Multi File Upload Project Java Source Code

Multi file upload project Description:

Multi file upload project is useful for web site developers to upload more than one file to server at a same time. This application works as a plug-in for websites which is implemented in java platform. As we see in gmail and yahoo mail where we can attach multiple documents at a time similarly using this application we can upload many files to server. Multi file upload plug-in will save time and doesn’t effect performance of system.

Here we provide multi file upload project source file and other files for running application.

download multi file upload project source code in java.


Contact Management System Project Source Code In Java

Contact management system project Description:

Contact management system project is implemented in java platform. This project is useful for storing details like username, phone number, password, and email address. In present scenario most of the contacts are stored in cell phones and ipads..etc. But there are many cases where when mobile or ipad is lost most of the contacts are lost. This application will helpful in this condition for saving contacts with these details. Data is stored in database which can be easily retrieved.

Here we provide contact management system source code files, build files, test files, SQL file…etc.

download contact management system project source code in java.

Google Calendar Map And Api Project Source Code In Java

Google calendar map and api project Description:

Google calendar map and api project is implemented in java platform . Main aim of this project is to develop a calendar application similar to that of google calendar with same all the basic features. Developing this application as mini project will help students to understand basic functionality involved in developing calendar application and api and come across different tasks in java programming.

Here we provide google calendar map and api project source code in .war format.

download google calendar map and api project source code in java.

Facebook Chat Project Source Code In Java

Facebook chat application Description:

Facebook chat application is implemented in java platform. This application is client server based application which works as chatting application. Implementing this application can help students to gain knowledge on client server communication using socket programming. This application can be used as mini project for cse and it students.

Here we provide facebook chat project files for free download.

download facebook chat application source code in java.



Electronic Medical Record Manager Project Source Code In Java

Electronic medical record manager project Description:

Electronic medical record manager project is implemented in java platform. This project is useful for hospitals and medical shops for managing billing information and medicines information in a single software application. Every medical shop consists of different types of medicines finding them is always a risky job. Using this system medicines are updated to database while storing in shelfs. When the stock is over using this system we can find out the availability of medicines within seconds. This is a time saving method.

Here we provide electronic medical record management system project source code in .war format.

download electronic medical record management system project source code in java.

Defect Tracking System Project Source Code In Java

Defect tracking system project Description:

Defect tracking system project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to provide a software application for Software Company for updating daily project related issues in to this defect tracking system which works as intranet application. Users can view issues form different locations in company. Using this system project leader will check issues by date and allocate work to his team members. Data is stored in database so whenever old issues arise it is easy to look of the issue details within few minutes.

Here we provide defect tracking system project sql file, source code in .war format.

download defect tracking system project source code in java.

DB Application Project Source Code In Java

DB application Project Description:

DB application front end application is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a user friendly graphical user interface for performing basic database operations. GUI is designed with four buttons updating, adding, deleting and modify of database. Using these buttons we can directly operate database by entering name of the database.

This application can be implemented as mini project for cse and it students for understanding basics of database front end.

Here you can download db application source file, build file, test files …etc.

download DB application front end application source code in java.



Chat Server Project Source Code In Java

Chat server project Description:

Chat server project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of chat server application is to provide online chatting like chatting in facebook, chatting in google chat.

But this application dosent have all the features that are present in facebook and google chat like video chat, adding symbols etc….

Developing this application can help students to understand basics about socket programming in java programming language and how communication is established between end to end through TCP IP and other protocols.

Here we provide chat server project source files for free download.

Efficient Class Oriented Evaluation Of Multiclass Performance Models Project Source Code

Efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance models project Description:

Efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance models project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. This project is used to implement a efficient queuing networking model called COMOM which works with multiple classes in network. In present networking system queuing models are mostly used for capacity planning and performance evaluation in multiclass systems.

IN existing system queuing network work on Mean value analysis model which works for only limited user sessions but there are many scenarios where several classes are useful. In order to solve this problem in this paper we propose efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance model.

Here we provide database files, code for different peers, Main server, compile file, base paper and entire project source code with compiling file.

download efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance model project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

RTA Information System Project Asp.Net Source Code And Project Report

RTA information system project Description:

RTA information system project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This application is specially designed for road transport authority for providing efficient services to users by developing an online web portal.

Using this project citizen can apply for a license, issues of permanent license, challans on tax, paying fines through using credit cards and other features like getting clearance..etc.

In the existing system, there is no online system users need to submit applications manually at RTA office and pay the amount by standing in line which is a time taking process in order to solve this problem this online application will be very helpful.

Here we provide RTA information system project screenshots, workflow diagrams, paper presentation, UML diagrams, DFD’s, full documentation…etc.

download RTA information system project source code in and project report with ppt.