Logics of Typical Java Based Web Application – Struts Tutorial

Logics of typical java based web application:-

  • Request data gathering logic
  • Form validation logic
  • Business logic or request processing logic
  • Persistence logic
  • Session management logic
  • Presentation logic
  • Middle ware services

Request data gathering logic:-

    It gathers various details from the client generated request being from web resource program like request parameter values (from data) request header values and other miscellaneous details.

  • The process of verifying format and pattern of the form data by using java code / java script code is called as “form validation logic”.

Example– checking whether email id is having not, @symbols or not

  • The main logic of the applications that process the request & generates the results is called as “business logic”.
  • The logic that interacts with d/b s/w and manipulates data base table data  is called as “persistence logic”(ex- jdbc code, hibernate code)
  • The logic that remembers client data across the multiple requests during a session like sign to sign out is called as “session management logic”.

Use session tracking technique for this.

  • Hidden form fields
  • Cookies
  • Http session with cookies
  • Http session with url rewriting.
  • The logic that generate user interface, formats the results given by business logic is called as “presentation logic” (html code).
  •  The additional services that is configurable on the applications to make app. Is perfect & manipulate in all the situations are called as “middle ware services”

Example: – jdbc connection pooling, transaction management, security etc.

Sample Servlet / JSP Program:-

  • Read value 1, value 2 from the page as req param values.(req. data gathering logic)
  • Check whether they are typed as numeric values or not(form validation logic)
  • Int result = value 1 + value 2;(business logic)
  • Store result in D-B s/w(persistence logic)
  • Apply security service(middle ware service )
  • Store form data in cookies(session management)
  • Display result on browser window as table content. (presentation logic)

Java Based Web Application Development & Execution Setup – Struts Tutorial

Java based web application development & execution setup:- 

1) Web server is required to manage & execute web resource programs dynamically and automatically without having any human being support when they are requested by clients. (Browser windows).
2) Based on the place where the web resource programs of web application execute there are two types of web resource programs.

  1. Client side web resource program: comes to browser window from web server for execution.

Example: – html program, JavaScript program, Ajax program.

  1. Server side web resource program: Executes in the web server

Example: – Servelt program, JSP program.

Note: – Decide whether web resource program is client side program or server side program based on the place where it executes not based on the place where it resides.

Java web application development model

  1. Model-I architecture use only servlet/only jsp as server side programs to develop the web application.
  2. Model-II architecture(MVC architecture), This Model divided in to two types 1) MVC 1 architecture, 2) MVC2 architecture
  • While developing MVC1, MVC2 architecture based web application we take the support of multiple technologies in multiple layers of the web application. 
  • MVC2 is industry defecto architecture to develop java based web application architecture gives plan and flow of execution to the programmer to develop the applications.

Java Struts Introduction – Struts Tutorial

J2EE Course – Java Struts Introduction 

Part1 (S.S.H):-

  • Struts 1.x/2.x (pre-requisites: Servlet and JSP)
  • Spring 2.5/3.5 (pre-requisites: Servlet and JSP)
  • Hibernate 3.2/43.4 (pre-requisites: JDBC)

Part2 (RMI-EJB):-

  • RMI
  • JNDI
  • EJB
  • JMS
  • And other j2ee module topics

Part3 (xml-webservices):-

  • Xml (prerequisites: core java)
  • Web Services (prerequisites:  servlets & jsp) & misc


      Ajax, Log4j, ant, cus, Junit, debugging, jasper, reports etc.

A web application is a collection of web resource program and each web resource program generates one web page.
The web application i.e. placed on internet network by purchasing space & domain name (like www.gmail.com) is called as website.
Based on the content generated in the web pages there are two types of web resource programs.

       1. Static web resource programs: generate static web pages (fixed content).

Example: html programs

      2. Dynamic web resource program: generates dynamic web pages.

Example: – Servlet program, JSP program etc.

Isolation Levels in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

Isolation Levels in SQL Server :-

Locks are controlled by isolation levels,
Types of isolation levels:

  1. Read uncommitted
  2. Read committed
  3. Serializable

(I) Read uncommitted in SQL Server  :-

If the isolation level is set to read uncommitted then SQL Server doesn’t place any locks.

(II) Read committed in SQL Server  :-

If the isolation level is set to read  committed then shared locks are released immediately after execution of select statement but the exclusively locks are released after the end of transaction.

Transaction —-→

Select com → Released

Update sal

End Transaction  → Released

(III) Serializable in SQL Server :-

If the isolation level is set to serializable then both locks are released after end of transaction.

Tx starts

Select com

Update sal

set transaction isolation level read committed.

sp_lock → this will show which objects are locked.

Select statement for update  :-

when select statement is submitted with for update instead of placing shared lock sql server places exclusive lock.

Select sal,com from emp where empno=7369 for update (or)

         Declare c1 cursor for

            Select sal,comm from emp for update.  

