Nano IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine Mech Seminar For Students

This Nano IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine Mech Seminar For Students deals with the history, construction of a nano IC engine, their merits & their future prospects

Nanotechnology is the much discussed technology these days – a realm in which machines operate at scales of billionth a metre. It is actually a multitude of rapidly emerging technologies based upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the next level of precision and miniaturization.

In the field of nano technologies researchers are enthusiastic about its potential applications in fields such as energy, medicine, electronics, computing and materials. Of late, one of the emerging aspects dealing Nanotechnology in mechanical field is the Internal Combustion Engine on a nano scale, which is in this project chosen as the area of interest. Heat engines have evolved from external combustion engines to internal combustion engines and the hot off the block is the nano internal combustion engine .

The various applications can be spotted from race cars to space crafts. It can also be applied to various fields like agricultural pump sets, industrial applications, Hospitals, constructions civil engineering equipments etc.,

The project also Introduces two unique nanotechnology products:

  • NanoLube Engine Oil Tratment, and
  • NanoRon Gas & Diesel Fuel Enhancer.


  Nano IC Engine which is discussed in this project, enables fuel transforms at the nano-level to achieve a more complete combustion, resulting in increased fuel economy, more driving power, and fewer pollutive emissions.

Download Nano IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine Mechanical Engineering Seminar For Students.

Microelectro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Mech Seminar Report

This Microelectro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Mech Seminar Report discusses a general manufacturing process and fabrications involved in MEMS devices,  advantages and disadvantages using MEMS devices and the important applications of MEMS devices in automotive industry

The MEMS discussed in this project encompasses all aspects of science and technology, is involved with things on smaller scale.This field is called by a wide variety of names in different parts of the world: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Micromechanics, Microsystems Technology (MST), micro machines .

Microelectromechanical systems or MEMS,is the next logical step in the silicon revolution is fabricated using integrated circuit(IC) whose size ranges  from micrometers to millimeters. These systems can sense,control and actuate on the micro scale and function individually or in arrays to generate effects on the micro scale.

There are four main advantages of using MEMS compared to ordinary large scale machinery

1.Easy to produce. 2.Can be produced in a large number. 3.Provides an Ease of parts alteration.

4.Highly reliabile and 5.Low Cost production.

Due to their size, it is physically impossible for MEMS to transfer any significant power and as they are brittle, they cannot be loaded with large forces.

  • Provides service in munitions guidance and personal navigation.
  • Electromechanical signal processing for ultra-small and ultra low-power wireless communications.
  • Asset tracking, environmental monitoring, and security surveillance.
  • Weapons safing, arming, and fuzing.
  • Embedded sensors and actuators for condition-based maintenance.
  • Mass data storage devices for high density and low power.


The project haven giving the detailed description concludes that MEMS is going to be the future of the modern technical field in the growth of micro sensor based applications such as automotive industries, wireless communication, security systems, bio medical instrumentation and in armed forces.

Download Microelectro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Mechanical Engineering Student technical Seminar Report.

Related Projects Links:

Microelectromechanical systems mems

Metallurgical Changes in Steels Due To Cryogenic Processing & Its Applications

This Metallurgical Changes in Steels Due To Cryogenic Processing & Its Applications is based on the study of improving the wear resistance and the significance of treatment parameters in different materials.

The cryogenic processing is modification of a material or component using cryogenic temperatures i.e temperatures below 120K (-244F, -153C).  Cryogenic processing makes changes to the crystal structure of materials.It is a supplementary process to conventional heat treatment process in steels and unlike simple coating,but effects  the entire volume of the component The major results of these changes are to enhance the abrasion resistance and fatigue resistance of the materials..

