Real-Time Assistance to Farmers and Health Sector Android App


Our objective is to provide real-time assistance to Indian farmers and common people, who are not getting the proper timely treatment.

Existing System:

In the traditional system, every farmer should collect disease plant samples and take to agriculture specialists to explain plant symptoms. This is a big problem for rural area former and new to agriculture. It takes too much time delay and every zone needs at least one agriculture specialist to attend farmer problems.


Too much time Delay.
Need at least one agriculture specialist to attending farmer problems.


  • Instant Diagnosis
  • Easy to understand Plant disease
  • Could take between 1 minute to 48 hours


  1. User Registration
  2. In store-and-forward
  3. Instant Diagnosis
  4. HealthCare service provider

User Registration:

In these modules, the user must register their credentials to use this application. The users are of two types, farmer and patients. The User should enter the details like First name, Last Name, Username, password, Location, contact no and etc… So user using this registration details to get a sign in that HealthCare application. This authentication process to avoid someone malpractice as this application was paired with agriculture Specialists centralized server.

In store-and-forward:

In store-and-forward HealthCare, digital images, video, audio, observations of daily living (ODLs), and clinical data are captured and “stored” on Android mobile device; then are at the convenient time they transmitted securely (“forwarded”) to Agriculture specialists Server.
The opinion of the specialist is transmitting back based on the requirements of the participating healthcare entities. The patients forward the symptoms of the disease so that they can get back the specialist opinion and comments regarding their details.

Instant Diagnosis:

In this module using the centralized server give instant responses to the farmer and patients. The responses are based on farmer’s queries and the patients who entered their symptoms. The specialists will be there to respond to the queries and symptoms. Common problems or diseases, the Specialists already provided or upload some Diagnosis method or comments for the regular problem and emergency problem.

HealthCareTelehealth Service Provider:

In this module, the HealthCare service provider can able to access the information post about the patient detail and also the farmer details. Now the authorized person will suggest the treatment for the disease after receiving the symptoms and more related information regarding the disease. Also for the plant diseases queries which are posted by the farmers.

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