Industrial Power Management System

Design Objective of the Project:Industrial Power Management System project is a integration of different components like protective relays, remote I/O modules, Communications, monitoring, and engineering tool sets.

Industrial Power Management System project will provide you to develop and specify the most efficent, cost saving, and full-automated power management system useful for today. In order to develop this application we will specify major hardware required to develop a full featured power management system. Then under second stage we will explain on factors like economic benefits and reliability. 

This project completely involves in the monitoring of various parameters of powersystem and provides indication and control for the same.This project uses the powerful micro controller and the information gathered by the microcontroller is sent to the PC for processing.

Hardware requirements:

  1. RS232
  2. Micro Controller
  3. Signal Conditioning Circuits
  4. Analog Inputs
download  Industrial Power Management System Project. 

Solar Electric Charge Controller and Portable Power Supply

Solar Electric Charge Controller and Portable Power Supply projects main aim is to develop a micro controller based device which will use solar energy to recharge a DC battery. In order to setup this system solar panel should work at an optimal power. In order to generate maximum and consistent power from solar panels controllers will vary voltage across the solar panel. Here we use pulse width modulation techniques to charge the DC battery by maintaining voltage level. 

The main electronic components of our product are the solar panel which provides power, generated power is supplied to rechargeable batteries, Circuit is used for improving power sharing between two,and a LCD and two LEDs as outputs to the user.microprocessor  For loading program on to PIC18F452 chip we use serial port and receive data output on a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal). 

Hardware used in this project:

  1. DC DC converter
  2. PIC Micro controller
  3. Micro chip for current sensing.
  4. LCD Display.
  5. Serial port for communication.
download  Solar Electric Charge Controller and Portable Power Supply Project. 

Single Dc Motor Speed Control By Tv Remote

Abstract:– Here is a very simple example of DC motor speed control by changing firing angle of TRIAC with the help of micro controller AT89c52.In order to mange speed variations for the motor we use firing angle by using thyristor. This method is widely used method for speed variations in DC motor systems. In this project we use AT89C52 controller in the place of DIAC for firing TRIAC.A zero crossing detector circuit is used here to interrupt AT89C52 after every 10 ms. After getting an interrupt AT89C52 will fire TRIAC after some delay from 1 to 9 ms. This will reduce the current input to motor and so the motor speed will reduce.By changing the delay time with the TRIAC speed variation can be managed.

Software logic: –The complete operation is based on the software embedded in micro controller P89C51ED2.C is the programming language used in this application. Each function written has different functionality like ext1,ext2 and delay in speed. Programmed code is written on to micro controller.

download Single Dc Motor Speed Control By Tv Remote Project.

Energy Saving Systems For Railway Platforms

Energy Saving System For Railway Platforms Projects main idea is to develop a micro controller based project for saving energy for railway platforms.

NEED FOR THE PROJECT: Normally in railway platforms Whether the Train is there or not, Unnecessarily all Lights in the platforms are Glowing.  In present system there is lot of usefulness wastage of energy. Maximum energy is wasted at the time of no train on the platform. All the lights televisions etc are not stopped when there is no use.


Our project is a computer controlled system Wherein all the train arrival and departure timings are entered in it. 

So we can able to switch on all the lights When the train is about to come or to leave.  During the other times we can glow Some important lights so that the platform will not be left completely dark.

In this project micro controller application setup is installed at each platform. Using a remote PC we will command micro controller unit for controlling lighting system for each platform.

 download Energy Saving Systems For Railway Platforms Project.

Scada Based Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System With Lcd Display

SCADA BASED INTELLIGENT MULTI PARAMETER MONITORING SYSTEM is implemented using micro controller and sensors. Sensors will send information continuously to micro controller through which controller will analyze the result and take required action. Micro controller used in SCADA system works at a 9600 Band Rate.

SCADA means Supervisory control and Data Acquisition System. Which is used in industries for monitoring and controlling different processes from a control room using a SCADA system? 

At this brand rate we can monitor different changes that occur in particular parameter and take required action.

For easy view and monitoring this application information about all the parameters are displayed on LCD screen.

Graphical display is used for variations of each parameter on time factor scale. This procedure will provide user accurate analysis on different processes.

In this paper we will explain in detail using block diagram and performance on DC Voltage measurement, DC current Measurement, AC Voltage Measurement and Frequency measurement.

download  Scada Based Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System With Lcd Display Project.

Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac

AIM:            The main aim of Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac project is to design equipment by which an AC light control is obtained automatically by using TRIAC.

Description:          In this project the major part considered here is the passive infrared sensor. Passive Infra Red sensors are mainly used for sensing radiations that are radiated by objects in its field of view. PIR sensors are used in many application like motion detectors . These sensors radiations are not visible to human eye but it can be detected by electronic devices. This sensors can detect temperature variations of the object which is moving in front of it. It works on black body radiation.

This passive infra red sensor is human detection sensor. when this pir detects the human movement it immediately sends signal to the micro controller. So from the microcontroller a signal is sent to the opto coupler and triac is by this the AC bulb is made on. Here the LCD displays whether the bulb is in ON condition or OFF condition. Hence the ac light control is obtained automatically using triac.

download  Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac Project.

Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using Gsm Network

AIM:Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using GSM Network projects main aim is to improve the method of monitoring and recording the power meter. This application uses GSM technology which is used in mobile communication. Using this application power meter reading will be sent to user Mobile number through SMS using GSM technology.

DESCRIPTION: In present generation usage of technology had grown to a higher extent in every field. But there are many fields automation is still to be done one among them is power meter reading system. This system will provide automation and high security. In this system we use GSM mobile communication technology for sending power meter reading information to users through SMS(short message service).

In present situation there is no automation process. We need to go to e-seva or electrical department for paying bill which is a time taking process. This project will provide security and secure transaction methods which will decrease mismatching cases. In this paper we will explain in detail using block diagram. 

download  Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using Gsm Network Project.

EEE (Electrical) Project Titles


2.89C51 Based Petrochemical Level Indicator and Controller with Temperature Monitoring For Spinning / Cotton Process Industries

3.89C51 Microcontroller Based Speed control of DC motor using  PWM Technique


5.Auto Turn-Off for Water Pump with four Different Time Slots

6. Automatic Active Phase Selector for Single Phase Load from Three Phase Supply

7.Automatic Periodic School Bell using Dallas  RTC and I2C


9.DTMF based Industrial automation and Electrical appliances control system

10. Electrical Appliances Control using PC’s  Parallel Port

11.Embedded Prepaid Energy Meter using 89C51 Microcontroller

12. Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Microcontroller





17.Remote Electricity Billing System Using GSM Modem

18.Security integrated system based on wireless Access Protocol for industrial applications with SMS Alert System using RF Module

19.Security integrated system based on wireless access  protocol for industrial applications with SMS Alert System  using GSM   Modem



22. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System using GSM

23.The Project Embedded Automatic Street light control with LDR-ADC Interfacing using 89C51


25.Time Based Industrial Automation using Dallas  RTC and I2C

PWM Based Automobile Braking System With Distance Measurement


In order to prevent the accident and protect from dangerous ends on the roads we are implementing an auto braking system for automobile that slows down the speed of the vehicle using pulse width modulation technique for dc and ac motors that are present in latest electric cars. Then we are commentating on the PWM implementation of the motor and its speed regulation control. In order to regulate the speed we are using an infrared sensor which gives the values accordingly to the amount of infrared light that is received on the receiver.

This will give an analog values this analog values are been sent to controller through ADC. The controller will calculate the distance accordingly to the ADC value and then that makes the motor to be in a controlled manner. Here we can increase or decrease the speed of the motor and at the same time when any obstacle is very much closer than expected then automatically the motor will be gives a braking effect to the vehicle in order to regulate the speed. This allows us to travel in a safe and secure manner. For user convince we can even control manual if required.

Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card

AIM:Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card Projects main idea is to develop a micro controller based application which is used to pay bills using a smart card technology.

PURPOSE: This project will focus on overcoming the past procedure of electricity bill payment methods by using smart card technology. This system will provide reliability and increase security.

Description:        In present scenario electricity bill payment can be paid at e-seva or substations. This process is a time taking and risky process. Using new smart card method payment process will be fast and time saving. Electricity bill can be paid using prepaid electricity billing system. This system works on smart card technology.

Smart card is similar to that of SIM card which should be recharged same as that of mobile recharge card. Based on the usage of power we need to recharge the card by placing it in the card reader. Card reader is interfaced with the micro controller using a serial interfacing. While recharging it will ask for how much of power consumption we need to use in KWH. This information is displayed on the LCD screen.

download  Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card Project.