Technical Seminar Presentation on Algorithm To Find Hidden Links In A Web Page with PPT

Introduction to Technical Seminar Presentation on Algorithm To Find Hidden Links In A Web Page:

The paper is about hidden links which are been used in the webpage. Actually hidden links are links which the real people or user will not notice or click on. These links are used for guiding the way of search engine to our requested page. The new dynamic links are used for linking the high connected graph in a simple hyperbolic space without clustering the display.

In a hyperbolic space, the edges or nodes which are far are made diminished in the case      where the user is not focusing and also the user can select dynamically for focusing on thousands of nodes for navigation purpose.  The graph discussed is non-cyclic hierarchal hyperbolic without the use of multiple connection paths.

When we consider the new technique the user is responsible for navigating easily through all the possible paths without going through all the lines and all the intersections. Spiders which are robot programs are responsible for creating the search engine databases and the computer programs are capable to go through the search engine content. The pages which are created as a result of search are called as dynamically generated pages.

In case of directed non-cyclic space, the primary graph is used for linking all the nodes in the form of a tree. And all these links are called as primary links and all the other links are named as non-tree links. Generally a node has a primary link and many non-tree links.

We can conclude that the hidden link techniques are used for mining the large hierarchies with the multiple paths. And also makes the navigation easy through all the possible paths without going through all the lines and all the intersections.

Download  Technical Seminar Presentation on Algorithm To Find Hidden Links In A Web Page with PPT.

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