Web Search Engines Btech CSIT Seminar Topic

A Web Search Engines Btech CSIT Seminar Topic is a program which is designed to find data stored on the World Wide Web (WWW). Search engine indexes are similar and complex. The quality of the indexes makes or breaks the quality of search results.

The vast number of users navigates the Web via search engines. We are more likely to display thousands of responses by typing in a keyword or phrase but a handful of which are near to what we searching for, and are located on secondary search pages. A web search engine allows a person to ask for a given word or phrase and then retrieves a number of list of references that match those content.

Search engines are web pages with massive full-text indexes. They have most updated indexes to operate efficiently and quickly. The quality of the indexes makes or breaks the quality of search results. Search engine are more complex that back-of-the-book indexes. Knowing even a bit of how they are built and used can improve the searching skills.

The first Web search engine was “Wandex”, collected by the World Wide Web Wanderer. Other very early search engine, Aliweb, and the first “full text” crawler-based search engine was WebCrawler.

The steps present in processing search engine are Document Gathering-done by Crawlers, spiders, Document Indexing-done by Indexer, Searching, and Visualisation of results. The most emerging technologies in today’s network are Google, yahoo, MSN etc.

Web Search Engines Btech CSIT Seminar Topic Conclusion:

The usage of a search engine lies on the relevance of the results it gives back. Most search engines help methods to grade the results to provide the “best” results first. The methods of search change from time to time as Internet usage changes with new techniques evolve. Other types of search engine are enterprise search engines that search on intranets, personal search engines that search individual personal computers, and mobile search engines.

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