IOT Solution for Vehicle Maintenance and Report Generation System


  • Many automotive manufacturers are now moving towards an IoT platform for manufacturing and for service purposes.
  • The main advantages of using IoT in cars are Optimized maintenance and logistics.
  • Our idea is to monitor vehicle status (fuel, efficiency/Km, battery, oil levels, etc..,.) to the customer as well as the manufacturer.


  • The main aim of every car manufacturer is to increase the life of the car and it’s crucial to maintain the car in a good condition to achieve it.
  • Many problems in vehicles arise due to improper maintenance. Many lose track of their service status and it’s a tiring process to keep in touch with every customer in a large automotive industry.
  • If we maintain a system, that automatically updates the vehicle’s conditions periodically to a specified server, and the system will generate a report, that will be forwarded to the customer and the service team, a lot of manual work will be removed.
  • We as a team provide an IoT solution for vehicle maintenance and report generation system.


  • Our Vehicle Maintenance and Report Generation system collects data from the sensors available in the car itself and reports it to a transceiver module(ESP8266) which is connected to a database in the cloud.
  • when new data is updated/inserted into the table an event is triggered. This event updates the information in the dashboard, which will be displayed to the customer and manufacturer.
  • Then a weekly/monthly/yearly report generation event is triggered, which will mail the report to the specified recipient.


Data collection:

The data is collected from the sensor stream of the car. This data is redirected to the ESP8266 module. The ESP8266 is connected to the server, that is allotted to the car. The ESP8266, when all data is collected, converts it into a JSON file. Then the server sends a post request to the server.

Event trigger:

Many database servers provide pl/SQL-based triggers. Here an Update and Insert trigger is created for the table. Oracle server provides a wide range of PL/SQL functions. The IP of ESP8266 is connected to the oracle server, which on periodic updates in the table triggers an event.


The dashboard is created using HTML and CSS and deployed in the cloud using the NODE JS framework.



ESP8266 CP2101 module(CAR)
ESP8266 CP2101 module(HOME)

Programming Language:

Javascript (Node JS)
C++(Arduino .ino)


The Vehicle Maintenance and Report Generation System dashboard are developed using This website provides dashboard development for MQTT-based devices

University Leave and Outing Pass Automated System Application

Purpose of the Project:

This Project is a leave/outing pass automated system designed for Educational Universities. This system is an end-to-end module that enables a user (Student) to raise a request and an admin (Mentor) to approve/decline it. This is a robust system where Parent Verification, In-Out Time recording, and Data Security have been taken care of. This Project is built to be a secure, flexible, unique, transparent, and user-friendly environment that aims to digitize the whole process thus removing fake paper trails.

Feasibility Study:

The project has been undertaken after the feasibility study, which paves the way for deployment, and phase development.

Scope of the Project:

The scope of the Automated System is designed to run on the University server and to allow students to raise requests for their leave, trace the request status, and modify them. On the Mentor Dashboard, the software also allows the Mentor/ Mentor Coordinator to view requests, and approve/decline requests. Whereas on the Hostel Dashboard, the Warden/ Deputy Warden and Hostel Supervisors will be able to view and grant leave passes to the students.

This Automated System will provide ease to all the actors – students, mentors, hostel authorities, and security services in regard to leaving/outpassing sanctions and will ultimately eliminate the paperwork.

Overall Product Description:

Product Perspective:

It will provide a way in which existing paper-based work can be supplemented with the end-to-end robust leave management system. The system can be used independently of the platform and device, be it on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Product Functionality:

The server will be responsible for storing each request generated, generating one-time passwords, generating QR Codes E-Pass for authorized requests, receiving and authenticating requests, generating statistics at the needs of each audit, and maintaining and verifying security and user privacy. This server can also potentially contact all authorized students by email to give them username information, passwords, server address, OTP code, updates to the users from the Mentors/ Hostel Services, etc.

Process Flow – Student:

  • depicts how the student raises the request and the activity which is continued after the review from the mentor.
  • depicts how the Mentor/Warden/Supervisor approves/declines the requests.
  • depicts how the Security guard can verify the leave request the student displays.

Upper Classes and Characteristics:

It is anticipated that three types of users will use the Licensed Software defined in this SRS.

  1. IT staff/ Software Development Cells are expected to deploy and configure the System using the defined system interfaces. This will include running the whole system and maintaining software after the handover and deployment of the project.
  2. The second type of user of the Hostel Warden/ Deputy Wardens / Hostel Supervisors and Managers is expected to understand and use correctly the software interfaces defined with the appropriate design documentation.
  3. Finally, it is expected that any student accorded with Hostel Services within the domain of Vellore Institute of Technology may access all of the leave request information such that the request is independently verifiable. This will include a web application presented using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to allow a user to raise their request that has been registered under review including the previous requests history.

Working Environment:

The Automated System software is directly made as a web application, so the computer hosting must be capable of running HTML and should have internet. The system will be uploaded to the University server, in order to make it accessible for all the students, faculty mentors, and wardens.

Design and Implementation Constraints:

The Application provides an end-to-end leave management system that copes with malicious attacks provided certain constraints are met. Principally, all necessary steps should be taken to protect the System from unguarded attacks by using physical, network, storage, and user security protection. These safeguards should be penetration tested by the SDC to ensure viability.

