Seminar Report on RSA Algorithm

Introduction to  RSA Algorithm Seminar Topic:

The RSA scheme is a block chipper in which the texts are integers between 0 to n-1 for some n. RSA public key and RSA secret key are the two pairs of integers in this scheme.

Key generation i) two prime numbers were selected such that X ≠ Z. ii) predict n = X*Z. iii) – Predict Ø (n) = (X-1) (Z-1). What is Ø (n)?           Ø (n) is called the Euler’s Totient function. Two integers say X,Z are  relatively prime if and only if common positive integer factor is one. iv) choose any number e when gcd (Ø (n), e) =1; 1 < e < Ø (n). v) Predict the value of d – de ≡ 1 mod Ø (n) or d ≡ e^-1 mod Ø (n). In predition of‘d’ we need the multiplicative inverse of ‘e’ modulo Ø (n). vi) Public key of RSA is {e, n}. vii) Private key of RSA is {d, n}. 

Encryption Procedue: If we desire to send a message as m, then Ciphertext(C)= M^e mod n.

De encryption Algorithm: If the ciphertext is C, then the original message or the plaintext- M=C^d mod n. 

Application: encryption and de encryption of the message is done using the RSA algorithm for making the communication secure. It is used for digital signature and key distribution. Remote banking and e-commerce are the areas were RSA Algorithm used.

RSA Algorithm is more secure method of encryption and de encryption for communication system. It is more secure than DES and others. Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC) is a competing one for RSA.

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