Locking in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

Locking in SQL Server :-

Locking resolves of concurrent access where concurrent access means accessing same data by the number of users at same time.

The following problem occurs concurrent  access:

  1. dirty read
  2. last update

Locks types are Two types:

  1. Shared lock ->   It is denoted by (‘s’)
  2. exclusive lock ->  it is denoted by ‘x’
  • Shared lock is placed when ever user to trying read the database. [i:e select]
  • Exclusive lock is placed when ever you have to trying update the  database [i:e update]
  • Update lock (u):This lock is placed when ever user is try to update the database item but this is placed before placing exclusive lock.

CLR Integration in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

CLR Integration in SQL Server :-

The stored procedures & functions can also be created by using c# (or) VB.
And the objects are called “CLR database objects”
The difference is tsql is “procedure oriented”and c#,VB is “object oriented”.
To create CLR database objects to follow the steps:

  1. create assembly in c# on VB.
  2. create assembly in sql server based on assembly created in c# on VB
  3. create procedure/function based on that assembly.
  4. execute procedure/function.
  • Start a new project in visual studio
  • Expand  database object →(or) visual c# (or) visual basic →  database → sql server project
  • Expand Microsoft sql server
  • Select sql server
  • Select sql server project
  • [in a new project]
  • select project menu
  • Select add stored procedure
  • Under public static void stored procedure
  •   Sql context pipe  send(“hello);
  • Then goto sql server
  • Select database
  • Select programability
  • Select assembly
  • Right click new assembly
  • Click browse→find  where we can store & select the assembly of .net.
  • Assembly name :sql server project2
  • Click →ok.
  • Create a procedure

Create procedure display


External name  sqlserver project 2. stored procedure.

Stored procedure1

(methode name)

Start →program→sql server 2005

Configuration  tools

Sql server surface area configuration

Select surfacearea configuration for features

Select the CLR integration

Check the  CLR      integration.



Sp_configure ‘clr  enabled’,1

after that execute



Exec display

XML Integration in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

XML Integration in SQL Server :-

  • Xml is simple and
  • Unicode
  • And platform independent.
  • Transfer data from one file to another
  • For each record one tag is created with name “row”
  • Select * from emp for xml row
  • Select * from emp For xml path.
  •  select * from emp for xml   xpath root(‘emp’)

Transfering data from xml to sql server :-

Exec sp_preparedocument :-

  • It is used to prepare xml document.

Exec sp_xml_removedocument  :-

  • It is used to remove the document.

Example  :-

          Declare @x  int

          Declar @s  varchar (1000)

       Set @s =<root>

             <cust cid =”1” cname=”A”></cust>

              <cust cid =”z” cname=”B”></cust>


Exec   sp_xml_preparedocument  @x  output,@s

             Insert  into cust

        Select  * from  openxml(@x,’/root/cust’)


                   (cid int,cname varchar(20)).

DDL Triggers in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

DDL Triggers in SQL Server :-

  • It is introduced from sql server 2005.
  • This triggers are created to control DDL operations like create,alter,drop.

Syntax :–  create trigger <name>

                        On database

                    After create ,alter,drop





Example  :-   Create trigger trg10

                        On database

                         After create create_table



                          Print ‘table is created’



              Insert      table xyz(x int)


                   Table is created

How many instead of insert trigger can be created on a table ?

Answer:- one

Drop trigger trg1 

DML Triggers in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

DML Triggers in SQL Server  :-

  • These triggers are created on particular table.
  • These triggers are created to control DML operators.

Syntax  :-

Create /alter trigger <name>


  After/instead of insert,update,delete →triggers event





After triggers in SQL Server :-

These triggers are fired (executed) after the DML operation is executed.

INSTEAD OF triggers in SQL Server :-

These triggers fired instead of DML operation.

Example :-

Create a database trigger don’t allow any DML operation on Sunday.

Create trigger trg1 on emp

  After insert,update,delete



If datepart(dw,getdate ( ))=1



Raiserror(‘Sunday not allowed’,15,1)




Insert into emp(empno ,ename,sal)values(8800,’’ABC’,4000)


Select * from emp.

Example  :-

So, create a database trigger don’t allow any transaction before 10 A.M?

                     Create trigger trg2 on emp

                   After insert,update,delete



                If datepart(HH,getdate ( )<10)



          Raiserror(‘invalid time’,15,1)




       Set  implicit transaction on

 Update emp set sal=sal+1000.

Note  :- If table,trigger events are same instead of creating two different triggers write the code in one trigger.

Magic Tables in Triggers :-

Triggers using some tables are called as “magic table”.

        Magic table

       ↓               ↓

Inserted        Deleted


Record affected by insert command is copied to inserted table.

Deleted  :-

  • Record affected by delete command is copied to deleted table.
  • The record affected by update command is copied to both inserted table and deleted table.
  • New record is copied to inserted table and old record is copied to deleted table.