User Documentation:

The users are the students or faculty/staff of the university who are authorized by SDC, they will be able to raise/ view/ approve/ disapprove requests on the server. The application client will be available free of charge, and any purchase of the server software will be authorized to distribute it to their users.

Assumptions and Dependencies:

 This software in its initial phases of development depends on a few third-party commercial applications or any assumption. Student Development Team will take care of all the assumptions and dependencies. It will be the responsibility of SDC to purchase/ develop the dependency as per the University IT norms.

System Features:


This is used to login and maintain security by authenticating the users

1. Should accept the user name password
2. A case-insensitive comparison is done for a user name and a case-sensitive comparison is done for a password
3. If the correct user id and password are supplied then, Main Menu should be displayed
4. If an invalid user id or password is entered then the system should display the error message “Invalid ID or password” and should quit the application.
5. Username – Students – Registration Id Faculty – Employee Id Staff – Employee Id
6. VTop Login Credentials can be used in the further enhancements

Mentor’s Portal:

This feature allows mentors to work out the leave/vacation requests.

1. Can approve a request.
2. Can decline a request.
3. Can edit the request.
4. Can verify the request.

Warden’s Portal:

This feature allows the warden to authenticate the requests

1. Is able to view all requests for outpass.
2. Can reconsider requests

Hostel Supervisor’s Portal:

This feature allows supervisors to issue outpasses to the students

1. Can issue outpasses to students.
2. Can deny the issue of an outpass.
3. Can send a request for reconsideration to the warden.

Student Portal:

This feature will allow students to raise a request for an outing/extended outing/leave.

1. Can raise requests of respective categories.
2. Would receive a system-generated outpass

External Interface Requirement:

User Interfaces:

Login Interface – The login interface consists of the student username and password fields, Students can log in with the same VTop Credentials.

The login interface for the faculty and staff consists of the faculty/ staff employee id and password. Their credentials will also be the same as those of VTop.

Hardware Interfaces – Hardware requirements include a laptop or a desktop or a smartphone with proper connectivity to access the system. Other than above mentioned, no hardware is required.

Software Interfaces – The software is based on an application interface. The Application will interact with the University Server with regard to user verification and information retrieval.

Operating System


Programming Language

HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript


Visual Studio Code



Hosting Base

Amazon Web Services

Communication Interfaces – This software would be functional on an ethernet connection or a wireless connection.

Cost Calculation:


For any software project under development, it is indispensable to know how much it will cost to develop and how much development time will it take. The project scope must be established in advance and software metrics are used as a support from which evaluation is made. The project is broken into small PCs which are estimated individually. Several estimation procedures have been developed to monitor the project’s progress, so developers and product managers can assess whether the project is progressing according to the procedure and take corrective actions, if necessary.


Static, multivariable models depend on several variables describing various aspects of the software development environment. In some models, several variables are needed to describe the software development process, and the selected equation combines these variables to give an estimate of time and cost.

WALSTON and FELIX developed the models at IBM to provide equations to give a relationship between lines of source code with effort and duration of development.

For our software project, the lines of code (LOC) sum up to 5223, which becomes 5.223 KLOC.

So, according to the WALSTON-FELIX model, we need to hire 24 engineers per month and require 7 and half months to develop our project.

Book Reading Event System MVC App Using ASP.Net SQL & Bootstrap

This Book Reading Event App is a combination of tools and processes that manage book-reading events across India. A book reading event where book lovers come together for a community reading of their favorite book. One or more readers read the book loudly and optionally people even play roles from the book.


A book reading event app is an online web application that is a single-point entry for all book lovers across India. Any registered and verified user who wants to keep a book reading event can create an event, invite people they know by specifying their email ids, or can keep the event open for all. The invited people need not be registered users. Due to some problem, if someone is not able to create an event, s/he can ask some other registered user to keep an event on their behalf of her/him. The registered user can check for the public events happening by just browsing into to portal and for private events, one can check the invited list of events by logging into the portal as well as by checking their invitation mail. Admin can see all the events (whether it is public or private) and all the registered users. As per the requirement, the admin can Edit as well as Delete any future public or private event details.


The objective of this Book Reading Event System Project was to manage all the book reading events properties created by one user and send an invitation to the guests by entering their email ids or by keeping an event public. Managing these resources may itself be sufficient enough to give any user a big jump in terms of efficiency. The objective was to build a web application for people that makes use of it to manage their hectic schedule and make the best use of it in a smooth and efficient manner.


The project will manage the intellectual property by creating a database of all the users and events, helping users to create an event, edit the event details, delete an event, add comment(s) on the event, invite the guest(s) for the event and to see any book reading event details happening around. Admin simultaneously verifies details of events as well as users. Admin can also edit and delete the event whenever required. Book Reading Event App has two types of users: Registered users, and Admin users.

