Saikosound a Online website project using .Net

Computer science final year students who are looking for developing online shopping website using .Net as software tool then SAIKOSOUND a Online website project using .Net  can be helpful. This projects main idea is to introduce E-shopping facility for a well known Saikosound shopping spot located at Hong Kong. This project will provide online services for users who are looking to shop through online by providing security features in a most efficient way. This application mainly concentrates on consistency, integrity and privacy for every user who what to perform transactions through this website.Saikosound-a-Online-website-project-using-.Net

As the website is designed with high standards with features like selection of the product, User login, online order request, Catalog view and customer support. Initially user must log in to the website and use the above mentioned features for selecting products available in the catalog. Based on the selected product price is calculated and then user can pay amount using different online methods like PayPal, credit card..Etc. 

Saikosound a Online website project using .Net application is developed in the way that it can be easily modified for future improvements, if required, integrating and implementing will be very easy. This project will definitely reduce man power and increase sales without any risk for user.

Saikosound .Net project. System Specifications

Hardware Specification Development Server

  • Server Class PC with PIV or Xeon>2.00GHz
  • RAM: 1024 MB
  • Hard disk drive: 2*40 GB
  • 100 MBPS Network Interface Card


  • PC with PIV 1.8GHz RAM: 128MB
  • Hard Disk Drive: 40 GB
  • Implementation Server
  • Minimum xeon 256 MB RAM
  • Hard disk drive 80 G B


Minimum P II Minimum 64 M B RAM 


  • Development Server   IIS web server IE 5.0
  • ASP. NET 1.1
  •   SQL Server 2000 Windows XP Client
  • IE 5.0
  • Windows2000 


  • Server
  • IIS Web Server
  • Windows 2000/2003 SQL Server 2000
  • Client
  • Windows based client IE 5.0 

For more information on this project you can download Saikosound a Online website .Net project  for free from this site.

Corporate Address Book an ASP.Net Project.

  If you are looking for a software project which is related to Software Company then this project may help you. Corporate Address book a ASP.Net project helps Software Company to manage employee details. After employee is registered with system, admin will allocate a personal id for each employee where employee can store his personal data in that account. This application will allow employee to view his address book based on category wise. Employee can edit his details.Corporate-Address-Book-an-ASP-Net-Project.

Address book maintenance will be maintained by HR manager. He will enter new employee details in to address book.HR manager has the permission to delete and modify employee details. This application will provide full details and addresses of the employees are working in the organization. 

Corporate address book concept is used by many software companies in present market.

This project requires Windows XP operating system, sql server for database, ASP.Net is used for server side technology, ASP for server side scripting, HTML for Client side scripting and IIS is used for Web-Server. 

System Specifications for implementing corporate address book ASP.Net Project.


  • Processor              :          Intel P-IV system
  • Processor Speed    :         250MHz to 833MHz
  • RAM                     :         512MB RAM
  • Hard Disk             :          40GB            


  • Operating System            :            Windows XP
  • Database                           :             Sql Server
  • Server side technology     :            ASP.Net
  • Server side scripting       :             ASP
  • Client side scripting         :             HTML
  • Web-Server        :             IIS

Download CSE Corporate Address book a ASP.Net project.

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project will be best option for a student who is looking for software project which deals with software company problems. This project explains about establishing effective work relation between team leader and team members which will be alternative method for manual work assigning method. Using this application work delay problem will be reduced as well as relation between team leader and team member will be effective. IMPLEMENTATION-OF-ECCENTRIC-NETWORK-FOR-INTRANET-a-C# .Net-Project.

ECCENTRIC NETWORK FOR INTRANET a c# .Net project is already implemented in almost every software company. In a project team leader will assign work to his team members and discussions on the project will do through this application even when project leader is not in office. ECCENTRIC NETWORK application will provide private network for the team leader and team member. 

 By using this application team member can know there assigned work by checking offline. Team member is provided with network id, password with project name and his role in the project and time duration of the project.            

Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet project uses .NET Frame work, ASP.Net for server application development and C#.NET programming language. 

System specifications for implementing

Software Requirements Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project

  • Web-Technologies            :        ASP.NET
  • Frameworks                      :        .NET Framework 2.0  
  • Database                             :        SQL Server 2005
  • Web server                        :        IIS 5.0
  • Language                            :           C#

  Hardware Requirements

  • Operating System                : Windows XP Professional sp2
  • Processor                               : Pentium 4.0(1.6GHz)
  • Memory                                 :        512 MB 

Download CSE Implementation Of Eccentric Network For Intranet A C# .Net Project.

Infrastructure Management System a ASP.Net Project.

