Automatic Low noise indication & Speaker/mic volume adjustment in class room
Traditional classroom
Problem Statement:
- For traditional classroom learning environment, there is a problem that Instructor can’t identify whether the students in class room can hear the instructor’s voice in uniformly.
Proposed System:
- Instructors can identify whether he/she should increase the voice.
- When audio frequency becomes low, the instructor gets a notification that he/she should boost up the voice for hearing the audio to the entire class room uniformly.
Smart classroom
Problem Statement:
- In smart classroom, we have speakers. For increasing the speakers volume accordingly to the instructors low or high voice we may need a manual help.Every time manually increasing the volume high/ low for the convenience of learners is an uncomfortable task.
Proposed system:
- When instructor voice is low/high than a particular frequency, then the Frequency analyser will identify the frequency and sends the information to the server.The speakers will adjust the volume to a normal frequency for the convenience hearing of learners.
- When student voice is too low/high, the hand set mic will also automatically adjust volume.
Software requirements:
Software part consist of the data base application program and the server program
- Android
- data base is implemented in MySQL
Application program can be implemented with android programming language using
- Android studio.
- The server is implemented using apache tomcat, nodejs
Hardware requirements:
- Mobile device
- Personal computer
- Speakers
- Frequency analyser
- Electronic components