Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Quantum key distribution protocol is: 

  • The main advantage of QKDP is it allows the detection of eavesdropping because the error level will be comparatively more when the eavesdropper connects to the quantum channel than the error level that occurs naturally. Along with the detecting of eavesdropping, quantum mechanics laws will also allows the process of setting the error level between the intercepted data in dependence. Unrestricted security is provided by the QKD protocols and during this process isolation extension is permitted at the same time quantity of data is decreased considering the key that can be interrupted by the Eavesdroppers.
  • The other advantage of this protocols is the utilization of supreme key which is permitted by the additional encryption with the help of the traditional algorithms that are symmetric and known in the “quantum key distribution’s information theoretic security”. Therefore entire data security is increased by this QKDP. 

Disadvantages of quantum key distribution protocol:  

  • The considerable disadvantage of QKDP is very high price for business-oriented QKD systems.
  • Complete solution for the distribution of keys is not provided by the network release in the systems supported by the Quantum key distribution protocols.
  • Weak coherent pulses are used instead of the single photon pulses for decreasing the effectiveness of protocol. Conversely controlling this technology may be compressed in future if the usage of these coherent pulses is continued.
  • The transfer rate will be decreased immediately with the rise of channel length.
  • As the key rate decreases there will be a problem of photon registration results.
  • An error may occur by the photon during the data transmission due to the photon depolarization in quantum channel.
  • Practical realization is difficult particularly in quantum systems at d-level in QKD protocols.

 This Paper is written & submitted by Vamshidhar A.

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