Prepaid Water Control Circuit System for Water Metering

A water meter is a device that is used for measuring the volume of water used. This Prepaid Water Control Circuit System for Water Metering Project Report for water metering is basically a control mechanism that only allows usage of water only when there is water i.e. certain required amount of prepaid units in the control circuit system and stops the flow of water once the units are finished.

prepaid-water-control-circuit-system-for-water-meteringThis project offers a lot of advantages. It reduces the metering costs to a great extent. The municipal corporation will be able to compute its income as the prepaid units are employed. Furthermore there will be no complaints from the consumers concerning overcharge and over dues.


To design this project- A prepaid water control circuit system for water metering, a valve is designed which is electrically operated. This is used to regulate the water flow for the consumer. A sensing system is also made that generates an equivalent voltage corresponding to the amount of water used by the consumer.

For implementing this project, the consumer has to buy a separate prepaid card and the value of credit units encoded into it. These units are then loaded into the control unit of the metering circuit. This controlling circuit is responsible for regulating the water flow i.e. it will allow access of water only when recharge units are present and stops in the absence of recharge units.


The project discussed here shows successful implementation of designing prepaid control circuit system for water metering. In the future, the design can be further modified to incorporate security information such as an exclusive but similar serial control circuit which can be used for a specific control circuit. While implementing this project, it must be ensured the control circuit must be installed at least one meter from the ground.

Download Prepaid Water Control Circuit System for Water Metering ECE & EEE B Tech/ BE Final Project Report and Document.

5 Replies to “Prepaid Water Control Circuit System for Water Metering”

  1. hi! I’m sorry can you help me to give me a code to run that circuit because I tried to make that circuit as my project, thanks for your help.

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