 4000 →Update emp set sal=5000 Where empno=719 

Program :-  Create a database trigger to insert record into resign table when employee resigns  :-

Resign table  :-

empno doj Dor


Create trigger trg3

On emp

After delete



Declare @eno,int,@doj datetime

Select @eno=empno,@doj=hiredate

  From deleted

Insert into resign values(@eno,@doj,getdate ( ))



Delete from emp where empno=7369


Select * from resign.

Example program :-

            To create a trigger to convert  deptname,locations to uppercase when user inserts record into department.

            Create trigger trg4

             On dept

             Instead of insert



             Declare @dno int,@dname varchar(20)

                 Declare @loc varchar (20)

        Select @dno=deptno,@dname=dname,@loc =loc

          From inserted

         Insert into dept values(@dno,upper(@dname),upper(@loc))


    Insert into emp values(10,’hr’,’hyd’)


Select * from emp


10            HR       HYD

Create a database trigger do not to allow more than four employee in a dept.

             Create trigger trg1

            On emp22

     Instead of insert



  Declare @eno int,@ename varchar (20)

  Declare  @dno int,@cnt  int

Select @eno=empno ,@ename=ename,

                   @dno=dno from inserted

Select @cnt=count(*) from emp22

                   Where dno=@dno.

If @cnt=4

Raiserror(‘max 4 emps’,15,1)


Insert into emp22 values (@eno,@ename,@dno)


Example  :-


Job            lowsal          highsal

Clerk         1000             2000

Manager    2001            4000

Salesman   1500            3000

Program  :-

                   Create trigger trg2

                 On emp                              →to check the salary range of employee

               After insert



           Declare @job varchar (20),@sal smallmoney

          Declare  @sal smallmoney,@hsal  smallmoney

         Select  @job=job,@sal=sal from inserted

Select @sal=lsal,@hsal=hsal from jobs

                    Where job=@job

If @sal not between @lsal  and @hsal



Raiserror(‘sal out of range’,15,1)



Auditing in SQL Server  :-

Example  :


Uname    operation      dtime        new_eno        new_ename       new_dno    old_eno    old_ename

Dbo           insert         —–               1                    x                           30           null              null

Dbo           delete        ——              null              null                        null           0                 x

Program  :-

          Create table emp_audit(uname varchar(20)),operation varchar(20),otime  datetime,new_eno int,new_ename   varchar(20),new_dno  int,old_eno  int,old_ename varchar(20),old_dno   int)

  •   Create trigger trg3

     On emp22

After insert,update,delete



Declare   @cnt1   int,@cnt2   int

Declare  @eno  int ,@ename varchar (20)

Declare @dno  int

Select   @cnt1=count(*)from inserted

Select @cnt=count(*)from deleted.

Select @cnt2((@cnt1=0)and(@cnt2=0))


Select @eno=empno,@ename=ename,@dno=dno

   From inserted.

Insert into emp_audit values (user_name ( ),insert,

               Getdate ( ),@eno,@ename,@dno,null,null,null)


Else if((@cnt1=0)and(@cnt2=1))


Select @eno=empno,@ename=ename,@dno=dno

             From deleted.

Insert into emp_audit values(user_name(),’delete’,getdate ( ),null,null,null,@eno,@ename,@dno)



{else((@cnt1=1)and (@cnt2=1))


Select @eno=empno,@ename=ename,@dno=dno from up

Insert into emp_audit values(user_name ( ),’update’}

Updating complex views  :–

Initial of trigger can be used to update complex views.

Create view v10


Select e.empno,e.ename,e.sal,d.deptno,d.dname

From emp e,dept d

Where e.deptno=d.deptno

Insert into v10 values(——-)


Here complex views doesn’t allow DML operation.

Program  :-

   Create trigger trg5

On v10

Instead of insert



Declare @eno  int,@ename varchar(20)

Declare @sal smallmoney,@dno int

Declare @dname  varchar (20)

Select @eno=empno,@ename=ename,@sal=sal,


   From inserted.

Insert into dept values(@dno,@dname,null)

Insert into emp(empno,ename,sal,deptno)



Database Triggers in SQL Server – SQL Server Tutorial

Database Triggers in SQL Server:-

  • A database trigger is also a ‘named block’ like procedures executed implicitly.

Procedures in SQL Server :                          

  1. Called explicitly                               
  2. Procedure can be created  without a table.
  3. Procedure accepts ‘parameters’.
  4. procedure returns a value.

Triggers in SQL Server:

  1. Called implicitly.
  2. Trigger can’t be created without a table.
  3. Trigger won’t accept parameters.
  4. Trigger won’t return a value.

Triggers are mainly created for:

  • To implement complex business rules & validations.
  • To do auditing.
  • To provide security.

Business rules are Two Types:

Declarative : Integrity constraints.

Procedural:  Database triggers.

Trigger Types in SQL Server  :-

It can be divided into two types :

  1. DML trigger
  2. DDL triggers