Multi Level Car Parking Polytechnic Mechanical Project Report

Introduction to Multi Level Car Parking Polytechnic Mechanical Project:

Increasing population is the most facing serious problem in our country. Today India is the second largest populated country in the world that is India having 16% of the world’s population.

When the last census conducted on 1991, 1st march, the country’s population was 846.30 million but currently country’s population estimated around 950 millions.

In the last 50 years the population growth has been increasing rapidly. This rapid growth in population is termed as population explosion.

The rapid growth rate in population is because in the recent times the industrial and technological revolutions had taken place.

By the beginning of the twenty first century, world population is estimated to reach 7 billion. Though several other countries experiencing population explosion, because of the increasing pressure on the country’s limited resources population explosion is major problem and much more severe in our country.

If the population increases then it mainly impacts the land. Day by day agricultural lands and forest areas become occupied by the people.

In offices and for big shopping complexes parking becoming a major issue. As the parking demand growing unexpectedly and significantly engineers are trying frequently to develop different planning strategies of parking.

If the surface area is not sufficient then modular steel car parks gives proper solution when multistory parking is unable to build.

With Modular steel car parking we can expand upwards. In this Modular steel car parking ceiling is made of concrete and tarmac and assembling vertical and horizontal elements in a modular way. With different sizes and shapes we can build more modular units of parking.

In this project of multi-level car parking we are going to give a proper solution for the parking of vehicles technique of Modular steel car parking and can be more useful for the complexes having small surface area.

Download  Multi Level Car Parking Polytechnic Mechanical Project Report.

Mechanical Project Report on Mobile 3D Visualization for Construction

Introduction to Mobile 3D Visualization for Construction Project:

Software named CAD in the past decades was used to create a 2D spectrum programs and conversion it to the 3D spectrum. The hardware used here to execute this program is the mainframes to the desktop of the system computers and the laptops. The storage of the system computers have now become an increment steps from the mega bytes to giga bytes too. Connections and communication between the servers and the computer has now advanced to the availability of the modems which allows us to access the internet service.

Now a day’s computers are made micro that it is also named as the Pocket Mobile Computers abbreviated as the PDA. Now talking about the hardware used here is the Windows CE operating system or the Palm computers. This PDA has a normally screen resolution as 240 X 320 pixels. This resolution has a limitation of 2D or 3D detailed information that can be displayed. Standard method of designing the data on computers where never a proper choice. While the devices like the Palm top has an 8 MB of virtual memory and other devices too have as their brands.

 The characteristics of the palm and the pocket pc are these both gadgets are similar in size and as well as shape too. These both can also be carried inside one pocket at a time. As like the desktops system computers this PDA also has a configurations of the hardware like the Processor type, Clock speed, storage space, peripheral interfaces etc… 

This device gives the graphics of the 3d View which can even be showed on the Pocket Personal Computers. These devices are developed by the CIS2 documents and files by using various protocols. These pockets PC are of limited size and which can also show a 3D view in the upcoming future days. In the next coming approximate seven to eight years it will made a experimental survey that will show  view of the PDA  at various sites.

 Download  Mechanical Project Report on Mobile 3D Visualization for Construction .

Mechanical Project Report on Real Time Sequence Control System For Machines

Introduction to Real Time Sequence Control System For Machines Project:

The Real time, time sequence control system for machines is a project used mainly in the industries.

 It can also be used for home appliances for automatic Switching on and off of any machine.  In real life to switch on and off machine at a particular time the event management system can be used. If the number of devices increases, the job is little bit complex. So we can design an event management system i.e. real time sequence control system for machines. The RTC works in   real time. The switching on and off time of each machine is set by using micro controller  Relays are used to connect device to the micro controller.                          

The technology used in the system is Automation of machines. Automation is a the process in which a particular programming is given to it to run in a particular way so that it works in that way automatically

The software and hardware used are Embedded C, Micro controller Hardware, in   40 %  and 60 % .

The main components used in it are 1) Power supply2) Micro controller 3) LCD 4) Real Time Clock (RTC – DS1307) 5) Buzzer 6) Relay: 7) SWITCHES:

The micro controller controls all the mechanism the voltage regulators are used in power supply. Micro controller used is the AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance programmable Flash memory. The Led is used to display all the contents in brief, Real time clock is used to maintain a time limit for on and off Buzzer indicates on and off status of a machine Relay is used to on and off which is controlled by micro controller .The switches are visible devices by which we can control many operations.

Application:  the application of the system is mainly in industries to operate many machines and in controlling different machines

Conclusion: We can use remote controller instead of switches in each and every operation for the easiness and other safety purposes.

 Download  Mechanical Project Report on Real Time Sequence Control System For Machines.

Mechanical Seminar Topic on Spot Welding by Automation System PPT

Introduction to Mechanical Seminar Topic on Spot Welding by Automation System:

The topic is about welding, though there are different types of welding technique. Spot welding is more preferable.

  As the technology improves the robots are a head, we can use the robots for welding .this welding methods are done by using robots, and is called spot welding by automation system .The main equipment needed are A Robot controller an arc welding equipment Motion devices Robot motion Devices Sensors Safety Devices .As a robot is a technical device and we have to consider the following things while designing they are Robot work envelope, joints, travel velocity, Accuracy, and Resolution of motion.

CONTROLLER is called as a whole programmer. It can be considered as a brain of the human system, as it provides the signals by using high speed processors and sensors .The controller not only controls the robot but also many integrated parts such as manipulators. The mechanism is similar to that of a human body it means it controls all parts. The control system is so inevitable. Memory backup devices can also be using for giving data to it. It can be automated and the robot has the capacity to restore the data and loss occurs .it restores the data without return to the zero configurations.