Registered users are the normal user of the application who has the following rights:

  • View Past and Upcoming Public events
  • Log in to the system using “Email id” and “Password”
  • Create an Event and send the invites by specifying email ids
  • Edit the events created by him/her
  • View the events invitation list along with the details
  • View the list of events created by him/her
  • Add Comments to the Event

Admin Users have all rights throughout the application as follows:

  • View Past and Upcoming Public events
  • Log in to the system using “Email id” and “Password”
  • Create an Event and send the invites by specifying email ids
  • Edit any upcoming event’s detail
  • View the events invitation list along with the details
  • View the list of events created by him/her
  • Add Comments to the Event
  • View list of all the users
  • View a list of all the events


The following technologies were used for building this project:

  • Frontend – Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • Backend – ASP.NET (Active Server Page) Model View Controller (MVC)
  • Database – Structured Query Language (SQL) Server
  • Framework – Entity framework is used to connect to the database which helps in object-relational mapping

This project is built in an MVC pattern where M is the model which determines the classes, V is a view that determines views shown to the user and C stands for the controller which is used to handle the request. This project follows three layered architecture. The first layer is the presentation layer which includes views, and the second layer is the business layer which includes the services which work as a mediator between the presentation and data access layer. And the third layer is the data access layer which directly interacts with the SQL server database using entity framework and code first approach.


Graphical User Interface (GUI) – The website contains many links and tabs for various requirements like Create Event, Edit Event, View Invitations, etc. The users of the application consist of users from India. It will lay stress on each

page’s layout and the features to be depicted on that page.


This is the first landing page. Any user can see the Public Book Reading Events without logging into the system by using the Past Events and Upcoming Events links. The past Events link redirects to the Past Public Events and the Upcoming Events link redirects to the Upcoming Public Events along with their details.


This page is landing by clicking on Past Events on the home page. Any user can land on this page without logging into the system. But one cannot add comments without logging into the system. Users can see the list of Past Public Events along with the details of each event. The working of Upcoming Events on the home page is the same.

A registered user or admin can log in using their credentials.
Depending on the type of user, s/he will have access to various functionalities of the application. In case the email id and password typed by the user do not match any record in the database, a login failure message will be displayed. If not registered already, a user can sign up by clicking on “Signup”.


A user can register using their credentials. After successful registration user will be redirected to the login page. In case of failing the validation requirements of email id or password, a failure message will be displayed. If registered already, a user can log in by clicking on “Login”.


This is the landing page after the user logs in to the system. PAST EVENTS redirect to the page containing the list of past events which either the user invited, or was a public event. UPCOMING EVENTS redirects to the page containing the list of upcoming events to which either the user is invited, or it is a public event.

Navigation bar: Contains the button for CREATE EVENT, MY EVENTS, INVITATIONS, HELP, USER DETAIL and
LOGOUT functionalities.

Only user with Administrator rights has some additional button for some additional functionalities available in the navigation bar are ALL USERS and ALL EVENTS button.


Users can create a new event. The user just needs to enter some necessary details like Title, Date, Location, Time, Type of event, and some other optional details like Description, and Other Details. Users can invite guests to the event by entering their email ids separated by a comma. Users must provide the creator id for whom they are creating the event. If the user wants to create an event for himself/herself only, then he/she can check the creator id by clicking on DEAR – XXXXX. If the user is creating an event for someone else, then the admin will verify the details with whose creator id has been entered. If the BACK TO LIST button is clicked, the user will be redirected to the HOME PAGE.


Users can see the complete list of events created using their own creator id. From here user can Edit/Delete his/her any upcoming event by clicking on the Edit/Delete button. Users can also create events by the button provided just under the tile MY EVENTS.

COMMENT. And can also see the comments posted by others in the COMMENTS section. The comments in the COMMENTS section are shown anonymously sorted by date and time.


Users can edit the details of any upcoming events from the list of events provided on the MY EVENTS page. Users can edit any of the details provided in create event form except the creator id. The layout of the page is exactly the same as CREATE EVENT page. Users can return to the MY EVENTS page using the BACK button.


Users can see the complete list of events to he/she is invited. The list of events being shown is sorted by the date and time of the event. As this page proved to be much helpful to users in order to plan their future activities. By clicking on the DETAILS button, the user will be redirected to the EVENT DETAILS page. On the EVENT DETAILS page, users will find some additional information regarding the events such as the type of event(public/private), the number of invitees invited, and the creator of the event.


Users can see all the available information regarding the event he/she invited to by clicking on the Details button available on the INVITATIONS page. Here one can find some additional information such as the type of event(public/private), the number of invitees invited, and the creator of the event. Users can also add comments for this particular event by clicking on ADD


Users can check his/her own details by clicking on the DEAR – XXXXX button. One needs to check their user id for creating their event, so here they can find it out. Here the button name is extracted from the email id by which the user has login into the system. As it is clearly visible from the image, if someone logged into the system with then the name before @ is shown after the Dear – button like “Dear – XXXX”. The name visible in the button is the extracted from user’s email id leaving the part from @ symbol.


Only users with administrator rights can access this page. This page can be accessed by clicking on the button ALL USERS available in the navigation bar. On this page, the admin user can see the whole list of users who may or may not be an admin. Admin can see each user’s name, id, and email id.


