Monitoring of Spatial Queries Seminar Topic

Spatial-Queries-Seminar-TopicMonitoring of Spatial Queries Seminar Topic explains about History of spatial queries, Snapshot queries, Continuous queries on static data, continuous queries on moving data. This paper describes about four modules in details.

  1.  Network Modul

Client server module architecture helps to divide work load on network.  This architecture is also called as client and server architecture where person who requests for information is a client and which provides information for requested query is called server. On client side there is nothing complicated; Client requests information by using web pages. Server contains high performance systems which can handle large amount of data. There will be many applications running in multiple servers to handle data.

2. Wireless Broadcasting

Wireless technology works on !EEE 802.11a standards which is used for air transmission. In this technology data is sent in the form of packets where each packet is of same size. These packets are also called as buckets; packet is a data structure which will carry logical information along with information. Logical information is used to retrieve information on other end. There is different type of modulation techniques used for transmitting through air.

3. Air Indexing

Air indexing is important in up linking and down linking to save power consumption at mobile client.

 4. Spatial Query Processing

There are many algorithms exist to process snap shot queries on static data but in order to handle moving objects data spatial queries are used. Main idea is to send additional information like NNS, expiry time, and validity region which will determine life span of result.

download Monitoring of Spatial Queries Seminar Topic , paper presentation.

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