Wireless Communications WIMAX B tech Seminar Abstract

Wireless Communications WIMAX B tech Seminar Abstract: In the field of wireless communications, underwater wireless communication is a flourishing research area. Applications such as oceanographic data collection, AUVs(autonomous underwater vehicles),underwater radio, transmission of video and audio signals by real time monitoring have been emphasized to overcome the present limitations.

Wireless describes the telecommunication with which the electromagnetic waves carry the signal over communication path. The signals used to carry digital information through an underwater channel are not radio signals as electromagnetic waves propagate over short distances so acoustic waves are used that propagate over long distances.

Necessities of underwater wireless system are temporary experiments, breaking of wires, significant cost for deployment, and experiment over long distances. The approach is to deploy underwater sensors which record data and recover the instruments. It is overcome by connecting underwater instruments by means of wireless links

Underwater Acoustic Channel: Severe multipath- 1 to 10msec. for shallow water at up to 1 km range, Doppler shifts, and Long latencies-speed of sound underwater is approximately 1500m/sec. Parts of an acoustic modem are DSP BOARD(Digital Signal Processing Board), AFE  BOARD(Analog Front End Board), and DC/DC converter.

Underwater networks have number of sensors and vehicles that are deployed to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. Acoustic sensor technology is used for oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, offshore exploration, disaster prevention and tactical surveillance applications and also for vehicular Applications, Deep Sea Observatory, and New Solar Underwater Robot Technology.


In spite the development in underwater wireless communication, there is still an immense scope hence more research of the ocean bottom still remains unexploded. An advanced version of the existing applications and innovative inventions is must in this field. The main objective is to imbibe knowledge about this emerging field and encourage research and implementation of advanced technology to overcome the environmental effects on the noise performance of acoustic systems.

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