Appointment Scheduler System Asp.Net Project Source Code

Appointments scheduler system project is implemented in platform. This project is helpful for business personals, employees …etc who need to manage their time more efficiently and keep track of all meetings and managing appointments in a day. 

This system works on web technology where users need to register with the application and add, update and modify appointments.

In the existing system, appointments are managed by personal assistants but when we away from him we need an application which can work from all over the world.

This application works irrespective of the physical location. This system also provides notifications for users about their upcoming appoint date and time.

This application can be further developed by adding notifications using SMS for users with free of cost.

appointment scheduler system project source code and project execution procedure.

Task Manager Asp.Net Project Source Code

Task manager project is a web-based application which is implemented in project. This project is useful for every employee, student for managing there daily work in a single software application. 

In our day to day life every we generally forget most of the things we want to do so developing an application for managing tasks will be helpful for every person.

Implementing this application as the mobile app can be a new method for reaching to the audience.

By developing this application students can gain knowledge on C# programming, layered architecture, object data source in the presentation layer, knowledge on ajax and web services.

task manager web portal project source code and project execution procedure.

Telephone Company Customer Support Asp.Net Project Source Code

The telephone company customer support project is implemented in platform. 

This project is useful for every telecom service provider for communicating with customers by answering to there requests on new plans, recharge issues, value-added services, bill payments …etc.

Every telecom service provider provides customer support through voice but this system provides a solution for customer support through website.

This application is developed with basic features like user registration, password changing, and a feedback module.

telephone company customer support project source code and project abstract.

Customer Support System Asp.Net Project Source Code

Customer support system project is implemented in platform. 

The main idea for developing this project is to provide a web portal for customers to know about the product before purchasing any new product.

Users should register with the product and provide details of the product and query for the information they want.

On a single thread, multiple users will share their opinion and even sales persons can communicate with users to improve business.

In the present system, most of the organizations provide customer care service but they are no discussions between different users. Using this application user can get accurate customer care information.

customer support system project project source code.

Financial Management System Vb.Net Project Source Code

Finance management system project is implemented in platform. This project is useful for every bank to manage daily financial details in a single software application. 

This application will handle loan details, savings of bank account holders, information of shareholders. Another feature of this system is it can analyze customer profits and loss and provide statistical summary and interest information

For this application, only admin module is implemented. Functionality provided for this module are adding, deleting, modifying and updating of employee and member details,

Admin module is sub divided into seven modules like transaction module, expenditure module..etc.

Here we provide entire project report on financial management system with source code for free.

financial management system project source code and project report.

Fixed Deposit System Vb.Net Project Source Code

Fixed deposit maintenance system project is implemented in platform. 

This project is useful for any every organizations for maintain there financial details using single software application.

Using this software application we can store loan deposits, payments issued to employees, maturity repayments, interest warranted and deposit receipts.

In existing system many small organizations are still working on manual methods which is not a efficient method for maintain large amount of data. Oracle database is used as back end application for storing and retrieving data.

 fixed deposit system project source code

Local Language Mobile Services Java Project

  • Project Title: Local Language Mobile Services Java Project
  • Project Software Environment: Java, Java Server Pages, JDBC/Hibernate, Java Struts 2.x Frame work, Tomcat application server, Oracle database server.              

Project Description: Local Language Mobile Services developed with Java Server Pages, Java Programming, Oracle database server, this software application provides different services to the common people like health management services, traffic management services, police services, and retail food prices system in user selected language. This final year CSE Project has designed using java struts frame work, Google web services for language conversion. The Main advantage of Local Language Mobile Services project is administrator can add any different service easily at any time with high security and the content of different services are dynamically changed whenever we select one language.

Developer Responsibilities:

  • Involved in requirements gathering
  • Involved in software requirement specification
  • Worked on SQL queries.
  • Coding login functionality using struts, JDBC connectivity
  • Front end Designing user interface using jsp and HTML.

Student Information System Vb.Net Project

Student information system project is implemented in platform. 

This project is useful for educational institutions for providing communication between previous and present students and provide a platform for sharing information between them.

Using this project institutes can maintain payment information of students in the database.

Here you can find entire project source code and details of database tables.

student information system project source code.

Online Education System in Java with Source Code

Online education web portal project is developed in java platform. This project is implemented by taking reference of many online education sites. 

This web portal is implemented is basic features that are required to provide online education.

In present trend usage of internet users are increasing at the same time education through online had become a new trend for sharing knowledge from all around the world.

This application is useful for students from all over the world and communicate with different countries educational institutes and gain knowledge on the subject.

In project abstract, we provide detailed information of different operation this website can perform an execution procedure of the project.

online education web portal project in java source code and project report.

Supply Chain Management Project in Java Project Report

Supply chain management project is intranet web application which runs inside organization for managing information about product sales and orders that to be sent to customers and sharing information about product sales between different branches of the organization. 

In existing system, manual methods are used to communicate between branches which is a time taking process and lot of human resources are needed.

Using this software application can save money for organization and work can be completed with is less time. This process can increase the performance of the organization.

This project is implemented in java platform.

This application is implemented with operations like login module, handling messages from branches, placing orders, handling stock information, listing out pending orders and analyzing entire process information.

supply chain management in java project source code and project execution procedure with project report and ppt.