Understand Company Strategies Questionnaire for Employees

Questionnaire for Employees: 

1) To what extent do you understand company strategies? (For example: the number of shops we are going to open and the changes in the operations team etc)? Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Very Good       b) Good      c) Average      d) Poor


2)  Employees play an important role in making strategy successful. To what extent you agree? Please circle the answer that applies to you.

 a) Strongly Agree       b) Agree      c) Disagree      d) Strongly Disagree


3) Is Descriptive Strategic planning (such as providing information on Amt is the first national coffee company to go 100% fair trade and expanding the brand by introduction of AMT naturally) important in converting organizational goals into reality? Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Strongly Agree       b) Agree      c) Disagree      d) Strongly Disagree


4) How good is the Management of your company in explaining strategies related to company’s aim and objectives? (For ex: what does fair trade mean? What difference does it make to AMT by going 100% fair-trade.)  Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Very good      b) Good      c) Average      d) Poor


5) Do you feel you are doing something meaningful when you know the company’s long term goals? Please circle the answer that applies to you.

 a) Yes       b) No


6) Do you get recognition/appreciation from your manager when you follow your company strategies effectively? Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Yes       b) No        c) Sometimes    d) Never


7) “The success of any strategy begins with effective communication and good training.” Do you agree? (For example: Do the new staff receive proper training and do you have a special member in team who trains the new staff and retrains the present staff?).

 a) Strongly Agree       b) Agree      c) Disagree      d) Strongly Disagree


8)  How satisfied are you with the communication and transparency of the strategies? (For example your manager having regular meetings and briefing the team about changes or improvements in daily duties.) Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Very Satisfied       b) Satisfied      c) Dissatisfied      d) Very Dissatisfied


9) Do you get a chance to voice your opinion or concerns in strategic planning? (For example: Do you recommend your management in delisting a product, adding a new product or changing a product lay out, etc)? Please circle the answer that applies to you. 

a) Yes           b) No      c) Sometimes       d) Never


10) Do you get frequent feedback from your management about the success of the strategy (For example: how does it increase the sales, speeding up the service or customer satisfaction rate)? Please circle the answer that applies to you.

a) Yes   b) No      c) Sometimes         d) Never 


11) How many years you been working in AMT Coffee? Please circle the answer.

a) 0-1    b) 1-2      c) 2-3       d) 3-4    e) 4-5    f) 5 or more 

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