If you are looking for a live project which was done is a company then this project may help you, Infrastructure Management System a ASP.Net project is about maintaining server in a factory where each server has the ability to backup the data after every operation it performs so in order to maintain that data information technology department of vishaka steel plant had developed a intranet based web application which will store data of servers generated log files in to online using system server group. Infrastructure-Management-System-a-ASP.Net-Project.

This project helps to backup log files from the stored server which will save time. Presently server management in vishaka steel company is managed using log books. 

Infrastructure management ASP.Net project is developed under six modules. 

  1. Server Management.
  2. Server Maintenance.
  3. Cat ridge Management.
  4. Mock Restoration.
  5. Software Management.
  6. Document Management. 

Hardware Interfaces

  • Pentium IV Processor.
  • 128 MB RAM.
  • 20GB Hard Disk space.
  • Ethernet card with an Internet and Internet zone. 

Software Interfaces

  • Windows 98 or 2000 or XP operating system.
  • Internet explorer 5.0 and Netscape navigator.
  • Visual Studio 2005
  • Front end: with C#
  • Oracle 9i as back end
  • IIS. 

Download CSE Infrastructure Management  System  a ASP.Net Project.

Courier system service (css) A C#.Net project

Courier system service (css) c#.Net project is solution for betterment of existing time consuming courier system. There is lot of scope for computerizing courier services for improving customer services. This project will fill the gap by providing services like sms   tracking, International goods for transaction- Commerce and provide web based business solutions. 

This project uses visual studio 2008,Ms sql server for developing this application. This application is divided in to five modules where each module comes with different features.

Users information is stored into database tables through which user can check his service details whenever he want. 

Existing system.

Existing system is time consuming why because person who are interested in taking service they need to present at courier branch then there will be lot of formalities like filling forums submitting forms, waiting for time so this entire process take some time. In present existing system data is entered through manual process and there are chances of data loss, security is very less and any person can access important data.

Proposed system.

In order to overcome existing system problems new system is developed using this system any system can be easily searched with better security features. Database is implemented for maintaining files so this can help in increasing secure data storage. Database details can be easily retrieved by just knowing ID’s. Amount calculation can be performed with in less time. More features are provided in the project document.

This application is developed through different modules as mentioned below.

 Modules in Courier system C#.Net project:

        Real time Automation System for Logistics has in all six modules

  • Admin Module
  • Client Module
  • Employee Module
  • Query Module
  • Report Module.

Hardware Requirements.

The project will run on any machine with minimum requirement of the following:

  • Processor-Intel Pentium III or higher.
  • RAM-128 MB or more.
  • Hard Disk Capacity-50 MB or more.
  • Color Monitor for display. 

Software Requirements

The project has the following software requirement: 

  • Platform: Microsoft Visual studio 2008
  • Framework: Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
  • Language: C# ( C sharp)
  • Back end: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Operating System: Windows XP

Customer Complaint Management System Project

Computer science students who are interested in developing customer care related project, Customer Complaint management system project can be one of the options for selecting a project.Customer-Complaint-management-system-project

The main idea for developing this project is to replace existing manual customer service with a computerized customer service system in a telecommunication company. 

In order to provide better customer support for any telecom company customer support system should be effective. This system will increase company reputation by providing better services and request feedback from customers. As we know customers are key for identifying problems. 

Introducing Customer Complaint management system in to any organization can improve their services like.

  • Handling complaints from customer in a better way.
  • No chance of duplicate complaints.
  • Can provide standard services for a community.
  • Decision making at administrative level will be of higher standards. 

In present market scope for using this project is high. This application provides WAP services for customers through these service customers can use this system on mobiles, this feature can save time. As the information technology is growing widely, developing and maintain this application can be done with a minimum cost. This application can reduce 4 times the cost compare to the existing manual system. 

For more information on complaint management system you can download project report from this site for a free of cost. 

Customer Complaint management system document contains. 

System Analysis

Software Requirement Specification

Feasibility Study

Architectural Design

System Implementation

Screen Shots and Coding.

File Cutter and Joiner Project computer science final year students who are looking for a zip, rar type of java project then File Cutter and Joiner project can provide some knowledge. The main aim for developing this project to solve problem for transferring large files by splitting them in to specified sizes and combining spitted files in to single file without losing any data. File-Cutter-and-Joiner-Project.

In our daily life we come across situation where transferring large files will become a problem like sending large files through mail, writing data in to cd or storing data on to pen drive. This software file splitter will solve this problem by breaking large file in to different pieces with in a user specified size. We usually face problem in rearranging spited files in to single file, in this case mainly we lose data but this application can rearrange splitted files in to single file without losing any data. 

Now days we can see this type of applications are integrated in to mail like yahoo…Etc. By looking at this we can understand how useful this software can be in real life.

File Cutter and Joiner software provides three options for splitting large files.


