Download Human Resource Information Oracle Project Report

Human Resource Information System Oracle Project ” is an information system to provide effective control of safety functions and employees’ compensation and leave records. Download-Human-Resource-Information-Oracle-Project-Report

This system is meant to be installed at Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP). The development of the system is done at the R&D (RDCIS), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Ranchi, and Jharkhand, India. 

 This system is an extension to a “Human Resource Information System (HRIS)” developed by RDCIS, SAIL for Durgapur Steel Plant. The system, basically, deals with areas not considered in HRIS, such as employees; safety related functions, leave record and management of gate pass and statutory requirements of Contract Labour Cell (CLC). 

Human Resource Information System:  

Basically, it is a user-friendly Human Resource Information System (HRIS).  It allows the organization to take advantage of enterprise class HR functionality without the overwhelming expense traditionally incurred.  It manages the employee information, so provides an aid to the manager to manage the employees efficiently. 

This particular package is meant to revolutionize the way to manage the human resource demands.

The time required to search the information will be available for planning and head off potential problems. The value for a benefit that will be received is outstanding and will help the employees of the organization to a great extent. Major areas considered by the system can be characterized as-Safety Functions, Employees’ Leave Record Function, Contract Labour Cell (CLC). 

The system interacts with different departments they are:

  • Safety Department
  • Personnel Department
  • Finance Department. 

The involvement of these department demands proper coordination between them.  For proper and efficient functioning, the system interacts with these three departments. 


The objective of the information system is to provide an efficient handling of manpower resource and keeping track of the accident related information.  

The system also helps in keeping the employees’ leave record up to date.  The assistance provided by the system can be of effective and efficient utilization of the existing manpower, Maintenance of accident detail, analysis and redressal activity, HRIS is implemented of Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP). 


HRIS which stands for Human Resource Information System is a record system. It is the central repository for personnel and payroll data. HRIS supplies information and statistics on all employees.

The data provided is used to determine how human resources are being managed. Integrated HR Information Systems (HRIS) have a profound effect on firms that implement them. Most often these firms are replacing several related systems, such as a personnel database, payroll system, and benefits system, with one single HRIS that does it all.

Download HRM Database Management A Java Project Report

HRM Database Management Java project creates software that stores and manages all the data needed to describe the personnel and their framework within an organization.

It includes a definition of various levels of hierarchy in an organization, the salary structure pertaining to every element in this hierarchy, the description of every department functioning in the organization and the overall employee database which integrates elements in all the aforementioned. 

It has a database administrator who has access to the entire database, in regards to viewing and update of information. This exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing of all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for. 

This exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing of all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for. 

The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. The interface has been made very user-friendly. The data is well protected for use and the data processing i.e, the result of query functions has been made very quick and efficient.

 Primary Objective: 

The main objective of the system is to maintain and retrieve information about the entire personal framework of the organizational system. 

This system is fairly simple in design and implementation.  

Easy management of databases of various sections covers key aspects such as very simple and easy to implement. Checks the security of data, ensures data accuracy. One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the manual system. 

Anything, which can be done by using automated methods, can be done manually. But the key question is how to perform a task manually in a sound and optimal manner.   


Application software has been developed using Oracle and Java database programming connectivity via Oracle driver so as to meet the requirements of an organization, thereby ensuring quality performance.The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. To conclude this software has proved to be a user-friendly interface.

Automated Network Administration Tool a Java Project with Code

Automated Network Administration Tool a Java Project (ANAT) is an innovative tool for managing the network automatically and executing the commands on the Gateway machines and restricting access to server machines on the network for different users in the network. Automated-Network-Administration-Tool-a-Java-Project

Now a days, there are many tools available for network monitoring and management. 

But ANAT provides a unique way of managing the network, that is, automatic network management based on the three main constraints like time, host, and user. This automatic administration relieves the administrator from his usual tedious task. 

