Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines


               At some given set of conditions, we might need to switch on the machine or switch it off at a particular point of time. This can be done manually if the number of machines is less, say one or two. But if they are more in number, the process acquires a complex dimension.

Thus this Final Year Mechanical project “Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines” designs an event management system which has real time sequence control over machines.

        Real time sequence will produce the real time. The on and off time of every device is set by the switches. A microcontroller is employed to switch on and off the machine according to the set time as specified earlier. Browsing through the menu displayed on the LCD, the timings can be set. To connect the device to the microcontroller, relays are employed for connection.      


                The components used in this project Real time sequence control system for machines are microcontroller, LCD, RTC, rely, switches and buzzer. This system is an event management system implying that when an event occurs, the particular operation is performed. There are 4 switches in the project and these are used to navigate through the menu.

           The timings of devices are stored in RTC memory and the real time displayed on the LCD. If the RTC time equals the ON time of a particular system, the microcontroller will turn the relay off. The device is witched off and buzzer used to make a beep sound for any operation performed. Thus microcontroller will control all devices.


         This project can be applied in various industries. Here a remote controller can be used in place of switches as a future enhancement. The microcontroller is based on ATMEL 89S52 and the software that is used for microcontroller programming is embedded C language.

Download Real Time Sequence Control System for Machines Project Report and Documentation.

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