This application is about the banking system through voice. The main aim of this application is to provide an easy way to fund transactions from one account to another account with the help of telephonic conversation.
Current Scenario:
- The present scenario has only two ways for transfer the funds from one account to another account. They are either doing the manual transactions on bank or using internet services.
- This will become as a drawback for the people those who don’t have the internet service and those people who don’t know how to use internet.
- We may not have a chance to every time come to bank.
Proposed Scenario:
- To overcome this type of problem, we are finding a new way which is used very easy by every common man is “VOICE BANKING”.
- This will become very use for the people those who don’t have the internet service and those people who don’t know how to use internet.
Application Features:
- Should provide the security for account holder name and credit card number.
- Provides easy way of transfer the funds from anywhere.
- Getting account holder information.
Purpose of the project:
The purpose of this project is to use the services of bank like money transfer, knowing about the loan information, our account balance; our statement and we can also make and activate our cheque book request and internet banking services through voice only and without using any internet service.
There are a number of applications for speech coding. One of its applications is in “VOICE BANKING”. Speech coding plays an important role in voice banking where the compressed words from a telephone line are to be recognized by the speech recognizer used at the banking end. The speech recognizer at the banking end tries to understand the compressed spoken words in some way or the other and acts thereafter. With voice banking, the user can access the following services.
- The user can check for balance on all his savings, current and loan accounts.
- The user can know the history of his account like the debits, recent deposits, interests and check payments.
- The user can make loan payments and Funds Transfer between two accounts.
- The user can check for interest rates on various types of loans and on deposits.
- The user can stop the payments to be made.
- The user can make a report about the stolen or lost card.
- The user can have information about the ATM locations, bank branches and working hours.
- The user can speak at any time of the day to the bank’s customer service centre.
- Prophecy -
- Jdk 1.5 (or) 1.6.
- Oracle 10g database.
- Tomcat web server.
- Users enter his or her account number and password.
- User should select one from main menu
- For fund transfer user should enter receiver account number and amount.
- For any request user should prompt yes or no.
- Account information.
- Balance enquiry
- Successful creation of cheque book request
- Successful activation of internet banking.
- Loan information details.
- Get the details of education,home,business and car loans
- Fund transfer.
- The amount of rupees 5000 is successfully transferred from sender account number. (When it is valid receiver account number).
- Sorry the mentioned account does not exist. (When it is invalid receiver account number).
- Call transfer.
- User may contact with manager/assistant manager.
Entity Relationship diagrams:
System Work-Flow:
Use Case Diagram for Main Menu:
Use case for fund transfer:
Class Diagram:
The sequence for the main menu:
Sequence for Account Information:
Sequence for Loan Information:
Sequence for Fund Transfer:
Sequence for Statement:
Sequence for Call Transfer:
Collaboration for Loan Information:
Collaboration for Fund Transfer:
Collaboration for Statement:
Collaboration for Call Transfer:
State chart diagram:
Activity diagram for Main menu:
Activity diagram for Account Information:
Voice banking is a very useful banking service in our daily life. Using it the users can access to their account information and other banking services like to know about the loan information and user also transfers their money to other users in 365 days a year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day just by making a simple phone call.
send me the source code please
Nice one my dear
wow its very nice dear plzz send mee her source code