MCA Final Year Project Topic on Sales Management with Abstract

Introduction to MCA Final Year Project Topic on Sales Management:

The sales management software is an application that is designed for the stores that are involved in selling of products and similar kind of shops. This software is used for the billing and maintenance of accounts. This project gives specifications about the requirements and also give guidelines for the project development that is mentioned above. Specifically it also states about the crafting of the above stated project. This document further intends to provide the developers of this software with practical guidelines.

This is a generic software and can be used by various outlets including wholesalers and retailers to make the billing and marinating of records automated. It also helps to maintain the cash flows and stocks. the records of sales and the details of accounts along with transaction of cash is handled by this software. For general stores who are dealing with daily products this software is the most ideal. It helps in the daily operations of the stores and marinating the days’s record as well.

Currently the maintenance of the stores are performed in a manual system with is a time consuming matter. It also leads to lots of errors in spite of several cross checks. Plus it becomes a tedious job while searching for a particular detail. All these problems give rise to the need of a new advanced and modernized system.

The new proposed system enables the owners of these stores to increase their work efficiency in various ways. It helps in maintaining the billing records and marinating the lengthy accounts also become easier. The track can be kept on the details of the accounts sales, purchases etc. This software is equipped with master entries to add/modify /delete entries of customers and to enter new product details. This system is very useful and it helps in the work of the sore keepers.

Product Stock Management MCA Mini Project in VB Abstract

Introduction to Product Stock Management MCA Mini Project:

The project PRODUCT STOCK MANAGEMENT   is designed to handle the warehousing stocks and this software application maintain the records that include good stock going in and out and other related issues.

The present system is based on manual technique and this project tends to automate the system so that maintaining the records of good stock, goods in and got out becomes easier than before. To maintain the stock records also this software is the most ideal. Transactions that are related to returns, goods out and goods in can be maintained manually and presently the mountain of customers and suppliers accounts are also done in the manual system.

All these processes should be done in an automated manner and for that we require an application so that all the data can be logically and relatively used for accurate outcomes. This system should able to replace the existing technique without any specific moderation and problems. Plus. This application should able to provide quick readings of maintenance. The system must able to give reviews that are important and related to the business so than expansion can take place easily by comparing . Reports should also be provided that showcase the details of related issues which will facilitate to the important business decisions.

An SRS is the writing if an organization’s understanding about the potential requirements of the system and customers at a specified time period. This step is to be accomplished in prior to the actual development work and design. This is a two way policy of insurance that make sure that the organization and clients can both understand the requirements from the given perceptive.  This document is written in explicit language and in precise form. This document also acts as a blueprint that helps in the completion of a project as also reduce the cost growth as much as possible. This document is also known as “parent” document.

Phone Billing and Managing VB.Net Project for MCA Final Year Students

Introduction to Phone Billing and Managing VB.Net Project:

This project focuses on administration and billing of the phone and make sure that it is developed as a part of the X standard Visual Basic stand alone project. More Phone Billing And Administration is an application software that is designed to maintain the data related to the entry of the phone application, allocation of phones to silent, shifting old phones, management of pain complaints, call registrations, generation of monthly phone bills its.

The existing system is based on manual application and thus this project aims to make this seem automate. Apart from maintaining the phone billing in a computerized manner this application can also manage:

Phone numbers that are allocated to customers

Monthly entry of bill

Generation of monthly bill

Registration of complaining

Managing the applications that are received in connection of phones


To make the system of phone bill generation and billing process automatic this application can be used by any company that is engaged in phone billing.

Final Year MCA Project Idea on Pawn Broker Office Automation Visual Basic Project Abstract

Introduction to Pawn Broker Office Automation Visual Basic Project:

At the pawn broker office loan is given on the basis of silver and gold jewelers and this is the main activity of these kind of firms. Our client is very prestigious and they are doing well with their business in this city.

They are doing this business for over the past 10 years and with time the numbers of clients have also increased highly which makes it difficult to keep a track of the customers as per stated by the regulations of the government. This gives rise to the need of a software.

The main purpose of office automation system software is to handle the records of the customers and it includes calculation of interest, preparing lists of defaulters, pledging its. The objective of this project is to provide the organization with the interface that is required to handle the daily transactions of the company.

