Control of Boiler Operation using PLC-SCADA Mechanical 2011 Project

Introduction to the Control of Boiler Operation using PLC-SCADA Mechanical 2011 Project:

In the industrial sector esp. power plants, the demand for high quality, efficiency and automated machines is increasing. Power plant units need to be closely monitored and supervised on a regular basis. In this Project “Control of Boiler Operation using PLC-SCADA Mechanical 2011 Project” the focus is on automating the boiler which is a crucial component of the power plant.

If we are going for automation it is also necessary to design a system that monitors the system and minimizes human errors. The system used her is SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition which monitors and PLC (Programmable logic controller) that is used for internal instruction storage and implementation of functions such as sequencing, timing etc to control via digital I/O modules of various types of machine processes.

Description Of This Mechanical Project:

       PLC is used for achieving desired control through software programs. At the start of every cycle, the CPU the input signals from the module are stored in internal memory which is called PII. Once this PII (Process Input image) is read, the pointer of the CPU moves in the ladder program. The result of user program is stored in CPU and this is called as PIQ-Process output image. The CPU then transfers signal from PIQ to the output module and finally to the field control.

         The SCADA control system used in this system is used at the supervisory level. This may be done automatically or through operator commands. The data is obtained first by PLC’s scanning of all the field inputs that are connected to PLC. The data is scanned and processed to detect alarm conditions and if present it will display it on special alarm’s lists.


          This Project Control of Boiler Operation using PLC – SCADA has tracked all the changes that have been taking continuously in the industrial sector. Stress is been given to automation of services that is happening all over the globe. In the future, further progress can be made in the purification and air circulation process.

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