Employee monitoring system is designed to maintain all information of employees. Employee monitoring system is software which maintains all the financial details of employees in multinational companies. This software is also used to maintain other information of employees like maintaining their salary details, maintain their weekly reports.
This software also maintains each and every employee details. This system helps to search employee within the whole company and know the performance of the employee. This enables us to view the weekly status of the employees also.
These days there are thousands of employees in every multinational company. Maintaining all their details is a big challenge. To increase the company productivity they should have an automated system to maintain the employee’s information in order to reduce manual work or it would be a very difficult task.
Employee monitoring system software can work effectively to overcome this problem. By introducing this software company can save lot of time. As this entire software is online even small information can be retrieved in short period of time.
In the present system all the operations are done manually, no automatic process is introduced. All the information of the employees are stored in excel sheets or in word document. Storing information in this way is not secured.
Employee monitoring system is one of the best ways to overcome all this problems because this software is an atomized tool. Users can maintain their records online. He will be provided with a password and username. User should register with this software to store his data and keep it safely.
This software maintains complete details of the employee such as it maintains all the personal info of the employee, maintains employee salary details, performance details.
Modules of this project are designed to maintain all the information related to an employee online. The modules of this project are divided as follows,
- Employee personal information
- Employee salary information
- Employee performance information
- An admin module
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