Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project

The Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project is about the hydraulic pump that gets the oil from a tank and gives to the hydraulic circuit by increasing oil pressure to the particular level. The pumps are moved at constant speed with the help of AC induction motor that rotates at 1500 rpm. The motor and pump are used as a one unit.

 There are two types of pump and compressor where one is used for fluids and another one for gases. Fluid is moved into the pump and thrown out of periphery with the centrifugal force. The fluid flow keeps the pressure at the end of pump. The devices are called hydrodynamic pumps applied to transmit the fluid from one place to another at low pressures.

The pump transfers the rigid volume of fluid at the outlet port from inlet to outlet. The piston pump is without inherent pressure decided by leakage of pump. If the pressure is present into a dead end then the pressure increases with pump stroke continuously.

Pump data sheets need speed of 1200, 1500 or 1800 rpm based on the speed of induction motor. The capacity of pump depends on the drive speed and it is decreased and its efficiency decreases with the increase in fluid leakage. This is called slippage.


Hydraulic pumps are hydrostatic that need concept to manage the system pressure to prevent pump failure or catastrophic pipe. The pump is designated with the delivery of flow rate and the pump could hold with high pressure. These are known as pump capacity and pressure rating.

Download Hydraulic Pumps and Pressure Regulation Mechanical Engineering Project

Magnetic Braking System Mechanical Technical Presentation

This MAGNETIC BRAKING SYSTEM Mechanical Technical Presentation introduces the magnetic braking with the help of simple theory, law of Faraday and Lorentz force. The magnet is lifted and dragged forcibly on the dipole of magnet on a nonmagnetic plane depending on equations of Maxwell.

In the last few years, the magnetic braking has become very popular. The magnetic braking functions based on law of Lenz and induced currents. On comparing the metal plate with pendulum, its speed reduces on going through among magnetic poles.

If plate is in the file of magnet then electric field gets induced in the metal and hence producing currents. The current is opposite to the flux by the plate based on Lenz’s Law. The currents heat the plate by decreasing the kinetic energy. This aspect is used to apart nonmagnetic metals from solid waste and to remove vibrations in spacecrafts.

The magnetic drag force is very tough to obtain on the motion of metal object and equation of Maxwell. The rectangular sheet is checked on the linear motion by the magnet and hence rectangular sheet of magnetic braking is also checked based on linear motion of the magnet.

The sheet speed is small and magnetic field is produced by the induced current and it is negligible with the application of magnetic field. The magnetic drag force increases with mutual coupling among magnetic field and induced current.


This MAGNETIC BRAKING SYSTEM Mechanical Technical Presentation has introduced about the magnetic lift force and magnetic drag force with the motion of magnets. Based on these forces, the magnetic levitated vehicles are manufactured with high-speed transportation.

Download Magnetic Braking System Mechanical Technical Seminar Presentation

Gas Kit for Two Wheeler Mechanical Mini Project

The GAS KIT FOR TWO WHEELER Mechanical Mini Project has focused on the use of fuel in two stroke Gasoline engine. The goal of the project is to utilize non-conventional fuel and conventional fuel that has become expensive and insufficient today.  This has resulted in less air pollution than conventional fuels which is better based on considerations of economic.

We have used LPG fuel system, two stroke vehicle, gasoline, and LPG in this project.  LPG includes the adjustable regulator from storage tank with the transfer of valve present in the LPG cylinder.

 LPG is abbreviated as Liquefied Petroleum Gas which is also known as bottled gas (or) Refinery gas.  This is formed like a byproduct on bashing heavy crude oils or natural gas.  The LPG is produced by bashing or dehydration of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), desulphurised, or organic sulphide (Mercaptans).

This is poured in cylinders with warning of leak of gas.  It is then compressed in the liquid form to increase the fuel gas and reserved with trade name such as INDANE-BURSHANE etc. The calorific value is nearly 27.800 Keal/m.

The gas kit of a two wheeler includes fuel tank, fuel inlet tube, exhaust gas, engine, wheel, and stand. The LPG system is less costly than gasoline. It provides good manifold distribution. It has great knock resistance. Residue and oil contamination is small.


The GAS KIT FOR TWO WHEELER Mechanical Mini Project concludes IC engines of natural gas technology are very popular for hydro carbons (HC) and nitrous oxide (NO) with carbondioxide (CO). LPG includes Hydrocarbons with the presence of atmospheric pressure and is liquefied under pressure.

Download Gas Kit for Two Wheeler Mechanical Mini Project

Green Nanotechnology in Automobiles Mechanical Student Project

Green engineering is the commercialization, design, processes, and products which are economically feasible. It decreases pollution at the source and decreases the danger to environment and human health. It enfolds the method to save human health and environment with large impact and cost effectiveness and process development of product.