1. Split to 1.4MB for floppy.

2. Split to fit in cd 650MB.

3. Split according to the user request. 

In order to provide security for the files this software includes password protection option. Using this option user can add password to each splitted file and reenter the same password to open the file. 

Using this software is very easy it takes very less space 20MB and it is stand alone application. 

File Cutter and Joiner Consist of the Following Modules



Custom Splitter


For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost. 

Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project

Computer science students who are interested in developing website security related project,then Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project may provide some information for developing a project. The main idea for developing this project is to provide a solution for Distributed denial of service attacks on popular websites.MONITORING-PROJECT-ON-DDOS-ATTACK-FOR-POPULAR WEBSITE

DDOS attack is a commonly seen threat on web. By using new application layer based DDOS fetching information using HTTP requests to find out victim information are more undetectable.

In certain cases like using flash crowd event can cause serious damage for a popular website. 

Considering these DDOS attacks a new concept is developed which is based on document popularity. As we know access matrix is the used to find out the spatial -temporal patterns of a normal flash crowd. A new method in introduced in which multidimensional access matrix is used. A novel anomaly detector based on hidden semi-Markov model is proposed to describe the dynamics of Access Matrix and to detect the attacks. The entropy of document popularity fitting to the model is used to detect the potential application-layer

DDoS attacks. This project will provide numerical information based on website traffic data to show the accuracy of the present system. 

DDOS attack for popular website project is implemented in different modules.

Victim server & User Login

Training phase




Data Preparation


Download CSE Online Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project .

Online E-Tender Management .Net Project

Online E-Tendering Management .net project is for final year Information technology students who are interested in developing web based application which is implemented in ASP.NET. The main idea for implementing this project is to replace existing manual tender system with computerized system. Online-E-TENDER-MANAGEMENT -Net-Project

In present situation tender system is performed manually which involves lot of manual work and which is a time involved process. Record maintenance is not accurate there are many chances of loss of data which will cause serious problems while preparing reports. In order to involve in tendering process people should travel a long way. As we know in long time manual process leads to lot of problems. 

As the information technology is growing widely there is lot of scope for finding solution for this problem by developing a web based project like Online e-Tender Management system which can resolve all these issues. 

This web application provides organizations to register with this system and upload tender details. Since this application is visible from all over the world clients can log into this site and apply for tenders and submit their quotations to the organizations on the project by filling a from through online.                  

Companies are informed as soon as clients apply for tender so organizations can contact clients for further information or they can communicate through this application.                 

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost. 

System specifications for developing Online e-tendering project. 

The system must have the following software requirements: 

Visual Basic .Net (version 2.0)

Visual Basic .Net Framework (version 2.0)

SQL Server 2000/2005

Download CSE Online E-Tendering Management .net project .

Civil Registry .Net Project

Civil Registry .Net project is for CSE and IT final year students who are interested in developing government related project using ASP.NET,C#,SOAP , HTTP protocol and SQL. The main idea for Implementing this project is to provide better services for citizens while applying for driving license, Voter’s ID card, PAN card, Passport  and provide online registration facilities like birth certificate, marriage certificate …Etc. Using this application can even reduce work load for government employees. Civil-Registry -Net-Project

Civil Registry .Net Project is a web based application which will work as government agency to provide better services to citizens. As mentioned above this application will help for citizens to applying and registering for various government certificates. 

             This project will a best option for replacing existing manual process which require lot of time and resources. Civil registry project can replace existing system to provide better customer care, takes less time, accuracy and even reduce corruption. This web based application will act as a government agency service through which public can know information about application process, application status which can save lot of time for public as well as government employees. 

      In present situation where Information technology field is growing fast, implementing and maintaining this project will not be big task. This project creates lot of space for adding more features in to this application. 

System specifications for developing Civil Registry project 


      The selection of hardware is very important in the existence and proper working of any software. When selecting hardware, the size and requirements are also important. 

Minimum Requirements:

      Processor         :     Pentium II class, 450MHz

      RAM               :     128MB

      Hard Disk Drive   :     3GB

      Video             :     800X600, 256 colors

      CD-ROM            :     Required 

The proposed System is developed on:

      Processor         :     INTEL Pentium 4

      RAM               :     512MB

      Hard Disk Drive   :     40GB

      Key Board         :     Standard 101/102 or Digi Sync Family

      Monitor           :     Display Panel (1024 X 764)

      Display Adapter   :     Trident Super VGA

      Network Adapter   :     SMC Ethernet Card Elite 16 Ultra

      Mouse             :     Logitech Serial Mouse 


      Operating System  :     Windows XP

      Front- End        :     C#. NET with ASP. NET

      Back- End         :     MS SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS 

For more information on this project you can download civil registry cse project from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Civil Registry .Net  Project report .