College Sports Management System .Net Project using, C#.Net and SQL

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The College Sports Management System’s objective is to provide a which manages the activity of many sports at a time. It also manages the registration process and announcement of the results.


Add sports

We can add new sports into the system so that we are able to retrieve them later during the registration process. The sports added would be viewed during the creation of a new intra- college or university tournament.

Add Scoreboard

We add a scoreboard so that the students can view it and the results of each match are announced here so that there will be only one platform for the results. This would reduce the chaos during the score announcement.

Add Tournament

Each tournament from an intra-college or a university can be added here. It later would help in the registration of any sports in that tournament. While adding a new tournament the system would show the set of sports that are entered into the system by the director of the sports so only those sports can be included in the tournament while creation.

Remove Sports

This module will help in the removal of any sports that the sports director thinks are not needed in the system. The removed sports would not be shown anywhere in the system that includes during the addition of a new tournament.

Edit Scoreboard

The added scoreboards would be updated here. This module helps in updating the scores on the scoreboard. Only the scoreboard which is added using the add scoreboard module would be present here and only these scoreboards can be updated. We won’t be able to add a new scoreboard here.

Remove players

This module would remove each player after each round of the tournament. So that only the existing player will be present and the one that is not qualified for the next round would be removed using this module. This would give a clear picture of the qualified players. As well as the player from the college team I can also be removed.

Remove Tournament

After each tournament in the college or a university, we should remove it, so that there won’t be any confusion between different tournaments which are going to be held later on. This module would help in removing all the details of the deleted tournament.

Registration Individual

This module would help in the registration of individual sports events held in the tournament. We selected the tournament in which we want to be part and the sports in which we want to participate in and the player would add his name and the required details asked in the registration form. After all these processes then we can click on the submit button and the student has registered for the tournament that they wish to participate in.

Registration Group

This module would help in the registration of group sports events held in the tournament. We selected the tournament in which we want to be part and the sports in which we want to participate in and the set of player’s names would be added and the other required details asked for in the registration form. After all these processes then we can click on the submit button and the student has registered for the tournament that they wish to participate in.


This module would help with online payment. So that the students wouldn’t have to stand in a queue or have hard cash in hand in order to do any payment to the sports department. By using this module we are reducing a lot of paperwork and we are giving the students the liberty of doing the payment from wherever they are.

  • This College Sports Resource Booking Project is related to the College Sports Management System Project. You can also visit & download the Android Application project on College Sports Resource Booking



The existing system is more of a manual work, where the students have to walk up to the sports department and have to register for the events that they desire to participate, it’s not just the registration process but even other activities such as the announcement of the result, the payment, etc. This results in a lot of paperwork and the chance of the data getting mixed up is high. In the existing System, students are not able to get proper information about the games conducted in various venues. The student needs to spend a lot of time to get the information about the game. The student should attend the venue to get information on the game which takes a lot of time. The information such as the qualified player’s list, the timing of the event, the score of the sports happening, etc.


  • Involves a lot of paperwork
  • Students have to walk a lot for the registration and other sports-related activities
  • Data getting corrupted is high
  • Human error is common during intra-college and university tournaments.
  • The students need to visit the venue to get all the information about the tournament and would have to wait for a long time.
  • Manually recording all information with regard to all data and manually creating the contest schedules, coordinating facility usage, and hand-registering athletes and teams. The dissemination of information would require that documents be typed, photocopied, and put up on the notice board or common place where students can view them.

You can also visit & download the website project on University Leave and Outing Pass Automated System


In the proposed College Sports Management System student can get all the information about various games and the venue.


  • Sports team
  • Adding new tournament
  • Adding new sports
  • Removing sports
  • Removing Players
  • Index page for Registration
  • Registration form for intra-sports
  • Registration form for group events
  • Admin Login
  • Index page
  • Admin Home page
  • Adding scoreboard

You can also visit & download the web application project on Student Activity on Sports System


Sport is a part of the curriculum in college. Hence it’s time for the sports department and its activities to be automated and go online as it will be beneficiary for everyone who is associated with sports in college. The “College Sports Management System” project will assist the sports department of the college and would help the students in saving a lot of time in searching for games being conducted in the college. Our project provides students to get register from anywhere and anytime. It helps the administration by streamlining the current intra-college sports event administrative practices. Specifically. It will allow the administrators to configure a set of Tournaments into the system and simply record the results of those contests so that administrators and the public can track the teams during the course of the tournament.

.NET Framework makes the application robust, secure, and reliable. This system provides better scalability and is open to more enhancements. More levels of abstraction can be implemented at the front end and back end, thereby making the system easily adaptable to any changes in the environment.