 The few principles of green engineering include engineer products and processes, system analysis, integrate environmental impact. It decreases the depletion of natural resources. It produces engineering solutions with innovative sustainability. It includes stakeholders to develop engineering solutions.

 Nanotechnology is the engineering system based on molecular scale. It includes the advanced methods. The technology defines capability to make products from the bottom up level with the help of techniques and tools to obtain advanced products.

 The nanotechnology is also defined like a general-purpose technology because of its mature form. It provides longer lasting, built, safer, cleaner, and smarter items available for home, medicine, communications, transportation, industry, and agriculture. The nanotech provides high efficiency like electricity and computers in all aspect of life. The general-purpose technology has many commercial and military purposes like surveillance tools and weapons.

 The green nanotechnology is the developed clean technologies. It decreases risks to the environment and human health with the nanotechnology products and stimulates products with new nano-products.


 The GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY  IN AUTOMOBILES Mechanical Student Project conclusion made is that the automotive industry is affected with nanotechnology implementation. The increased awareness of nanotechnology is sure to influence the industry business. With small nano-materials, the physical and chemical properties like conductivity, optical sensitivity, melting point, etc. are changed to increase conventional material properties.

Download GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY  IN AUTOMOBILES Mechanical Student Project

GPS and Weapon Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic

The GPS AND WEAPON Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic is about the Global Positioning System (GPS) which is a satellite depending on the navigation system to provide ability of traveling.  In the beginning, it was designed for the military purpose and civilian are allowed to use some parts of GPS.

GPS provides many features and it is created effectively for the purposes of aircraft navigation. The civilian users get accuracy of 100 m in three dimensions. The GPS signal is present 24 hours every day in the world wide and in every season. It prevents unintentional and intentional (jamming) interference.

The equipment should get and process the signals of GPS which is reliable and affordable without atomic clocks or antenna arrays. The system is passive for the user of GPS that needs a receiver without the need of transmission.

The GPS was launched after Russian Satellite Sputnik. The Scientists realized that satellite positioned can be pinpointed with the Doppler shift of radio signals in a single pass. Frank McClure suggested that location of satellite could be predicted and the Doppler shift could position the receiver on Earth and navigation is done by satellite. 

GPS concludes the user location by triangulation. Based on the satellite location and the distance, set of satellites could decide the accurate receiver position. The GPS fundamental means decide the distance and distance can be computed time based on exact time standards and different timings.


The GPS AND WEAPON Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic concludes that the GPS system demonstrates method of satellite ranging.  The satellite sends the time signal. The receiver is constant with exact clock synchronized to GPS time.

Download GPS and Weapon Technology Mechanical Seminar Topic

An Innovation in Automotive Industry Six Stroke Engine

The An Innovation in Automotive Industry Six Stroke Engine designs a Beare Head,a new type of Six-Stroke Engine head design  which has an improved method for combustion process  to meet the  demads for low emissions and low fuel consumption in modern combustion engines.

There is just one common feature in majority of the actual internal combustion engines, operating on different cycles which is combustion occurring in the cylinder after each compression, resulting in gas expansion that acts directly on the piston (work) and limited to 180 degrees of crankshaft angle. According to its mechanical design, the six-stroke engine with external and internal combustion and double flow is similar to the actual internal reciprocating combustion engine. However, The four-stroke block, piston and crankshaft remain unaltered. This combination of two stroke and four-stroke technology has given the technology its name the “six stroke engine”.

The Six Stroke designed in this project is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in volume of the power stroke is greater than the intake stroke and the compression stroke. The main advantages of six stroke engine includes reduction in fuel consumption by 40% and its adoption by the automobile industry which would likely have a tremendous impact on the environment and world economy.


  • Thermodynamically more efficient.
  • Reduction in fuel consumption by at least 40%.
  • Two expansions (work) in six strokes.
  • Dramatic reduction in pollution.
  • Multifuel.


The 6 Stroke Engine designed in this project is a solution for the replacement of the internal combustion engine which not only is an improvement of  the current technology,but  is within reasonable time and financial limits. And when allied with the so-responsive pickup and a wide spread of usable power with a bike, it makes the bike ridiculously easy to ride, hardly using the gearbox.

Download An Innovation in Automotive Industry Six Stroke Engine ECE & EEE B Tech/ BE Final Project Report and Document.

Vehicle Dynamics Mathematical Analysis of Hydro pneumatic Suspension Systems

In this Vehicle Dynamics Mathematical Analysis of Hydro pneumatic Suspension Systems, a Mathematical model of the HYDROPNEUMATIC spring stiffness behaviour is developed for Vehicle Dynamics.