It is an innovative tool for managing a network automatically in the absence of an administrator. In Automated Network Administration tool an algorithm is developed for the purpose of automatically managing the network based on the criteria like Time, Host and User. This algorithm will restrict the access of the user to applications or resources on a system according to the access control rules set by the administrator. 

As a part of network management packet filtering, packet blocking etc. are done. Firewalls are activated and deactivated and Packet redirecting is developed according to the requirement of the Network administrator. Now a day, the task of controlling the communication across the network is very tedious. 

Network Monitoring Tools: 

There are many network monitoring tools available today which monitor the network host but which cannot restrict the network access based on the three constraints i.e. time, host and user. In the existing system, a network administrator will have to write all such rules in the firewalls of the respective Bastions separately. 

There is no network management or controlling tool, which completely holds the necessities discussed above. The administrator has no tools currently available, which can be used to update the firewall written for a business firm. The proposed system is for a network which consists of different servers connected to a gateway machine and the clients connected to the bastion server through a hub or switch. 


The proposed system is expected to rectify all drawbacks of the existing system. The administrator should be able to control and monitor the whole network from a central Bastion. There will be provision for writing the firewall rules in a central Bastion. 


The network administrator can write new policies and rules for existing users and for new users, which is accomplished by a well designed user interface for administrator. Even though we have completed this software tool with all our efforts successfully, it is still having some limitations like the disability to restrict the client to client communications, controlling multiple network clients etc.

Hence the system is highly user friendly and is well efficient to make easy interactions with administrator of the network.

download Project Report  of  CSE Automated Network Administration Tool a Java Project .

Download an Alumni Association Java Project Report

An alumni association is an association of graduates (alumni) Java Project or, more broadly, of former students. In the alumni of universities, colleges, schools, fraternities and sororities often form groups with alumni from the same organization. alumni-association-Java-Project-Report.

These associations often organize social events; publish newsletters or magazines raise funds for the organization. Many provide a variety of benefits and services that help alumni maintain connections to their educational institution and fellow graduates. 

Additionally, such groups often support new alumni and provide a forum to form new friendships and business relationships with people of similar background.

Alumni associations are mainly organized around universities or departments of universities, but may also be organized among students that studied in a certain country. 

In the past, they were often considered to be the universities or schools old boy network. This project is aimed at developing a repository for the alumni of the college, which is of importance to a college. 

The Repository and Search Engine (RASE) is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the World. Anyone can access the Search Engine to know about any Alumni of that college but can’t able to add. Alumni can only update the database when they are in the college. 

The project is envisaged to be completed in two phases. 

The initial phase will be the creation of a simple system that will be used to capture data from current final year students before the end of the term.

The second phase of development will extend the functionality of the system to allow past alumni to register.  It is very tough to find and locate the old students of a particular institution and gather them using the college records. 


Searching for the particular batch students is a time taking process. To overcome all the drawbacks of the existing system we go for automate alumni software in which all the data of the members are updated automatically by the student itself. This modification will be updated only with proper validation of the student. The searching for a particular student is done very easily using this software.

Download Air Ticket Reservation a Java Project Report


SEA Airlines is a leading travel company offering leisure and business travelers the widest selection of low fares as well as deals on lodging and vacation packages. DOWNLOAD-AIR-TICKET-RESERVATION-A-JAVA-PROJECT-REPORT

The site was created to address the need for an unbiased, comprehensive display of fares and rates in a single location for consumers. SEA Airlines search results are presented in an easy-to-use Matrix that displays a vast array of travel options for you. 

SEA Airlines is the first and only travel site with a seasoned Customer Care Team that monitors nationwide travel conditions for our travelers around the clock, every day. SEA Airlines is a site, which helps the flight travelers. Its mission is to offer flexible leisure travelers a quick and easy way to get better deals on airline tickets. 

All purchases made on SEA Airlines are not final and can be cancelled, refunded or changed. 