The project in order to cater the diverse needs of the company must able to update on a timely basis. The new proposed project will surely help them in various manners.

The present system provides the use of manual system and with the increased number of record keepings and data entry in the book makes the job of searching, as per requirement a very complex job. Presently the bills are also prepared manually.

The proposed system will take care of all these problems and this project is based on the model of networking. To communicate between each other you can connect as many computers you want. It enables to make the billing as well as the calculation of interest more simpler.

If you want to get this project then you can either mail us or contact us. For giving the purchase order you can sms us and we will dispatch the delivery at your residential address. You can collect it from the postman by paying the charges.

Project Ideas for MCA Students on Package for Photo Color lab Using Visual Studio

Introduction to Package for Photo Color lab Project:

The leading color lab is studios and they make use of advanced processing techniques and machines in the lab. Their focus of processing the films followed by their printouts. They are in this filed and continuing this business for  the past five years. To maintain the order’s of the customers properly they make use of the latest system that can easily keep the track of all the orders and make the billing more easier than before.

This project focuses on taking the customer’s order that is based on the roll number, advance taken, billing and other related activities. All this should be the part of a single program. Side by side the application should also able to maintain the details of payments and salaries of employees etc.

The software that is proposed recently should be simple and user friendly. It should able to mains the rolls received from the customers and followed by printing them in order. It should also able to deduct the advance payment during the final billing preparation. All this should be implemented in this software still keeping the overall structure simple at the same time. This software should also showcase the orders that are received at one end till they are altogether billed.

This software is designed in a single form and at the same time provides the options here only. The structure of the software should be very simple and easy to use. The results should be further appear in a tabulated format. The facility of a printout should also be available.

Student Management System DFD Diagrams

Introduction to Student Management System Project:

All the details of students can be easily handled by the Student Management System and the details consists of course details, college details, personal details of students, academic details etc. This version is simply an update version of the manual Student Management System.

The college management system has to handle the records of thousands of students which can be a bit difficult. Although it was an informative system but it was completely manual. Hence, it was highly necessary to upgrade the system and make it computer based. As per the existing system all the details of a student are maintained in only a single record. So it becomes a tedious task for searching and upgrading the information’s when required. It also enhances the chances of errors.

Student Management System DFD Diagrams

student management system dfd

As per the proposed system a new development method will be introduced to make this cumbersome job simpler and easier to handle. It will also make the work more feasible and fast as well as convenient. At the same time it will also reduce the cost of handling of the records.

Administrator and users are the two kinds of accessing modes.

Administrator which handled the SMS and also update the details of the students in the registers like providing the student numbers, generation of tickets, marks fetched in the examinations and so on.

On the other hands, users can only view the personal details, schedule of the examinations downloads the ticket for semesters, details of the fees and other related information’s.

The basic purpose of the project is the provide a proper channel of registration to the new students. Moreover developing an sms message for the Academic Institution help the teachers, students and others get lots of informations about the institution. Also helps to update the information’s that are necessary to transmit the the users end.

SQL Editor CSE Minor Project Report

Introduction to SQL Editor CSE Minor Project:

The Project is for the maintaining and the managing of the database records by the SQL Editor. The Editor requires the queries to generate the record tables, and the tables filled with the values, can search for the specific record or the editing of records. The Project considers the MS Access for managing of the databases. The Project develops the SQL Editor that run the SQL and the MS Access simultaneously.

The two programs SQL & MS Access are assembled in on program. The Project is dependent on the user and program interaction. The application is user friendly.  The Project is easily understandable with some knowledge of the SQL.

To maintain the big records of the organization is difficult and the complicated. The database management system is to handle the record keeping. The SQL Editor is combination of the SQL and the MS ACCESS is single Database management System is used for the record maintenance easily and queries are developed to search record. The program is connected to the VB 6.0.

The Project is developed by evaluating and schematic designing. The System focuses on the requirements of the users and the system interactive.

The Software used are the SQL Server, MS Access, Visual Basics 6.0, Windows XP/98 operating system.

The hardware used are the 256 RAM, 40 GB hard disk.

The Project have some limitations which has to be developed.  The databases are used SQL and MS Access make the program more difficult. To access the record queries has to be entered which is tough for the person with no knowledge of the Structured Query Language. The software design is difficult to understand. The objects are numerous which makes the program complicated. 