Vehicles used for transport of loads have their efforts on the axles very close to the allowed or critical limits mainly during its travel on a bumpy surface or during cornering. In such cases the use of conventional suspension systems can increase the axle’s overload phenomena. Hydropneumatic suspension leads to an even distribution of load per axle, thereby decreasing the overload problem and simultaneously increasing the efficiency and comfort levels.

This project studies the various factors or parameters that influence the spring stiffness behaviour and has mathematically found them.Even a methodology for primary specification of critical parameters of a hydropneumatic suspension system is presented.


In this project, the spring stiffness of the Hydropneumatic suspension system has been calculated mathematically and its effects have been thereby stated.. Hopefully, in the future,more and more vehicles using such kind of suspension systems and thereby increase the efficiency of the vehicle and simultaneously increase the ride comfort are expected to be designed.

Download Vehicle Dynamics Mathematical Analysis of Hydro pneumatic Suspension Systems Mechanical Engineering B Tech/ BE Final Project Report and Document.

Usage of Cad cam Systems for Manufacturing of Solid Relief MAPS

This Usage of Cad cam Systems for Manufacturing of Solid Relief MAPS designs and studies the usage of CAD/CAM systems for manufacturing of solid relief maps, and presents production of a prototype

Relief maps are generally required for military purposes, land use and town planning works. These maps are generally prepared as solid blocks, and are hand made. Some difficulties and impossibilities due to sharp height differences may be inescapable in thecourse of production of these maps. Hence, 3D Model maps usind CAD CAM systems are used to design and manufacture them.

These maps are usually prepared as solid blocks, and their production are usually done by hand.Therefore, their metric correctness, soundness and production time entirely depends on human factor and the base material being used. During the production of these maps, presentation of very small details such as sharp changes in height may require some exaggerations due to difficulties in cutting,carving and sticking the materials.


The releif maps designed in this project, usind CAD CAM system are very useful inresearch work and also for solid model production in architecture and town planning works.

Download Usage of Cad cam Systems for Manufacturing of Solid Relief MAPS Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.

Tidal Power the Future Wave of Power Generation Btech Seminar

This Tidal Power the Future Wave of Power Generation Btech Seminar emphasizes the possibilities of utilizing the power of the oceans by pollution free, Tidal Power Generation.

Renewable sources of energy are necessary because the Earth will eventually run out of the resources to create non-renewable energy. There are three types of renewable energy sources: solar, wind, and waterpower.  Both solar and wind power are drastically affected by weather variations, while tidal power varies little when the weather changes power.

Tidal power can be the primary form of renewable power utilized. to decrease global dependence on natural resources, Built upon steam turbine knowledge, tidal turbines draw on innovative technology and design to operate on both the inflow and outflow of water through them. tidal power plants are capable of producing reliable and efficient power.


  • Renewable and sustainable resource
  • Reduces dependence upon fossil fuels
  • Produces no liquid or solid pollution
  • Present no difficulty to migrating fish (except tidal fences)
  • Shelter the coast, useful in harbor areas or erosion zones
  • Resource exists on a worldwide scale from deep ocean waters
  • Short time scale between investing in the modular construction and benefiting from the revenue


  • Very expensive to build.
  • Affects a very wide area – the environment is changed for many miles upstream&downstream. There are very few suitable sites for tidal power stations
  • Many birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so that they can feed.
  • Only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the tide is actually moving in or out.


    Tidal power fits the bill, a natural source of energy with many benefits. The planet’s tidal capability greatly exceeds that of the world’s entire coal and oil supply. It is an ideal source of energy with great potential. When developed, tidal power could be a primary provider for our future energy requirements.

Download Tidal Power the Future Wave of Power Generation Btech Seminar.

Solar Energy through Solar Space Stations

This Solar Energy through Solar Space Stations Mechanical Seminar presents a mutual collaboration based SOLAR POWER model to overcome launch cost, which involves three GEO satellites and two earth stations, i.e through Solar Space Stations..

The current primary energy source –fossil fuel threatens global environment by emitting CO2, which is responsible for green house effect global warming, environmental degradation, declining nutrition on land and sea from rising CO2, and rapid decrease of fossil reservoir.

Solar Power from Space (SSP) promises clean and everlasting energy supply for the growth of the mankind.

To overcome these limitations concept of Solar Power from Space is getting momentum, Solar Power from Space is a proposed concept to place a gigantic solar power station in space orbiting around the earth that uses microwave power transmission to beam solar power to a very large antenna on earth where it can be used in place of conventional power sources.


This project has examined the aspects of space-based power for the earth, the significance, the need and possible solutions and finds that space-based power can provide the necessary new source of clean energy for earth in the next century to loosen our dependence on fossil fuels.

Download Solar Energy through Solar Space Stations Mechanical Engineering B Tech/ BE Final Project Paper Presentation and Seminar PPT.