If we want, you can also receive your updates by calling Arabian Travels toll-free number and using your personalized PIN. When customers prefer a specific travel itinerary, they offer the widest range of flight options and fares. SEA Airlines is a site, which helps the flight travelers. Its mission is to offer flexible leisure travelers a quick and easy way to get better deals on airline tickets. 

Through partnerships with leading travel companies, it can negotiate special prices that can’t be found anywhere else. About the site; it provides a link to the login page. The existing system is the manual entry of up keeping of the details of the persons who are registered already. And it is very difficult for each person to come to the office. 

Users can also inquire about the tickets through phones. It is very difficult for the user to remember all the details that they received through phones. And it is also very difficult to calculate how many people are registered in a month by hand. This requires quite a lot of time and wastage of money as it requires quite a lot of manpower to do that. 


The proposed system has got many advantages. People from different parts of the world can register very easily. 

The new system is more personalized. It is made in such a manner that all the new users can understand all the options in it very easily. It is made in a quick and easy referential manner. This system helps the user to go through the rates quoted by different travel agencies and select the convenient rate that is suitable for him. 

Access to all important matters are not always locked and can be opened easily at the time of urgency. The advantages of the proposed system are that security is maintained in the new system. Securities for all important data are maintained confidentially. 


The project report entitled “AIR TICKET RESERVATION” has come to its final stage. The system has been developed with much care that it is free of errors and at the same time, it is efficient and less time-consuming. The important thing is that the system is robust. Also, provision is provided for future developments in the system. Hence, the entire system is secured.

Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval Database Project Report


The main aim of the Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval project is to build a fast and efficient strategy to retrieve the query concept in content-based image retrieval. Human interactive systems have attracted a lot of research interest in recent years, especially for content- based image retrieval systems. Contrary to the early systems, which focused on fully automatic strategies, recent approaches have introduced human-computer interaction. Interactive-Image-Retrieval-project

Why this project – Active Learning Methods for interactive image retrieval? 

In this project we focus on the retrieval of concepts within a large image collection. We assume that a user is looking for a set of images, the query concept, within a database. The aim is to build a fast and efficient strategy to retrieve the query concept. In content-based image retrieval (CBIR), the search may be initiated using a query as an example. 

The top rank similar images are then presented to the user. Then, the interactive process allows the user to refine his request as much as necessary in a relevance feedback loop. Many kinds of interaction between the user and the system have been proposed, but most of the time, user information consists of binary labels indicating whether or not the image belongs to the desired concept. 

Finally, the image will take the relevant image what the user search. One can see that we have selected concepts of different levels of complexities.

It is used to reduce the computational time. At last it will reduce the control-path latency incurred between issuance of a request and arrival of the corresponding grant.

download Project Report  of CSE  Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval project.

Student Management System a .Net Project

Student Management System a .Net Project explains about the student management. It mainly explains the various actions related to student details. It shows some ease in adding, editing and deleting the student details. It also provides a less time consuming process for viewing, adding, editing and deleting the marks of the students. Student Management System includes, student registration, subject allocation, branch selection, semester wise selection, examination marks entry and displaying branch and semester wise result.


Why there should be the use of Student Management System Software(s)? 

This software is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. This system deals with the various activities related to the students. Proposed system has the provision of adding the details of the students by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers will become less. 

Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a student when it found unnecessary. The marks of the student are added in the database and so students can also view the marks whenever they want. Proposed system had some advantages for example it is User friendly interface, Fast access to database, More Storage Capacity, Search facility, Quick transaction etc. 


All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or college have been rectified by implementing computerization. This project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

Its main objective is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project gets progressed.

Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing a Java Project

Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing a Java Project is for computer science final year students who are interested in grid computing java project.


Communication Induced Check-pointing protocols usually make the assumption that any process can be check-pointed at any time. An alternative approach which releases the constraints of always check-point able processes, without delaying, “Any do not message reception” or altering message ordering enforcement by the communication layer and by the application.


