ECE Mini Project on Embedded Password Based Security Door Lock System

The project ECE Mini Project on Embedded Password Based Security Door Lock System is explained here about a digital lock which is coded using a microcontroller.The security of your home/office has taken top most precedence. The market has products like smart cards, RFIDs etc which ensure full-proof safety. Access control can be defined as the ability to either allow or reject access to a specific entity.

ece-mini-project-on-embedded-password-based-security-door-lock-systemThe primary aim behind designing this project is to offer plenty of contemporary security features extending beyond a mechanical lock. Key pad is provided here for entry of password. If the password matches to that of the password already fed in the microcontroller activating the dc motor which in turn opens the door. If the wrong password is entered, then a buzzer is triggered.

The main objective of the project ECE Mini Project on Embedded Password Based Security Door Lock System is to devise a security door lock system. For this purpose, a power supply is designed for entire circuit and microcontroller suitable for application of this project. Also buzzer, DC motor and keypad is made to suit the given project requirements.

To either open or close the door, power supply has to be given. ‘*’ has to be pressed for opening whereas ‘#’ is for closing the door. After pressing these symbols, the password has to be entered. If the password matches with the one stored in the microcontroller then the command issued earlier will be acted upon. Passwords can be changed by resetting it in te microcontroller,


               The project explained here is an excellent tool to ensure full-proof security for homes/offices. The main requisite here is that the different circuit components should match the requirements. This project requires a power supply of 5V which can be obtained through a transformer connected to the main supply. The microcontroller used here is AT89S52 microcontroller as it has in-built ISP for programming.

Download Embedded Password Based Security Door Lock System ECE & EEE B Tech/ BE Final Project Report and Document.

5 Replies to “ECE Mini Project on Embedded Password Based Security Door Lock System”

  1. bour dankwa
    dear sir/ madam
    please i will like to do this project. can you send me the neccessary requirememt that i need to know

  2. Sir/Mam., I want to work on password based security system using Advance Embedded System (Using PIC). Please sand me necessry data.

  3. This project Sounds good..!!

    But can u please post the detailed procedure
    and requirements of this project..

    Please post it as soon as possible 🙂

    it would be a great help for me to do my project asap!!

    Thankyou 🙂

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