This project makes a study on the improvement in wear resistance and the significance of treatment parameters in different materials. It is found that cryogenic treatment imparts nearly 110% improvement in tool life. It is even superior to tin coating,


  • Gun barrels: Cryogenic treatment increases the wear life of the barrel and makes cleaning easier and faster. Cryo-Accurizing permanently relieves the internal stresses cause twisting and arcing as the barrel heats up from repeated firing. with no risk of damage to the barrel or the action of a fine gun
  • Grinding: Cryogenically treated grinding wheels cut more cleanly. Cryo-Accurizing permanently relieves the internal stresses with no risk of damage to the barrel or the action of a fine gun
  • Engine parts: Knowledge of the effect of cryogenic processing on engines and power plants comes mainly from automotive racing applications
  • COMPACT DISCS: The effect is a permanent increase in the quality of sound coming from the disk
  • It has various Industrial Applications as in Extending the Life and Durability of machines in Machining,Oil and Gas,Mining,Food Processing,Textiles,Wood Fabricating,Dental and Surgical Instruments etc.


The Cryogenic treatment discussed in this project establishes a very stable piece of metal that remains distortion free.It is currently a popular method for improving tool life.and the cost is less than the cost of coating.Currently extensive research is being conducted in an effort to better the available cryocooler technology in fields like materials for the regenerator, cylinder heads, etc., refrigerants used, size of cryocooler, increasing the efficiency. reduce the residual stress between layers of the circuit.  Thus keeping the circuit from curling and separating.

Download Metallurgical Changes in Steels Due To Cryogenic Processing & Its Applications Mechanical Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

Liquid Nitrogen as a Non Polluting Fuel Mech Final Year Seminar

The Liquid Nitrogen as a Non Polluting Fuel Mech Final Year Seminar deals with methods of producing and using Liquid Nitrogen which is the most efficient and non-polluting means of running the vehicles.

The capability of several energy conversion process to provide sufficient energy in a world where the non-renewable resource are getting depleted. Moreover pollution caused by them is increasing at a rapid rate.  In such a scenario,an efficient and non-polluting means of running the vehicles is the use of liquid nitrogen which is non-polluting fuel

In this project,A Multiple Reheat Open Rankine and a closed Brayton Cycle are explained which are the mothods used in producing liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogen powered vehicles are also described of which the propulsion systems in these vehicles are cryogenic heat engines in which a cryogenic substance is used as a heat sink for heat engine,where Cryogenic can be defined as the branch of the physics that deals with the production of and study of effects and very low temperature.


  • The energy density of liquid nitrogen is relatively low.
  • It has more advantages over electric vehicles in terms of performance and effeciency.s.
  • The exhaust produced by the car is designed taking Environmental concerns into consideration.
  • They are made in such a way that they do not add to the Green- house effect.


                The liquid Nitrogen fuelled vehicles keeps the air much cleaner as  liquifaction process is driven by non-polluting energy sources.And refuelling process is time and cost efficient.

Download Liquid Nitrogen as a Non Polluting Fuel Mechanical Final Year Seminar.

Latest Trends in Automobiles

This Latest Trends in Automobiles Mech Eng Student Technical Seminar discusses the latest trends in automobiles The objective of this project is to provide an intermediate solution to the problem of limited fossil fuels in the form of HYBRIDS(Hydrogen, electric-fuel cell and bio-diesel)

The present generation automobiles are running with battery and electric system. Electric automobile is a motor vehicle powered by rechargeable batteries without the use of other fuel. The advantage of these hybrid vehicles is: in both systems, the battery is recharged while driving. At times, when the car is coasting. Neither gasoline nor electric power is needed, they need not be plugged into an electrical outlet for charging. So, fuel is not wasted while idling.

The project discusses on The Hybrid drive runs on both the gas and the electric motors to produce continuously variable output, a process the inventor calls “torque amplification”. The parts of automobile that transmit power from the engine to the driving wheels make up the power train. But the latest trend in automobile is “hybrid power train” which gains respect for providing a transition strategy from hydrocarbon fuels to a carbonless society and enables renewable energy sources.


