Questionnaire to Cloud Computing Network Administrator

Questionnaire to Network administrator 

  1. What are your expectations from the service providers of cloud computing with respect to data security?
  2. What level of security is required for your organizational data?
  3. Do you share all the data for cloud computing service providers or do you have any restrictions towards this?
  4. Do you adopt any third party for your data security across cloud computing and if so could you please tell me the pros and corns in adopting a third party?
  5. What are the common risks you identify against the data security of cloud computing
  6. Do you use any security model to protect the data being shared across the cloud services?
  7. Have you observed any data loss that was shared to a third party and if so what measures you take to recover the data?
  8. Do you implement the user level constraints for the data access and if so what are those levels?
  9. What level of visibility you seek from the service providers with respect to the data usage of the organization?
  10.  Do you implement any service level agreements and contracts with the service providers regarding the data security issues for cloud computing?
  11. What are the common solutions you implement to face the data security challenges with respect to cloud computing?
  12. Do you implement the authentication solutions against the data security for cloud services?
  13. What future plans you have to improve the overall security for data being shared across the cloud computing?

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