Only users with administrator rights can access this page. This page can be accessed by clicking on the button ALL EVENTS available in the navigation bar. On this page, the admin user can see the complete list of events. The list contains both public as well private events. The list contains both past and upcoming events. The events in the list are sorted by date and time. Admin can use create event functionality here also by clicking on CREATE NEW EVENT button.

Admin can see details like Title, Date, Location, Start Time, Type of Event, Duration, Description, Other Details, No. of Invitees invited, and Creator id of all the events. For some specific requirements, the admin can see the details for a particular event by clicking on the DETAILS button available in that event’s particular row which will be redirected to the EVENT DETAILS PAGE as shown before. Admin can not only edit the events created by him/her but also edit events created by other users/admins. Admin can edit any upcoming event by clicking on the EDIT button for that particular event which will redirect to the EDIT EVENT page. Admin can also edit the creator id for the event.

After being done with the usage of the portal, the user/admin can log out from the system by clicking on the LOGOUT button available in the navigation bar. After clicking on the LOGOUT button, the user will be redirected to the HOME PAGE. Users can again use the system any number of times by logging into the system using the same credentials used for the first time.


This Book Reading Event system is a user-friendly software that can be used in any locality for any user to arrange the event and to send an invite to guests just by entering their email ids. Due to some problem, if someone might not be able to create an event and send an invite or somebody might not have email ids available for all the guests, in this case, the book reading event app provides functionality to a user to create an event on behalf of someone else and it will be verified by an admin before sending an invitation to the guests and posting that event on the portal.

Allowing all the users to have access to such web-based application software can help anyone who wants to keep an event busy with the preparation of the event can easily send invitations to the guests and save his/her time. Further, this software can be developed to add more functionalities in the future, like setting a reminder for the events and notifying the user time by time, and setting a flag for the events one is interested in. This project can be further extended to keep any event (i.e., House-Party, Get to Gather) and not just only for book reading. The sheer possibility of scaling this application is immense and will definitely go to be proven the most useful software in the future times.

Online Food Ordering System Project Synopsis using PHP

About the Project:

The reason behind Online Food Ordering System is that there is a lot of information to be maintained and has to be kept in mind while running the business. For the reason we have provided the features present system is partially automated actually the existing system is laborious as one has to enter the same information at three different places.


The records were never used to be lots of difficulties in associating any particular transaction with the particular context.
If any information was found to be it was required to go through the different registers, document there would never exist anything like report generation. With the help of this system, people can easily order food. It can also ensure that. People don’t waste their precious time and use their time productively in other works.
This system proves to be more effective and reliable than other traditional systems. however one needs to take care of small parameters like server breakdown while this system is implemented.

Basic Structure:

Technology Used:

a) Hardware:

  • 1 TB storage
  • 8 GB RAM desktop

b) Software:

  • Notepad++ (for code)
  • Web browser
  • Operating System (Windows, Linux)

c) Language Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Choice of programming language:-

So many programming languages were put into consideration in the cause of designing this software. A lot of factors were also considered which include online database access, data transmission via networks, online database retrieval, online data capture, multi-user network access database security, etc.


Take Away Ordering. Takeaway ordering is a win-win solution for restaurant owners and customers.

  • Pre-Orders
  • Catering Orders
  • Scan & Order
  • Unique Webpage
  • Social Media Sharing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Combo Deals

Available Applications

  • Foodpanda
  • Zomato
  • Faasos
  • Deliveroo
  • Dunzo
  • Grubhub
  • Swiggy
  • User Interface


  • Makes the ordering process easier
  • Efficient customer ordering management
  • No-cost marketing.
  • Better customer data
  • The convenience of mobile ordering
  • Greater reach


  • Deliverymen put themselves in danger
  • Disguised increased expense
  • Juggling with your health
  • Unsuccessful payment resulting in delayed food delivery


Basically, the users targeted:

  • There will be a lesser requirement for staff at the back counter.
  • The system will help in the reduction of labor costs involved and also reduce the space required to set up a place like a cafeteria in restricted areas.
  • As it is an automated system is less probable to make any mistakes.
  • The customers can avoid the long queue a the counter, with a reasonable speed of execution and maximum throughput.


The simulation first starts with the customer entering his/her credentials(name, ID, and password). Once that has been verified the customer can place an order specifying the quantity of ordering food requirement. Now we get a window that displays the order number, customer ID, price, food name, and quantity. Once the customer finalizes his/her order they are redirected to the payment window where the total price is displayed and the customer can choose the payment option. The customer will get the confirmation message.

The above-mentioned simulation will flow with respect to the customer’s overview. Now if you are an admin you can select the normal login option and can enter the admin portal. Once you enter the admin portal you can add or reduce the food or update food or their price. Once the selected option is carried out to the end result that added item list will be displayed and if you have deleted the food the particular food will disappear.


The online food ordering system is developed so that customers can order food and avoid the hassles of waiting for the order taken by the waiter. Using the application, the end user registers online and reads the E-menu card to order food online. Once the customers select the required food item the chef will be able to see the results on the screen and start processing the food. This application nullifies the need for a waiter or reduces the workload of the waiter.
The advantage is that the in a crowded restaurant there will be chances that the waiters are overloaded with orders and are unable to meet the requirement of customers at a time. Therefore by using this application users can directly order their food online.

