The Performance of TCP across Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

The performance of TCP

Generally the mobile nodes towards the MANETs are been communicated by making use of the radio frequency as well as in this specific situation the fixed infrastructure is not been preserved or maintained. In the recent times many research works are been carried out on the efficient routing of the MNAET but even though it is the topic of the research because of the high mobility of the nodes as well as the route volatility.

The performance of the TCP towards the MANETS is considered as one of the other important problem and it is been specified that the performance of the TCP is always los towards the infrastructure less networks such as the MANETS while comparing them with the other different types of the networks.

In general there are some solutions in order to manage this type of situations the first one is to pass the warning and offer the training to the TCP in order to overlook the different types of the packet loses but not to appeal the blocking control routines within the situation of the minor packet loses. As a result the performance of the TCP could be secured and saved the disadvantages within these packet losses could be easily decreased.

The other significant method to develop or improve the performance of the TCP is to assign the role or job to control or manage the packet losses towards the routing algorithm rather than appealing for the controlling routines that belongs to the TCP and by performing this process the performance of the TCP can be easily developed.

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