Secondary Authorization Server A Java Project

Secondary Authorization Server java project explains about developing a new methodology called cooperative secondary authorization recycling which will reduce single point failure, performance bottleneck, scalability and request response time delay in centralized authorization server. This paper explains about drawbacks in centralized authorization server and explains existing system draw backs and proposed system advantages with hardware and software requirements.

In present servers implementation system PDP use centralized authorization servers, benefits of this system are less manual resource, reduce admin cost. There are two important draw backs in this system performance bottle neck and request handling. In order to solve these problems cooperative secondary authorization architecture will provide multiple servers at each location where information is shared between both servers to mask authorization server failures and network delays. This new design will improve availability and performance of authorization infrastructure.

Disadvantages on existing system include single point failure, authorization system delay and network delay.

Proposed system is implemented with multiple PEP’s, SDPs and one PDP. PDP will authenticate with different applications in the application server.

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