NEEDS to generate arc: to maintain stability of power, short arc, a wire feeder to torch, cooling system

  Manipulators: it holds the device and moves with better access. The advantage is that they can be moved easily around the work piece for the best   welding positions, reduce the variation in the lead and the lag angles of   the tip a stable flat welding position  can be obtained, it increases the working range performed in a stable flat welding position, Any hard-to-reach positions can be accessed more easily.

 Download  Mechanical Seminar Topic on Spot Welding by Automation System PPT.

Modelling and simulation of a bicycle-rider system using ADAMS

Project Title: Modelling and simulation of a bicycle-rider system using ADAMS

Project Description:

A bicycle with a ‘mechanical rider’ will be modelled and simulated using ADAMS. Inverse dynamics simulation will be carried out to determine the effort that the rider needs to apply in order to achieve a prescribed performance of the ride under various road conditions and environmental loading conditions.

Product Details:

A review report on the computer modelling of human-mechanical systems.
An ADAMS model of bicycle-rider system with complete details of the modelling process.
A report on all aspects of the project and the outcomes of the investigations.

Resources Required:

Two identical bicycles

Computer aided fatigue analysis of a bicycle Project

Project Title: Computer aided fatigue analysis of a bicycle

Project Description:

The structural members of a bicycle experience dynamic stress/strain during its life long usage. Fatigue design of such members is of great importance.

In this project, a bicycle will be instrumented and tested to obtain stress/strain time histories during some riding events on various road conditions. A finite element model of bicycle components will be created and FE-based fatigue analysis will be carried out to assess the fatigue life based on the measured loading conditions.

Virtual fatigue design can be further carried out to investigate different design options and make design improvements.

Product Details:

A review report on the fatigue design of bicycles.
The measured data from field tests.
An ANSYS finite element model of the selected bicycle components.
A report on all aspects of the project and the outcome of the investigations.

Resources Required:

nCode fatigue software
Two identical bicycles (one to be taken apart for modelling, another one to be instrumented for field test)
Transducers and data acquisition system.

Redesign Fuel filling System Project

Project Title: Redesign Fuel filling System

Project Description: COMPANY BACKGROUND:

TISS Security Systems are a Blackpool based company specialising in the design and manufacture of fuel security devices to prevent the theft of diesel from Truck Fuel Tanks. We are global market leaders, having sold over 100,000 units around the world. We are also worldwide sole suppliers of our products to 3 of the leading Truck Manufacturers: Iveco, Volvo and Mercedes.

The TankSafe product range consists of:

– TankSafe ‘Impregnable’ – the ONLY device in the world to completely prevent any siphoning, skimming and diesel spills

– TankSafe ‘Standard’ – world’s most effective basic anti-siphon at preventing 3rd party theft.

Please see the attached brochures for further information or visit our website at


We are getting many requests both from existing customers and resellers and other prospective customers to supply devices to suit other Commercial Vehicles, specifically the Coach, Bus and Van markets.

We believe there is good scope for a project investigating and subsequently developing suitable devices for these markets. From an engineering point of view, these markets pose a number of new challenges; with Truck Fuel Tanks it has been relatively simple to develop suitable systems as once the fuel cap is taken off the tank you have direct access to the fuel. Bus, Coach and Van Fuel Tanks are more difficult, predominantly because their fuel tanks and filler necks are more similar to those of a car.

I believe this offers good scope for a project; with their university education, plus access to all of the resources at the University, I would hope that a student would be able to develop ideas for suitable systems. Some of the many things that will need to be considered for this project are:

– How to ensure the device fits in the filler neck in a secure manner.

– How to ensure the device fits inside the filler neck without impediment.

– How to ensure the device does not hinder filling speed or cause splashback.

– Ensure that the device does not impede the existing flap/cap on the filler neck or vehicle chassis.


Large Skateboard Controller Project

Project Title: Large Skateboard Controler

Project Description: To devise a control to stabilise the Skateboard and allow skaters to use it safely.

Product Details: The skateboard is already in existence but the control of it is rather unstable. The project will design build and test in a safe manner the operation of the skateboard.

Air muscle motor control project

Project Title: Air muscle motor control project

Project Description: The German company Festo has recently developed a range of pneumatic muscles.
Unlike conventional cylinders and pistons, they contract when filled with compressed air, generating much higher forces than the conventional components.
A motor test rig has been built using five of these muscles instead of pistons and cylinders. The air supply is controlled by a circuit and electrically operated valves.
The project is to complete or to redesign the circuit and program to make the motor work, and then to, modify the characteristics to understand and to optimize the performance.

Product Details: The project will lead to a working control system for the motor. Provision will be made for adjustment to the timing of the inlet and exhaust functions. Measurements will be made to assess the performance and to establish optimised performance.


Open Product Design project

Project Title: Open Product Design project

Project Description: This is simply an invitation for students to propose their own project ideas. They should make structured proposals for the theme, with sufficient scope for the need for research before defining a detailed brief.

This project can cover any product area leading to a project whose scope and content are feasible in the allotted time. Particular attention to the methodology during this selection process will be necessary.

Product Details: The project will lead to a design proposal. This may involve model or prototype building, depending on the choice of the product. The project will involve the analysis of a potential market, the definition of a product to comply with that market, the proposal and development of designs for that product, leading to the final detailed design of the product involving CAD.