This project projects on what the research and development in automobile manufacturing is centered on i.e substituting fossil fuels.  Hydrogen electric fuel cells, with hybrid accord is the current trend. As hydrogen is an present in abundance and productive fuel with many potential uses,transition to “Hydrogen Economy” is on its way barriers do exist and makes hydrogen the energy of the future.

Download Latest Trends in Automobiles Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

Gasoline Electric Hybrid Car Mechanical Final Year Seminar Report

This Gasoline Electric Hybrid Car Mechanical Final Year Seminar Report designs and describes the mechanism and operation of Gasoline-Electric Hybrid Car. The major concern that Auto Industry have today is to use technology in manufacturing cars that reduce tailpipe emissions,improve mileage and not contribute to Green-house effect.In order to answer these concerns,hybrid cars have been produced.

Any vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power.This project describes the design and mechanism of a  Gasoline-Electric Hybrid Car which is an improvement over the electric car, which uses gasoline engine along with electric motor powered by batteries. The key to a hybrid car is that the gasoline engine can be much smaller than the one in a conventional car and therefore more efficient


The Hybrid Car discussed in this project have had a large scope over the past four years, more than 100,000 hybrids have been sold in the United States and more than 17 million new cars and trucks that are sold in the U.S. each year.Three hybrid cars are now available at present — the Honda Civic Hybrid, the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius.

Download Gasoline Electric Hybrid Car Mechanical Final Year Seminar Report.

Coming Clean With Fuel Cells Mech Seminars For Students

This Coming Clean With Fuel Cells Mech Seminars For Students discusses how the use of Fuel cells help in converting waste water into clean water and electricity.

In the historical and the present-day civilization our existence is more dependent upon energy. The conventional sources of energy, the single most important pre-requisite for power generation, are depleting fast. But, as we are running out of these energy resources,the world is heading towards a global energy crisis. Hence,the greatest task today is to exploit the non-conventional energy resources for power generation.One such alternate source of energy is  Fuel Cells.  Fuel cell is considered to be an Electro chemical device for the continuous conversion of the free energy change in a chemical reaction to electrical energy.

This project discusses it’s role in wastewater  tratment plants and also presents an innovative emission-offset project that utilizes Anaerobic Digester Gas-powered(ADG) fuel cells to produce electricity. They efficiently generate premium quality electricity and much needed thermal energy, while consuming ADG and emitting negligible amount of regulated pollutions, and are currently under intensive development by several manufacturers for both stationary and mobile applications.

  • The concept of using fuel cells powered by hydrogen gas provides the ideal solution to pollution in our world.
  • Fuel cells have been developed that can be used for virtually any application requiring electrical power or mechanical energy.
  • For portable applications such as laptop computers, cameras, and cell phones, direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs)are future replacements for batteries.
  • In Automobile Production, proton exchange membrane (PEM) type fuel cells are used.
  • They eliminate the need for many of the world’s fossil-fuel power plants.


The project discusses how fuel cells are used for different applications and also explains that it can be used in anywhere with the help of specially manufactured converters that make the fuel cell power system adaptable to any country regardless of voltage or frequency allowing the production of truly “universal” power systems. The fuel cells cost is also very low.

Download Coming Clean With Fuel Cells Mech Seminars For Students.

The Mechanical Working of Metal Mechanical Seminar Topic

The Mechanical Working of Metal Mechanical Seminar Topic is discusses the plastic defomation of metals under action of externally applied forces.

The metal is  subjected to mechanical working  i)To reduce the original block or ingot into desired shape, ii)To refine grain size and iii)To control the direction of flow lines. Depending upon whether the metal is worked above or below the recrystallization temp the mechanical working of metals is decribed as hot working and cold working .