Full Stack Project on Restaurant Selection based on Reviews and Ratings

This Website ultimately relies on its users to post reviews, which can be rather subjective and not entirely accurate. Moreover, negative and inflammatory reviews tend to attract significantly more attention than positive reviews. For example, if a restaurant gets 10 positive reviews and just 1 negative review, most people will often scroll down to the negative review and read what it says. This means that even a single bad review can put a business in a bad light. This can pollute their online presence and potentially cause some loss in revenue.

Brief about the Project:

So, the project is titled Review-based Restaurant Selection, where this website will deal with the top-rated and best-reviewed Restaurants present in Mathura.

So, with the help of this website, potential customers weed out their choices of restaurants in Mathura.


“Review based Restaurant Selection” is the way of giving/providing information related to the best-rated Restaurant in Mathura, because Online review sites have transformed the way we do business and the way your customers make decisions.

 Modules used in the project: 

Detailed Description of Pages

Home Page The home screen consists of a screen where one can browse through the page for getting information about the usefulness of the web page

Home Page

Top 6 Restaurant Page: The screen consists of a screen where one can browse through the top 6 best-Rated Restaurants present in Mathura.

Write Your Review: The user can also Write a Review of any stuff for any Restaurant Present in Mathura Because public opinion matters

Products Page

Review of the Day: – Here on the Screen some Review Added by the user will be shown.

Review of the Day Page



  • Personal computer (any configuration)


  • Brackets source code editor

Technologies used:

  • Full Stack Technology –
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

Web Page Details

  1. Home Page
  2. About Us
  3. Top 6 Restaurants present in Mathura
  4. Write a Review
  5. People Reviewed

Future Aspects

  1. We can add a query box
  2. We can add the review of the newly opened Restaurant

We can add an SMS tool so that information about the Restaurant can be provided using SMS.

Travel and Tourism Analysis Data of Hotels using Big Data Hadoop

Name/Title of the Project

  • Travel and tourism analysis data of hotels using the Hadoop environment system.
  • Tourist Analysis Using Big Data (Tourist Place Recommendations Dataset)
  • Tourism Behaviour Analysis Using Hadoop (Big Data Analysis)

Problem Statement

Throughout the years the tourism industry was dependent on intermediaries, who enabled the interaction between the suppliers and the customers. The internet age changed the complexity of tourism distribution, enabling the entry of new virtual intermediaries characterized by a strong competitive advantage over other players in the sector.

Recommender systems are categorized into

1. Content-based system: With this, item recommendation is analyzed then it retrieves the information and filters this for research. For example, if the tourist goes to hill stations more often, then the database contains “hill station” as a recommendation

2. Collaborative filtering systems: They rely on similar factors of users or items. Preferences of different users for the same item are recommended by the system.

There are many challenges in designing and executing a Personalized Tourist Travel Package Recommendation System.

1. Usually Travel packages are location-based so they are pertained to space or time to reach the destination. For example, the package contains locations that are geographically near and also vary season-wise.
2. The older recommendation method is dependent upon rating and the travel data may not consist of this sort of rating.

Introduction/Feasibility Study

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, in 2008 travel and tourism were equivalent to 9.9% of the total world GDP. The tourism industry is growing despite all the risks faced in recent years: terrorism, health fears related to avian flu, and high oil prices. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) reports that in 2006 international tourism arrivals reached its record of 842 million: a 4.5% growth compared with the previous year ( This number even exceeded previous long-term forecasts. For the following years, the WTO predicts constant growth, reaching 1.6 billion international arrivals in 2020. According to the WTO, in the last four years, the biggest tourism arrival growth occurred in the Middle East, followed by Africa and Asia, and finally Europe, while a sharp decline has been observed in the Americas. Europe, however, still accounts for the biggest market share of international arrivals. Tourism has thus a great influence on the world economy and it is important for the European market to maintain its leadership position. This can only happen if the industry will keep up with the newest technology innovations and will be able to quickly adopt them. Internet is especially relevant for the tourism industry due to its worldwide coverage, enabling direct worldwide interaction with tourists

Below are the modules required to develop this project and create an application user form:

1. Administrator authentication/module: This module is mainly based on admin.
2. User Registration: This module covers the details about the registration of users they can be registered by themselves by adding data like name, password, email id, and further details.
3. Package Modules: Users can view different tour packages available for tourists.
4. Testimonials module: This is the module where passengers can post feedback after the journey and they can share their experience.
5. Payment & Search Module:
a. Pay payment through PayPal.
b. Pay payment through draft, credit & debit cards, UPI, and net banking.
c. Search city-wise hotels, flights, packages, buses, rails, and events.
6. Routes module; This will display the route information of the source location and destination location. Users can also check the best routes for their destination. From this module user can also get information related to various routes connecting sources and destinations, For each route, information such as source, destination, fare, reservation details, pick-up points, etc. are provided.
7. Reservations module: This module is for passengers/customers where passengers can reserve their seats by making payments.

Hardware & Software Used

Software Used:

1. HADOOP environment system that acts as a tool for analysis & recommendations to tourists.
2. Technology: Java
3. Web Technology: HTML, Javascript, and CSS.
4. Database used: MySQL5.0

Hardware Used:

1. A portable PC or a working laptop.
2. A minimum RAM of 8GB or 32 GB hard disk drive.
3. Intel Core-i5 Processor, 8th Generation(minimum)

With this project, I am developing a tourism management system first by creating a user login and password form with the help of java language and some of the python frameworks which will be used for developing the code and then, giving recommendations on famous tourist places to visit in a particular area or throughout our country(India) based on user’s search history on the system. It will be a simple static web application type system with not that much of looking feel.

Responsive Crypto Site System Full Stack Web Development Project


Website Design and learning Frontend and Backend designing were the main objectives of this internship. Develop a web-based application, there are several programming languages that can be used. For example, HTML3, HTML4, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, etc. For example- PHP, Java, etc. Nowadays there are also some frameworks that are used vastly. It is also called MVC. Solving real-life problems was a key issue. This report takes us through all the details of Watsonisite. Watsonisite is a Crypto site, that includes information about cryptocurrencies, the trends, the price, and the performance of the particular cryptocurrency.

Problem Statement

To develop a completely responsive Crypto site that includes information about different kinds of cryptocurrencies, the trends, the price, and the performance of the particular cryptocurrency. It also shows the ratings of each cryptocurrency and reviews from the users. It informs the user about the constant change in prices of different types of crypto. The usage of the concept of live value tracking of various cryptocurrencies means that the user can constantly stay up to date with the change in values by the minute and plan his investment accordingly. It provides an excellent means of connecting a new user to crypto and the trend with which its value goes up or down, giving him an idea about the crypto industry.

Existing System:

  • The last 5 years have seen a massive growth of cryptocurrencies in terms of the volume generated and the popularity of these currencies.
  • Due to the recent massive growth of crypto, the industry still hasn’t completely caught up with the demand of the market in terms of making a user-friendly, and fully functional informative website.
  • In terms of user retention on the website, an attractive graphical interface with pictures and information presented in a good, neat, readable format is essential in order to make the users feel content with the information given to them.
  • There is also a lack of consistently updating real-time prices on each of the cryptos, making most of the websites available today for crypto highly unreliable.

Proposed System:

  • The utilization of a concept such as dynamically updating the crypto values of each kind of currency at regular intervals helps the user track the market values for each kind of currency.
  • Even though the website is not designed to assist the user with his investment directly, it indirectly helps him or her with their investments by providing other useful services.
  • There is a feature implemented in the website consisting of a login page with the ability to  
  • log in with either your Google or Facebook account or any other email address in case the user does not have either of the two.
  • This provides a sense of privacy to the user and the ability to log in from anywhere and check the status of crypto at any point in time
  • The website also provides assistance and helps the users with a Cryptocurrency mining server, a Cryptocurrency trading bot, tracking cryptocurrency stats over time, etc.

The objective of the System

  • The website was designed aimed to overcome the shortcomings that the existing system possessed.
  • One of the major objectives of this designed system was to have a good-looking, properly functional, neatly organized, and descriptive website that aimed at providing the best informative service to its users.
  • We were able to achieve this by using simple, open-source software tools and utilizing them to the best of our abilities in order to design a product that would excite people to come back and visit, either for getting an idea about their next investment or to someone to get some basic knowledge about crypto and slowly getting their feet into the deep waters of crypto.



It was a new learning experience for me as I chose this project because I wanted to know how cryptocurrency websites work and what problems users were facing. So, I conducted user research to understand what pain points they had and empathize with them to understand exactly how they feel.


Once we performed a market analysis on the problems that the various users of crypto websites were facing, the next step in order to design a crypto website was to understand the outline and visualize what the final website would look like.
This helped we could get an idea as to what tools had to be used with the web design and we could update ourselves with those tools if and when necessary, in order to make the website as user-friendly and informative as possible.
We then had to make sure that the website that was made was compatible with both phones and laptops because the user who has no access to a laptop at the moment should also be able to access it conveniently.


  • MySQL
  • Notepad++ Editor
  • Processor: Intel core i5 processer
  • Memory: 6 GB
  • Hard Disk: 40 GB



Online Cafe and Salon Management System Angular Project

During the Internship, Students worked on various static websites which include websites of café and event management companies. My internship also includes work on the Angular project Salon management system. This management system includes my main contributions in the registration portal, login portal, password changing portal, membership and offer cards, and other registration and contacts forms. This summer internship provided me with team experience and helped me in developing my skills in Web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students have worked with the development of the front end and design of a Company’s Website and Dashboard.

Overall, the Internship program helped me in different ways to grow my knowledge in my field and also gave me insight into how to work in a team with proper coordination and in a timely manner.


Working on these Cafe and Salon Management System projects has given us a wide opportunity to think, implement and interact with various aspects of computer technologies as well as learn new skills. One of the most fruitful benefits of working on this project is that we got a proper experience of working as a team, working on our assigned tasks, supervising and correlating with others, and management of the entire team with their tasks and completing the whole project.

I would also like to express our sincere thanks to our HOD and Course Directors, because of them we got the opportunity of having this group project as a subject in our current semester, and as a result, provided us the seed of execution of such a wonderful idea into action.

