Strategy Implementation Process Followed By the Operational Managers

Research Findings

Once the required primary information is gathered from the key respondents as mentioned in the research methodology chapter, the opinions of the respondents are analyzed and framed as the research findings in this chapter. Opinion and views of the respondents like Operational manger, area manager, general manger and the front line employees are gathered and the key findings from the interview process are formulized formulated in to different topics and their answers towards the questions posed are divided in to different sub topics and presented as the research findings in this chapter and the actual findings from the interview process are as given below.

Research findings from the interview with Operational managers

Operational managers are interviewed across in this research to gather the required information with respect to the strategies implemented across the production unit and the level of employee involvement across within these strategies. The opinions of the operational mangers are taken with respect to the performance and job satisfaction of the employees against in relation to  the strategies implemented within the production unit and the actual findings from the interview with the operational mangers is are as given below.

Strategy implementation process followed by the operational managers

Setting the strategy and implementing the strategy across the production unit is mainly done by the operational managers and during the interview process, when the operational managers are asked regarding the strategies being implemented across the production unit of their company, most of them responded like “We are implementing new production strategy, where the targets are increased to the employees and even the production process is streamlined to make sure more units are produced per month” . From this statement it is clear that there is always a scope to introduce the new strategies and make changes to the existing strategies across the production unit by the operational managers in terms of production process and the number of units to be produced. Even there are strategies developed in term of employee targets and thus taking these strategies directly towards the employees is the key issues to be focused now

When the operational managers were asked the questions like how do you communicate the strategies to your employees, most of them responded like “We will arrange a meeting whenever there is a new strategy implemented with the employees” and from this statement it is clear, that the typical communication process followed across the production unit is a simple review or team meeting with the employees and this can be considered as the best way to communicate the strategies implemented or changes across the production unit, as there is lot scope to discuss the strategies and the corresponding issues directly with the employee.

Even the issues from the employee’s side can be solved at the meeting level itself and when the same question is asked for one of the operational managers, he responded like “We used to escalate the mails previously, but got only few responses to the mails and thus shifted to review meetings these days”.From this statement it is clear that, rather than a traditional email communication, review meeting can be considered as the best platform to communicate the strategies in an effective manner to the employees and if a simple email is escalated, there is only partial response and queries from the employees side and thus it is clear that strategies are not taken in an effective manner to the employees when compared to the review meetings and team meetings.

From these observations it is clear, that the best way to communicate the strategies implemented across the production unit are the team meetings and the operational managers are successful in implementing the strategies with respect to the level of cooperation from the employees (When you analyse the answers, you need to refer to the findings in the lit review.  How do your findings relate to the concepts and theories presented in the lit review?).

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