Citizen Card System Documentation

Citizen Card System is a type of application that is capable of providing the information related to Citizens within the country. Every country has its own citizen policies in which each and every citizen will have their unique ID through which the personal information of the citizen will be updated. In order to get work done from any government based offices, there is a need of visiting different departments that has many ids etc. By using this citizen card system, users can perform different activities for paying bills such as telephone bills, electricity bills, Municipality bills, tickets booking as well as baking activities such as banking services, taxing services, insurance services, credit card services, credit rating system, Gas services as well as provident funds etc. By making use of the credit rating systems, the personal information of the user can be identified through which the person’s character can even be noticed.

Existing System

The existing system of this application is a manual one which consumes more time in which there is no possibility for interaction of similar users and even much mismanagement and errors will take place.

Proposed System

The proposed system of this application is capable of maintaining the details of entire users efficiently and it is a user friendly application in which each and every task related to user will be performed in an efficient manner.

Software Requirements

This application needs an Windows XP or 2003 or Linux operating system with HTML and CSS user interface that has client side java scripting with java programming language along with JDBC, Servlets and JSP web applications with My Eclipse 6.0 version that has Oracle 10g data based with a tomcat 5.x server deployment. 

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements of this application are Pentium IV processer with 40Gm hard disk and 512MB Ram. 

Download Citizen Card System Documentation.

Web Eye Project Source Code In Java And Project Report

Web eye project Description:

Web eye project is useful for automatically generating HTML code for designed web pages.  Using this application web page development is easy and users can design their own web pages without any risk. In present scenario most of users who want to develop a website learns html language for developing web pages. But by invention of this software it will auto generate code and save time and helps user to design his own website without knowing any language.

Here we provide web eye project abstract, DFD, Work flow diagrams, SRS, screen shots, full documentation and source code.

download web eye project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Wap Mail Server Project Source Code In Java And Project Report

Wap mail server project Description:

Wap mail server project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to provide a user friendly application for mobiles for finding locations through mobile. A simple mobile interface is developed on nokia tool kit using java programming language through which users can search for tourist places, traveling agency information, hotel locations..etc.

Here we provide wap mail server project source code, abstract, documentation for free download.

download wap mail server project source code in java and project report.

Visual Java Editor Project Source Code In Java And Project Report

Visual java editor project Description:

Visual java editor project is developed for java programmers for editing and debugging java code. There are many editors available in market this project is similar to existing project with basic features like file, edit, search, format, run, window and help. Developing this application as mini project will help students to gain knowledge on visual editor, java programming..etc.

Here we provide visual java editor project abstract, DFD, screen shots, work flow diagrams, paper presentation and source code.

download visual java editor project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Universal Database Viewer Project Source Code In Java And Report

Universal database viewer project Description:

Universal database viewer project is implemented in java platform. This application is useful for ever programmer who works on database related project for performing operations of database from remote system using a user friendly GUI. This project works on sql interpreter which is used to execute queries through which tables information is modified.

This application is implemented in four modules, client module, sql interpreter module, authentication module, server module.

Here we provide universal database viewer project abstract, full documentation, source code…etc.

download universal database viewer project source code in java and project report.

Mobile Information Provider Project Source Code In Java And Report

Mobile information provider project Description:

Mobile information provider project is a web application which runs on mobile. Front end part in designed using Wireless markup language and RDBMS is used as database and sql server as back end application. Main idea of this project is to implement a mobile application through which users can find locations of train details, hotels, travel agencies, tourist spots and hospitals.

Mobile information provider project runs on multi-tired architecture between user and web server. Java server pages are used for data abstraction. Database connection is established using java database connectivity.

Here we provide mobile information system project abstract, source code, paper presentation, and database tables.

download mobile information provider project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Mobile Banking Project Source Code In Java

Mobile banking project Description:

Mobile banking project is useful for banks for providing banking services through mobile. As usage of internet users are increasing daily online banking users had increased similarly mobile internet users are increasing daily because of 3g and 4g services on mobile so we mobile banking is best choice for banks to improve their services and reach customers in a better way. In this mobile banking application we develop server version and client version where client version is downloaded by users on mobiles and server version is maintained on bank servers. Users can use this application for transferring money, balance enquiry and other basic operations available on online banking.

Here we provide mobile banking system project abstract, document, source code in java for free download.

download mobile banking system project source code in java and project report.

Intranet Management System In Java Source Code

Intranet management system  project Description:

Intranet management system  project is a client server based application which is used for communicating between clients. This application is basic version of google chat or facebook chat with basic features. Implementing this application as min project will help students to gain knowledge on socket programming and multithreading concepts in java and database connectivity which is important for every communication projects.

Here we provide intranet management system project abstract, DFD, SRS, screen shots, work flow diagrams, paper presentations and full document with source code.

download intranet management system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Human Resource Management System Project In Vb.Net

Human resource management system project Description:

Human resource management system project is useful for software companies for managing employees details and recruiting new employees and managing hikes of employees, payroll details ..etc .  This application can save time for dividing employees according to project.

Here we provide human resource management system project abstract, SRS, DFD, screen shots, work flow diagrams and full documentation with source code.

download Human resource management system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Download HR Management System Final Year Engineering project. 

E-Space Project Source Code In Java And Project Report

E-space project Description:

E-space project explains bout developing relation between customers and web services by gathering important information like location, mail address, contact details of customer and store details in database. In present scenario internet had became a best place for improving marketing. In challenging environment most of the companies are using E-space project.

E-space a web server based information and maintenance of web server. Using the information stored in web servers we can trace location of customer and provide service to him. This secured information is maintained under relation between customer and company.

Here we provide E-Space project abstract, screen shots, full documentation, source code..etc.

download E-space project source code and project report for free.