Overview of Projects

  • The Salon is a salon management system that has functions like admin management, customer tracking, and product shopping from the web.
  • The Café is a static site that has been designed for the users to get acknowledgment about the café. It has functionalities like booking tables, ordering online food, and menu details.


  • The objective of the salon management system: The Salon is to keep track of its daily expenses, customer, manage staff, and Publicity of its salon.
  • Static website Cafe management system which is designed also has the main objective of reaching more and more people through the help of the internet and making their marketing more strategic in the market.

Tools and Technologies

When the idea of making a web-based application came to our mind, the first thing that was required to be done was to gather information about the things that were required to be learned by us in order to make this project come to life. Hence after some brainstorming and group discussions, we followed the following figure and according to that learned the things in order.

After conducting this brainstorming and learning the process the tools and technologies that we had to use were as follows:

For Salon:

  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • Stackoverflow (to learn about our software requirements)
  • GitHub (to learn about our topic)

For Static Website (The Cafe): 

  • Html
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap


  • Visual Studio Code

Roles and Responsibility

  • Contributed to the making of a few modules for the Salon which includes modules like registering customers, forgetting passwords, and reset
  • Also contributed to live project

Implementation Environment:

 The backbone and the main aspect of the software side of the project were to run the HTML code, perform the JavaScript and make the site more user-friendly by adding CSS. So the implementation was carried out in such a way that the correlation of different files would be done easily. Hence, the use of an IDE was a must. Initially, we thought of using IntelliJ IDEA but the idea was dropped later on and we began working with the visual studio code 2020.

Sometimes to organize we even had to use some text editors like sublime text, atom, etc. Implementation of the code was done altogether after we researched and sorted the image data that we obtained. The basic approach that we used was the partial compilation method and went on integrating the small amount of the code into larger ones, module by module.


 In the end, we would just like to briefly explain how this project helped us to excel at our own best level and made us learn a lot of new things, technologies, and team management. And also implement all of the skills that we previously acquired or learned later on as a part of the completion of the project. Moreover, this project helped us to learn about the real scenarios of working in a team for real tasks and to cope with deadlines, quality management, and each and every aspect of the project. This project gave us the motivation to think differently and express our own ideas to implement them. Also, it taught us how to deal with errors, quality-related, time-related, and other management-related problems.

Most importantly with the medium of this project, we learned Many new skills, ranging from soft skills to technical skills. Qualities related to management, problem-saving time saving, etc. were also learned by us. We tried to make an honest solution for people out there facing problems and learned how all the skills combined: with the help of a perfect team and proper management along with proper skills is the key to providing the solution to any possible problems out there. And we believe that we did a great job implementing all our knowledge, and are grateful to present this execution of one such idea.

Thanking all those who helped us in a big or a small way with this project. Every contribution that has been given is very valuable to us and is the true reason for this project to stand out as a pioneer-based preliminary project and success of this project. With that being notified we heartily present our project and welcome all suggestions or improvements with open hands.

Online Banking Website Project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

In this academic project, we are going to create an Online Banking Website using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We have planned and going to create as per the design given by the instructor. Which include:-

  • A home page that will provide all the necessary views. And it includes the link to the various linked pages (login/signup page, services, fixed deposit, e-services, account details, about us).
  • The top bars include the link to every single linked page.
  • We are going to provide services like Personal internet banking, Corporate banking, Merchant business, and Online tax.
  • Payment transfer: – International transfer, National transfer, Bill payment.
  • My Account page contains: – Account No. , Bank / Branch. IFSC Code.
  • ABOUT US page which shows the details of our contacts and our headquarters.2 Online Banking Websites


  • We have used the concept of HTML Programming like o Hyperlink projection.
  • Use of different tags to make it visually better like font, table, listing, hyperlink, styling, etc.

Use of:-

  • Combo Box
  • Search Box
  • Button
  • Text Field
  • Label
  • Fieldset
  • Legend

This project is basically an online banking website where one can create his/hers bank account, and use the same account for various banking services.
All designing and programming are done by us only.
All the members have their role in creating this website.


Project Name: Online Banking Website

Languages Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Software Used: Visual Studio Code

Browser Used:  Google Chrome


This project is not a pure website that works on the internet. This project is just a template of a bank website, which can be used with the backend to create a perfectly working website. This website is work fine with JavaScript, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), with some simple concepts to make it a Responsive Web Page.


This website is consist of various HTML pages, which are linked to each other with links (either by link or anchor tag).

