Seminar Report on Millipede Memory

Introduction to Seminar Topic on Millipede Memory:

This is the latest AFM constructed storage of data which contains the potential density rate and very large rate of data’s. This device is normally tested by the thermo mechanical technique and then stores the data with its new techniques. This consists of a layer named as the PMMA layer which helps in high data storages. This high data are gained by 2D arrays that are achieved by various standard techniques.

This concept is mainly depended on the mechanical scanning of those storage divisions.  Now the latest current millipede model is totally developed by the new thermo chemical system which can read and write the data in small nano meter scales. There are some millipede storage techniques which are Data writing which can write the data information even at 120-140 degree census. It can write at the speed of 100kbit/s.

Data Reading which can read the data in two ways one the thermo mechanical method and second the piezoresistivity method. In Thermo mechanical method reading of the data can be done using a thermo mechanical abstraction. And in piezoresistivity method data can be read by a silicon cantilever.

 There are also some millipede applications such as 32 X 32 array chips is the best example for the millipede application. This device uses large arrays and gains the data to be stored in it. This is also used in many mobile phones applications like games and other apps etc… a device related to the millipede called as the nano drives are used in watches, laptops and land line phones etc… here there are some millipede approaches which are used while developing the devices and that are Very Large Arrays, Smaller array in operation with the parallel, placing large and small arrays and many more.

The advantages are large storage capacity, small factors, power saving mode, large data rate, less presistives.

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