Attendance Management System VB.Net Project with DFD and ER Diagrams

Participation Management System is programming improved for day by day person participation in schools, universities and organizations. Assuming that expedites to enter the participation informative content of a specific understudy in a specific class. The qualified data is sorted by the specialists, which can be given by the instructor for a specific class. This framework will likewise assist in assessing participation qualification criteria of a person. The motivation behind improving participation administration framework is to mechanize the convention way of taking participation.

An additional reason for advancing this programming is to produce the article programmed at the close of the session or in the between of the session. The scope of the undertaking is the framework on which the programming is fixed, i.e. the undertaking is advanced as a desktop requisition, and it will work for a specific foundation. In any case later on the task could be changed to manage it connected. The framework being advanced is monetary regarding School or Collage’s perspective. It’s financially savvy in the sense that has disposed of the paper work totally.

The framework is in addition time viable on account of the figuring’s robotized which are made at the finish of the month or according to the user necessity. The effect acquired holds least blunders and are profoundly correct as the information is needed. The specialized prerequisite for the framework is financial and it makes a point not to utilize any viable supplemental Hardware and programming. The Attendance Management System is improved utilizing Visual Basic.NET completely meets the goals of the framework which all things considered, the situation has been improved.

The framework has gotten to an immovable state where all bugs have been killed. The framework is worked at a towering level of effectiveness and every last trace of the educators and user connected with the framework perceives its focal point. The framework tackles the situation. It was proposed to explain as necessity particular. In the present framework all work is finished on paper. The entire session participation is saved in register and at the finish of the session the articles are produced. We are not fascinated by creating report in the midst of the session or according to the prerequisite since it takes a step back in estimation.

Download Attendance Management System VB.Net Project with DFD and ER Diagrams.

Student Course Registration Visual Basic Project Report

The aim is to build software for student course registration by automated system. This project is developed using Microsoft visual basic v6.0 and MS-access as back end data-base.

He She  who wants to join an intuition or college comes with necessary details about the course he wants to join and further information is stored in the database by registering and it can be retrieved easily with one click and it can be maintained  up to a long time for future purpose.

System Requirement Specification:

This process of registration is an automated process.

The student should give all details regarding certificates.

Hardware configuration:

 The hard disk RPM should be very high.

 The hard disk should be single not multiple attachment for fast accessing and delivery of data.

 The system must contain at least Windows XP OS with 1GB RAM.

 .Net Framework must be installed on system as minimum requirement.

Data-Flow Edge Image:

The image below shows the flow of how data is processed.  First student comes and selects course it may be a PD/UG.

And he selects the desired course based on his qualification after his registration the data is entered in data-base and for any enquires he contact them.


By The use of this system the data be easily entered.

There is no chance of losing data because in olden days the data is entered manually in records and after some years the data is lost but by the implementation of this system helped in protecting data even up to 100 years also.

This reduces lot of work task and work Load.

Download  Student Course Registration Visual Basic Project Report.

Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project Report for MCA Students

Introduction to Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project:

Hostel management using a manual system is an onerous and time consuming process involving heavy workload. In the proposed system, one can easily manage the various functions of a hotel in an efficient manner.

Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure can be calculated and allocated in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to easily allocate rooms and expenditures of a student. The front end of the project has been created using Visual Basic and the back end using Oracle. 

Hostel management deals with the many functions of a hostel, namely: student details, room allocation, mess expenditure, etc. the system also includes a few special features such as creating unique identities for each members so student details can be accessed easily. This system can also be used for stock management.

The modules of this project include: student details, attendance details, room details, mess modules. Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure may be calculated associated allotted in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to simply portion rooms and expenditures of a student. 

The front end tool used for this system is visual Basic 6.0, and the back end tool being used is Oracle. Visual Basic is a very useful and powerful program, application wizards, menu editors and data reports give it an edge when creating high quality professional software.

Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure will be calculated associate degrees allotted in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to simply apportion rooms and expenditures of a student.

This system may be used for stock management. The system additionally includes a number of special options like making distinctive identities for every member thus student details will be accessed simply. The input quality of this mission is to simply assign quarters and expenditures of learner. 

Download  Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project Report for MCA Students.