Following are the HTML file names involved in the project:

  1. html (Home Page)
  2. html (Login Page)
  3. html (Sign Up Page)
  4. html (Personal Internet Banking)
  5. html (Corporate Banking)
  6. html (Merchant Business)
  7. html (Online Tax)
  8. html ( International Money Transfer
  9. html (National Money Transfer)
  10. html (Bill Payment)
  11. html (Fixed Deposit)
  12. html (E-Services)
  13. html (My Account)
  14. html (About Us)

Following are the CSS files name involved in this project: (Here, we used a simple convention in the naming of the files: “<html_file_name>CSS.css”

  1. css (Home Page)
  2. css (Login Page)
  3. css (Sign Up Page)
  4. css (Personal Internet Banking)
  5. css (Corporate Banking)
  6. css (Merchant Business)
  7. css (Online Tax)
  8. css ( International Money Transfer
  9. css (National Money Transfer)
  10. css (Bill Payment)
  11. css (About Us)
  12. css (My Account)
  13. css (Fixed Deposit)
  14. css (E-Services)

Following are the JavaScript file names involved in this project:

  1. js (Login Page)
  2. js (Sign Up Page)
  3. js (Personal Internet Banking)
  4. js (Fixed Deposit)
  5. js (Bill Payment)


As above mentioned, this template website is made up of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The concept used in HTML:

  1. Using the link to add an external CSS file to it.
  2. Using the “src” attribute with the “script” tag we link external JavaScript.
  3. Using the “div” tag to separate various parts of the webpage to give functionality and style separately.
  4. Using “h1” tags to give a heading.
  5. Using “img” tag to give images on the webpage.
  6. Using anchor (“a”) tags to link multiple HTML files to each other.
  7. Using “id” and “class” attributes with different tags to give them style and functionality accordingly.
  8. Using the “form” tag to use the form for the login and sign-up page.
  9. Using the “method” attribute’s value as “POST” to give the form data securely.
  10. Using “input” tags to make an input field for the users. (With its different types.)
  11. Using “onload”, “onclick”, “onblur”, “onchange” with its value to call the functions which are in the respective JavaScript files on loading the webpage, on clicking a button, on losing focus, and changing the state respectively.
  12. Using “label” tags to create labels for the input fields.
  13. Using “select” tags to create a drop-down menu or combo box in the form.
  14. Using “option” tags inside the “select” tag to give options in the drop-down menu.
  15. Using “button” tags to create a button for submitting and resetting the form.

The concept used in CSS:

  1. Using “#” and “.” to access elements with their id and class values respectively.
  2. Using some pseudo-classes to make a somewhat interactive web page. (Without using JS.)
  3. Using media queries to make the page responsive for some specific display ratios.
  4. Using “@import” for importing another CSS file to a specific file.

The concept used in JavaScript:

(In this project, JavaScript is used mainly for form validation and for interactive buttons.)

  1. Using Regular Expression (RegEx) for creating a pattern for email and password validations as they have a specific pattern in them.
  2. Using “window.location.replace()” to go to a specific location on calling it.
  3. And using other pre-defined functions to create our user-defined functions.


  • The idea of the project and its structure of it.
  • Creating all JavaScript files, to make our web pages interactive.
  • Final touch-up to the project.
  • Creating all CSS files, to make our web pages beautiful.
  • Creating all HTML files, to add content into it.


Here are some images of our project.

  • home.html
  • acc.html
  • login.html
  • signUp.html
  • billPay.html 


This online banking website project is completed in two scripting languages i.e. HTML and CSS, and JavaScript.

There is a total of 14 .html pages which are linked together to create a full website template for online banking.

In this project, all three developers work equally, with the same amount of effort.



Download the complete project on code, report of Online Banking Website Project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Library Management System Using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and MySQL


The Library Management System is an application to manage various tasks such as check out and check in of books, adding the borrowers, and fine management of the books.


1. Search Books based on keywords.
2. Select the book and checkout if available.
3. Check in the book.
4. Pay fines for books checked in after the due date.
5. Add borrowers.


To implement the system, various schemas were built which are described below:

1. Book
The book table contains the ISBN, title, and availability of the book. Here, ISBN acts as the primary key of the table.
2. Book Authors
The Book_Authors table contains the Author_id and ISBN number of the book written by the author. Here, Author_id and ISBN act as the primary key.
3. Authors
The Authors table contains the Author_id and name of the author. Here, Author_id is the primary key.
4. Borrower
The Borrower table contains the card_id, SSN, Name, Address, and phone number of the Borrower. Here, card_id is the primary key.
5. Book Loans
The Book_Loans table contains the Loan_id, ISBN, Card_Id, Date_out, Due_date, and Date_in of the book loans. Here, Loan_id is the primary key.
6. Fines
The Fines table contains the Loan_id and Fine_Amount of the book loans. Here, Loan_id is the primary key.

The application is built on MVC (Model View Control) Architecture.

Libraries and Software Used

Software Used: Wamp(Apache, MySQL, PHP)
Database: MySQL
Language: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL
Libraries: Bootstrap

User Manual

There are 4 navigation links on the index/home page. The following are the functionalities of each tab:

1. Search Books

The user can search books from the database by typing the keywords into the search box provided and clicking the search button. If the keyword matches the records in the database, the result is displayed in tabular format. On clicking the row of the table, the user can proceed to checkout if the book is available by providing the card id.

2. Check in Books

First, the user needs to search for the record by providing the keyword in the search box and clicking the search button. After the results are fetched, on selecting the required row, the user can check in the book.

3. Pay Fines

On clicking the refresh button, the user can see the total summed fines of the borrower based on their card id. On clicking the required row, the user can pay the fines.

4. Add Borrower

By filling out the form and clicking on submit button, the user can add a borrower to the database.

Download Library Management System Project Using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.