Automotive Pricing Aggregator Java Project

Generally, Automotive Pricing Aggregator is a Java Based web application which will handle the auctions or sales of cars/bikes. The auctions in the application are posted by dealers and users registered in the application can participate in the auction and bid the amount.

The Dealer will register into the application and activated by the admin. After Successful Dealer will have to maintain the auctions like delete the completed auctions and post new auction.

The auctions are managed by dealers. Users who registered and login need to search for the vehicles the search results will be displayed based on the user’s location and the results are displayed in such a way the distance traveled by the vehicle, year of manufacturer.

For this, we will have Pricing Aggregator. First, we will check in our database if any present it will show by calculating above details and then we will check online.

The Modules Present in the Project is:

  1. Admin:

Admin can View the dealers and customer’s registered and delete the products and search the products and view the feedback given by customers

  1. Dealer:

The dealer will register and login into the application he can edit/update his profile, search products, and manage auctions, view customers and their feedback

  1. User:

The user will register and log in and search products and view auctions and view the new cars and participate in the auction by bidding amount and give the feedback.

Existing System:

Existing System is completely manual so it is hard to maintain data and analyze the pricing of various vehicles. Retrieving the information is very difficult. To Overcome these problems, we Proposed this Project

Proposed System:

Proposed system all the records will be computerized and the users and dealers can be registered and participate in auction directly. All The records are computerized and retrieving information of any type will be just a matter of seconds.

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