Title: Remote Desktop Administration
Study Area Review: Network security
Aims: To provide remote access to the desktop of computers, running any windows family operating systems and thus administering server virtually from any computer on the network.
Objectives: This application has the following objectives
• To provide remote service to its entire client over the network.
• To facilitate remote service like remote shutdown, remote restart, remote file transfer, remote software installation, remote desktop sharing and remote chatting.
Deliverables: This application delivers the following
• Working model that simulates the remote access to different computers over a network
• Well documented literature review with explanation of different remote access protocols
Project Type:
This is a java/web based application, which majorly concerns with providing remote access to the clients over a network.
Professional Project Claim
This project emphasises design and evaluates a web-based system using appropriate processes and tools, as follows
Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows 2000 advanced server
Front-end : JDK 1.5, AWT and Swings
Editors : Edit Plus or Netbeans
Hardware Requirements
Computer : Assembled
Processor : Pentium 80386 microprocessor or higher
Main Memory : 256 MB or higher
Hard Disk : 4.3 GB or higher
Monitor : SVGA colour monitor
• A step wise project plan is prepared to overcome the problems of strict timelines.
• Standard templates are being followed for preparing documentation, to provide expertise in documentation and literature review.
• Standards in java coding are being maintained to ensure best quality in coding.
• To check the reliability of the application, prototype software model is being adopted.
• Multiple levels of testing will be done to ensure best quality product.