Reason for implementation and others: 

This protocol has been implemented within Pro-Active, an open source Java middle ware for asynchronous and distributed objects implementing the ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes).However, large applications executing on Grid or cluster architectures consisting of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes create problems with respect to reliability. 

A Glittering Problem: 

The source of the problems is node failures and the need for dynamic configuration over extensive runtime. 


By allowing recovery even under different numbers of processors, the approaches are especially suitable for applications with a need for adaptive or reactionary configuration control. The low-cost protocols offer the capability of controlling or bounding the overhead. A formal cost model is presented, followed by an experimental evaluation. It is shown that the overhead of the protocol is very small, and the maximum work lost by a crashed process is small and bounded. 

The solution to this is two fault-tolerance mechanisms called Theft-Induced Check pointing and Systematic Event Logging. These are transparent protocols capable of overcoming problems associated with both benign faults, i.e., crash faults, and node or subnet volatility. Specifically, the protocols base the state of the execution on a data flow graph, allowing for efficient recovery in dynamic heterogeneous systems as well as multi threaded applications.

School Student Management System a Oracle Database Project


          The project “School student management system a Oracle Database Project” is an improved management system. It is used for handling all student details which has information about student details, subject details and personal details. Here all the work is computerized and managed by an administrator which updates and monitors the entire process.student-management-a-Oracle-Database-Project

         The project replaces the use of Microsoft Excel to track the data which is slow in data retrieval but now a semi-computerized system is designed where the data is printed after every semester that permits the entry of new data. Thus Microsoft Access is used in this system.

Student Management Oracle Project Description:

       The project School student management system has four modules which are student details, subject details and lecturer details. Here a database is designed which can easily store, retrieve and update data. Manual counting of student is eliminated. Also the time of retrieving data is shortened as required. This system captures information about student’s personal details, lectures and courses. Storing, updating and retrieving are done in a fast and accurate fashion.

          The project has some challenges which have to be met. The computer is sometimes not available for accessing as it is used for other purposes. However the best advantage of the system is that it provides access all kinds of information that the student requires. Student is provided with a login and a password and the required information is obtained.


     This project has been designed using Access. This is because the system has the ability to create dynamic data and HTML pages. The ability of this system is that data can be imported and exported easily through ADODB which is a common connector for most web applications. The database that is used here is Oracle which is well-known for handling of SQL statements.  

download Project Report of CSE School Student Management System a Oracle Database Project .

Online Insurance Portal a Oracle Database Project

   The project “Online Insurance portal a Oracle Database Project is a web based application which is designed mainly for the agents of the insurance company. In this system, the company takes the policy for his clients electronically. The company on receiving the requests from the clients and processes and maintains the policy details through the system. Online-Insurance-Portal-a-Oracle-Database-Project

              This system is an integrated insurance system that links up all the channels within the insurance industry. This system can facilitate online processing and provides services to the insurance partners. This can be broadly divided into two types-motor and non-motor. The motor insurance policy covers all types of private vehicles and good carrying vehicles. The other types of vehicles are taxis, buses, motorcycles etc.

Online Insurance Oracle Database Project Description:

  This project Online Insurance portal various a lot of policies for its various customers wherein the customers can view the complete details of the policies available and the benefits they cover. Through this system assistance is provided to the customers for choosing a policy of their choice and also calculates the premium amount.

         The performance of this system is increased with the latest technology. It is a one-stop for all the agents of the insurance company to perform all sorts of transactions. A single authentication step is sufficient for accessing all the information resources and applications. It provides 24 hours service and is built with high security and reliability. A search option is incorporated for searching in the existing details.


    The system has been successfully implemented. The software used to design the system is well thought of and then implemented in this project. Stringent efforts have been made to make the system error free and provide a user friendly environment for the customers. Also, the system is flexible in nature so that future enhancements could be incorporated into it. 

download Project Report of CSE Online Insurance portal a Oracle Database Project.