The software developed was implemented and tested with real data and was found to be error-free. Also, it is found that the system works successfully. The user has to provide their personal detail to buy a package. All the necessary validations are carried out in this project so that the company can make use of this software and the necessary messages make them conscious of the error they have made. Henceforth, valuable reports have been generated for this organization.

You can also visit & download the Java and MySQL-based web Application project on Sports Event Management System

Download the Complete College Sports Management System .Net Project with ASP.Net, C#.Net, and SQL Server.

Broadband Billing System Database Design SQL Project

Database design of Broadband Billing System application with the help of stored procedures and triggers in SQL Server.

ER Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Data Model Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Create Data Base:

For this purpose, created a Database Named “BBS” on the server.

  • Right Click on Database in Object Explorer of SSMS
  • Click on New
  • And Provide the name and hit the ok button
created a Database Named “BBS” in the server

Create Objects specified in Data Model & Add data to the “Subscription” table

Run the BBS_CreateTables script that will create the below data model in SQL.

Creation of SQL Procedures:


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc Script to create Register New Customer

Testing Script:



— Register New Customer

Exec BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc

  @CustomerName='Suresh Kumar'

, @CustomerMobile ='80043781'

, @CustomerIDProof ='ARC5296P'

, @CustomerType ='Regular'

, @City ='HYDERABAD'

, @Area ='HYDERABAD'

, @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Check Current Subscription Plans

 Exec BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc @USerID=2 , @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gives the customer all the plans available and the customer can choose anyone plans out of them as per his need and locality by taking subscription id, customer id, and month as input.

Run the BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc Script:

Testing Script:



 — Show all plans to customers

 Exec [BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc] @SubscriptionID =1 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure that will generate the bill for the customer’s chosen subscription plan by taking subscription id, month, and customer id as inputs.

Run the BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Generate Bill for Customer

 Exec [BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc] @SubscriptionID =2 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure to make a transaction for payment for the chosen transaction and will show the transaction details of the customer’s payment status.

Run the BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc script :

Run the script:

use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001


Create a trigger that gets triggered when there is any update on the bill table after the successful transaction of payment and this trigger has to change the status of the bill payment from pending to paid.

Run the below Scripts:

BBS_Transaction_Details_Update_tr Script

BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc Script

Testing Script:

 use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001

 — Make Transactions for payment

  exec [BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc] @TransactionID=2 ,   @PaidAmount =700, @PayMethod ='CC'

Run the 1st SP first to get the transaction details and amount

Pass those in 2nd sp and execute it.

Then if you run the query you will see the status updated to Paid

Select * From Bills b where billno=2


Download the Broadband Billing System application Stored Procedure Scripts Here.

Online Laundry Management System Project Synopsis

Online Laundry System is an Integrated System of Laundries functional work, organize and maintain the Data necessary for operations.

This Online Laundry System provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for Admin, Web Admin, Accountant of Laundry.

Online Laundry System has modules to manage Customer Invoices for Pisces, weight, Package, Delivery of Pisces, weight, Package wise, and Barcode Generations many more. It has a fully-fledged Human Resource module to manage the payroll and pay slips.

  • Front End: ASP.NET, C#, Entity Framework
  • Back End: SQL Server 2017

The modules included in the Online Landry System are as follows:

  • Customer Registration: This Module Created and Registered new Customer in an application with their necessary and Basic information. Admin has Rights to create, Edit View and Delete all customer information. Search Customer also included in this.
  • Invoice Generation: After Registered customer, Admin can create Invoice for Customers.

Customer Have three option-1) He/She can choose Pisces wise Invoice-He/She can give a Clothes by Pisces wise.

2) He can choose Weight wise Invoice.-He/She can a bunch of cloth weight wise.

#) He can choose Package wise Invoice.-He/She can select a package for a month, in that no of Pisces are fixed.

In one screen admin can able to create an invoice and also he can see a last all invoices for a particular customer.

Bar Code Generation: Admin can generate a Bar Code for all selected items for a particular invoice for a customer. After generation, he can able to print barcode on label printer and tag on clothes.

Delivery: Admin can Deliver cloths depend on their status-(Ready, Pending, Delivered), Different Color show Different status, He can also take Remaining payment from and generate an invoice for taking payment.

Reports: Different Report are a presence in a system like

  1. Customer List,
  2. Due Payment,
  3. Daily Collection,
  4. Garment-wise Collection,
  5. Cash Book,
  6. Customer Total Business etc.
  • Dash Board– User-Friendly Dashboard available. Graphical Representation is also available. which shows
  1. Total Business
  2. Financial Collection.
  • SMS Integration –This system also includes SMS sending on all action and transaction performed for a customer like a Customer Registration, Invoice generation, Payment given etc.