This Mechanical Seminar Report explains processes, advantages and disadvantages of

  • HOT WORKING PROCESSES as Hot rolling,Hot Extrusion, Hot forging, Hot Drawing, Hot spinning and  Hot piercing.
  • COLD PROCESSES   as  Cold rolling,Cold forging,Cold spinning,Cold extrusion, Cold drawing and Cold bending.
  • Recrystallization, the process of forming strain free new grains, in metal, by heating it to a temperature known as recrystallization temperature.
  • Recovery’ may be defined as the process of removing internal stresses due to cold working, in the metal, by heating it to a relatively low temperature.
  • Soldering is a process in which two or more metals are joined by means of another metal that has a melting point
  • FLUX
  • Brazing alloys and techniques and such


The project mechanical-working-of-metals describes and studies the various reasons, ways of how metals are deformed and also gives solution for most of them.

Download The Mechanical Working of Metal Mechanical Seminar Topic.

Mechanical Seminar on Six Stroke Engine

The Mechanical Seminar on SIX STROKE ENGINE designs a Beare Head,a new type of Six-Stroke Engine head design  which has an improved method for combustion process  to meet the  demads for low emissions and low fuel consumption in modern combustion engines.

There is just one common feature in majority of the actual internal combustion engines, operating on different cycles which is combustion occurring in the cylinder after each compression, resulting in gas expansion that acts directly on the piston (work) and limited to 180 degrees of crankshaft angle. According to its mechanical design, the six-stroke engine with external and internal combustion and double flow is similar to the actual internal reciprocating combustion engine. However, The four-stroke block, piston and crankshaft remain unaltered. This combination of two stroke and four-stroke technology has given the technology its name the “six stroke engine”.

The Six Stroke designed in this project is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in volume of the power stroke is greater than the intake stroke and the compression stroke. The main advantages of six stroke engine includes reduction in fuel consumption by 40% and its adoption by the automobile industry which would likely have a tremendous impact on the environment and world economy.


  • Thermodynamically more efficient.
  • Reduction in fuel consumption by at least 40%.
  • Two expansions (work) in six strokes.
  • Dramatic reduction in pollution.
  • Multifuel


The 6 Stroke Engine designed in this project is a solution for the replacement of the internal combustion engine which not only is an improvement of  the current technology,but  is within reasonable time and financial limits. And when allied with the so-responsive pickup and a wide spread of usable power with a bike, it makes the bike ridiculously easy to ride, hardly using the gearbox.

Download Mechanical Technical Paper Presentation Seminar on Six Stroke Engine.

Performance Improvement of a Di Diesel Engine Mech Seminar

This Performance Improvement of a Di Diesel Engine Mechanical Seminar involves an Intensive search in developing diesel engine fuels and lubricants based on vegetable oils. Due to high viscosity of vegetable oils, they interfere with fuel jet penetration, atomization and results in higher fuel consumption and leaves gummy deposits on the engine components upon combustion. Investigations revealed that cotton seed oil, in general vegetable oils, can best be utilized if supercharging is employed at the recommended injection pressure of the engine.

In the present project the effect of supercharging is studied on the performance of a direct injection diesel engine with the use of untreated cottonseed oil. This project deals with the effect of supercharging on the performance of a DI diesel engine with the use of untreated cottonseed oil.

It is well known that supercharging improves combustion process of diesel engines Increase in pressure and temperature of the engine intake reduces ignition delay resulting in a quiet and smooth operation with a lower rate of pressure rise. Thus supercharging encourages the use of low grade4 fuels in diesel engines. The increase in intake air temperatures reduces the unit air charge and also reduces thermal efficiency moderately for the loss and inter-cooling is not necessary except for highly supercharged engines.


This Seminar predict that Oil technologists over the next several decades will become just as essential for the transportation industry as fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel oil are today. Supercharging is also found to be essential when untreated vegetable oils are used for developing the power with a low specific fuel consumption compared to diesel operation and as the supercharging pressure is increased, the engine performance with untreated vegetable oils will be regarded as eco-friendly operation.

Download Performance Improvement of a Di Diesel Engine Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT