- What is Hadoop?
- Why Hadoop and its use cases.
- Different Echosystems of Hadoop.
- Hadoop is Good For And Hadoop Is Not Good For.
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
- Significance of HDFS in Hadoop
- Features of HDFS
- 5 daemons of Hadoop
- Name Node and its functionality
- Data Node and its functionality
- Secondary Name Node and its functionality
- Job Tracker and its functionality
- Task Tracker and its functionality
- Data Storage in HDFS
- Introduction about Blocks
- Data replication
- Accessing HDFS
- CLI (Command Line Interface) and admin commands
- How to store various types of data in HDFS using CLI-commands
- Java Based Approach
- Safemode concepts in HDFS
- Map Reduce Architecture
- Map Reduce Programming Model
- Different phases of MapReduce Algorithm
- Mapper phase
- Sort & Shuffle phase
- Reducer phase
- Different Data types in Map Reduce
- How Write a basic Map Reduce Program
- The Driver Code
- The Mapper
- The Reducer
- Creating Input and Output Formats in Map Reduce Jobs
- Text Input Format
- Key Value InputFormat
- Sequence File Input Format
- Important features of MapReduce job
- Data localization in Map Reduce
- Combiner(Mini Reducer)
- Partitioner
Apache PIG
- Introduction to Apache Pig
- Map Reduce Vs Apache Pig
- SQL Vs Apache Pig
- Different datatypes in Pig
- Modes Of Execution in Pig
- Local Mode
- Map Reduce OR Distributed Mode
- Exection Mehanism
- Grunt Shell
- Script
- Embeddeb
- Transformations in Pig
- How to write a simple pig script
- How to store Pig output data in Sqoop&HDFS
- UDFs in Pig
- Hive Introduction
- Hive architecture
- Hive Meta Store
- Hive Integration with Hadoop
- Hive Tables
- Managed Tables
- External Tables
- Hive Query Language(Hive QL)
- How to load the data to Hive Tables
- Altering Tables In Hive
- Partitions In Hive
- CTAS In Hive
- Joins In Hive
- SQL VS Hive QL
- Hive Transform
- UDF’s In Hive
- Introduction to Sqoop.
- MySQL client and Server Installation
- How to connect to Relational Database using Sqoop
- Different Sqoop Commands
- Different flavors of Imports
- Sqoop Eval Functions
- Export
- Hbase introduction
- Hbase usecases
- Hbase basics
- Column families
- Scans
- Hbase Architecture
- Hmaster
- Zookeeper
- Region Servers
- Regions
- How to create the tables in Hbase
- Introduction about OOZIE
- Introduction about ZOOKEEPER
- What is Flume?
- How Flume work?
- Flume Architecture
- Flume Agents
- Flume Examples
- What is Oozie?
- How oozie will works?
- Oozie workflow
- What is Cassandra?
- How Cassandra will work
How to setup Hadoop Clusters in Apache Distribution (4 days)
How to setup Hadoop Clusters in Cloudera Distribution (4 days)
Pre-Requisites for Course
OOPS Concepts (Poly morphism, Inheritance, encapsulation etc)
Java Basics like Interfaces, Classes, and Abstract Classes etc
File I/O.
Linux Basic Commands
Mysql concepts
- Real time project explanation will be provided at the end of the course.
- Mock Interviews will be conduteds on a one-to-one basis after the course duration.
- Disussing about interview questions.
Hello Sir,
i am 2012 batch passout B.E. student. i have basic knowledge of Core-java and good knowledge of
Oracle Sql. And i have also good knowledge of Hadoop Parts like MapReduce,Hive,PIG,HBase, but i don’t have knowledge of Hadoop related Project. So can you provide me real-time experience as well as related Experience Certificate. if yes, then how much i have to pay and how many days i have to spend for learning Project.
Thank you.
Regarding Bigdata course
What is fee structure for this course?
Hello Sir,This is Shruti doing masters in computer science.I want to learn big data Hadoop.Can you tell me course charges and days for online sessions