Project Report On Desertec The Next Gen Green Power

This Project Report On Desertec The Next Gen Green Power is about DESERTEC. The DESERTEC is a concept proposed by the DESERTEC Foundation for making use of solar energy and wind energy. DESERTEC means “Desert and Technology”.  DESERTEC envisages using deserts to erect Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants to generate utility-scale power. Scientists say the global energy crisis can be solved by using desert sun. This would allow a 70 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from electricity production over the period.

Many people think of solar power as a few panels on the roof of a house producing hot water or a bit of electricity. But according to two reports prepared for the German government, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa should be building vast solar farms in North Africa’s deserts using a simple technology that more resembles using a magnifying glass to burn a hole in a piece of paper than any space age technology.


•           With CSP, less than 1% of the world’s deserts could produce as much electricity as the world is using now. •            The shaded areas under solar collectors are protected against the harshness of direct tropical sunlight. They have many potential uses including horticulture using desalinated sea water. •        Solar electricity may serve as a clean source of power for steel making.


•           Centralized solar energy plants and transmission lines may become a target of terrorist attacks. •   Some experts fear that generating so much of the electricity consumed in Europe in Africa would create a political dependency on North African countries which have corruption and a lack of cross-border coordination. • Desertec would require extensive economic and political cooperation.

Project Report On Desertec The Next Gen Green Power Conclusion:

The Desertrec can help to improve relations amongst different groups of people. By alleviating shortages of energy, water, food and usable land, CSP can reduce the risk of conflict over those resources. HVDC grids do not replace existing HVAC grids, they complement them and the losses are only about 3% per 1000 km.

Download Electrical and Electronics Engineering EEE Final Year Project Report On Desertec The Next Gen Green Power.

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