of problems like time consuming process, lots of manual work needed. To develop this project we should provide at least 50GB hard Disk space, Windows XP Professional, 2 GB RAM. The main modules included in this system are Company administrator module, dealer’s module, client’s module where clients can buy different products from the company website; dealers can be the mediators and provide intermediate services to company management and clients.

The output screen contains Administrator module, client’s module, dealer module, sales employee module, products module, dealer details module. Where admin can login with his credentials and he can add all company products, he can delete the product, modify the product information, and delete/modify branches.

Download this Distributed Channel Management System Project Abstract, full documentation with source code, Paper Presentation, How to install project, database Files, Video File for how to execute.

Minimizing File Downloading Time In Peer To Peer Networks Source code

The main objective of developing this Minimizing File Downloading Time In Peer To Peer Networks Final year project is to reduce the downloading time and can provide the option for parallel file downloading using the distributed algorithm.

The developed Microsoft Visual C#.Net final software application works with Random time-based switching and random chunk based switching.

Here we are using parallel processing the advantage of this method is to reduce the file size and increase the efficiency in P2P networks.

This Project was developed under the base paper and used software specifications are asp.net, SQL server and visual studio 2010.

Implementation of Web Services

Project Title: Implementation of Web Services

Project Abstract:  The purpose of developing final year Implementation of Web Services project is to provide reliability standards of the web services and these services can be provided by the OASIS TC. Here we have developed a online web shopping cart to implement these web services, In this .Net based web application all users can login into shopping cart website and send their product requests to the admin, if any duplicate data provided this service can send message to the user and admin. This project works from starting of the user login in to the website to buying and log out from the website. This project database stored in MySQL open source server.

Intranet Messaging System Asp.Net Project Source Code

Intranet messaging application is implemented in asp.net project. This application is useful inside organizations where communication between employees is important and regular sharing of information like documents or files between users. 

Employees can communicate with other employees by chatting, sending files, receiving messages and search for users and add contacts to address book.

In an existing system for communicating between employees in the same office is carried out through phone or meeting them which is only limited. We cant send attached files. 

Using this system there is no need to call just by pinging to other user and attach file and send to them which is a time-saving process.

download intranet messaging system asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Intranet Library Management Asp.Net Project Source Code

Intranet library management system is implemented in asp.net platform. Using this software application in the college library or government library and private library can automate the process of work. 

Features available for this projects are finding books using author name or book title, issuing books to members and updating information to the database, updating information when the book is returned, generating issue reports, Displaying books issues history and displaying members issues history.

Coding is implemented using C# language and SQL is the server used in this project. 

By implementing this project students can gain knowledge on layer architecture with presentation layer and data access layer.

Intranet library management asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Intranet and Internet Group Asp.Net Project Source Code

Intranet and Internet groups project is implemented in asp.net project.This project is useful for users to share information and links with other users inside the organization and also on the web.

Users can join in groups like yahoo groups and post questions on dough-ts and get answers from users who are in a group.

Features available in this application are creating and modifying groups, listing out messages, post new messages, display new messages, upload and downloading files.

Users need to register with the application and then share information like documents, pdf files, audio files..etc by uploading into a folder. These files can be available to the public so other users download files.

You can download entire project source code and step by step procedure guide for executing this project.

download intranet and internet group asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Intranet Banking Asp.Net Project Source Code

 Intranet Banking System Using ASP.Net Project Description:

Intranet banking project is implemented in asp.net platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a software application for banks to manage works between different departments though a software application.

Using this application bank employees can communicate with another employee by sending messages or transferring files and save time and money and complete work in less time.

In existing system communication between employees and transferring file from one department to other is done by persons. With this system, manual work will be reduced.

Here you can download entire project code for intranet banking and step by step procedure for executing the project.

download Intranet banking asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Internet Banking Asp.Net Project Source Code

Internet banking project is implemented in asp.net platform. This project is helpful to students as a mini project for understanding basics of the online banking system.

This application is included with features which are available in most of the banking sites but with basic features.

Initially users need to register with the application at the branch where he is having an account. Implementing this application can help students to improve knowledge on ADO.Net and linking to a database.

Main features for banking site are basic transaction information, funds transferring features, transaction details and more.

You can download entire project source code and execution procedure.

download internet banking  asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Renting Asp.Net Project Source Code

House renting project is implemented in asp.net platform. You can download entire project source code and project execution procedure. 

This project is useful for house brooking services where they can communicate with clients and store information and contact them when there is vacancy of rooms.

This application consists of adding houses, areas of houses, areas maintenance, list of houses, look of houses, modify houses, sending mails to customers and validation of house id.

This is a web application which can be accessed from any location. Users need to register with the application and select area they are looking for and add details.

download house renting asp.net project source code and project abstract.

Hotel Automation System Asp.Net Project Source Code

 CSE Mini Project: Hotel Automation system description: 

Hotel automation system is implemented in asp.net platform. This project is useful in side hotel to manage customer details and room allotments, chek in and check out timings, payments, room inquiry, room info, rooms reports, room types, search customers and services information.

Details of every customer are updated to database when customer requests for room in a hotel.

This application will help hotel management team to organize customer information more efficiently and provide better customer service for customers.

This application also helps hotel management to anlayze hotel income and when rooms are vacant and filled. This will help them to improve there service.

download hotel automation system asp.net project source code and step by step project execution.