Resizing Image Using Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm in MATLAB Project Report

This project deals about the relation between picture and program that is Graphical User Interface (GUI) .using the GUI user can easily interact to system controls like menus preparing the slides, buttons, menu bars and list boxes so for. The GUI lays between user which perform the action and system. Consider one example like interact with start button GUI performs the actions and it is displayed. This project takes input and output to Perform in GUI operations using the algorithm of bilinear interpolation in MATLAB

By using the MATLAB do the process of the Image, development of algorithm, Data is visualization and analysis. This tool is easily solving the computation problems rather than traditional programs like C, FORTRAN, C++..

Normally earl year version of the system had works with command only like MS-DOS, but these days lot of the system working Graphical model. A GUI is graphical model that is used to interact with electronic device using the pictures or images. It is like play station,Mp3 players and portable media.

This tool is logically design and to involve the programs. This GUI depends upon the screen resolution. The screen resolution is changing the picture size. Depending upon the image size GUI resolution can changed. According to the MATLAB it doesn’t need any kind of the Dimension, using the Arrays developed the code. While taking the image most of JPEG and GIF format and PNG format

The System is total depends on the Image size, the image size takes the representation of the Grayscale, truecolorRGB, Indexed, Binary and unit8 .Grayscale indication for image size is M×N and visibility White=1 and black=0.Truecolor RGB is indicated using Matrix size M×N, indexed is indicate using the colour map size k×3, Binary image indicates using the values 1 or 0 and unit8 is taking double size of image

Download Re sizing image using bi linear interpolation algorithm in MATLAB Project Report

Artificial Intelligence for Face Recognition Project Report

This paper deals with recognition of image using neural network. Since today in modern life all of us rely on internet for most of the transfer of data and for grasping up of knowledge, so the security of using internet for data transfer of data has been more important, protection technique like encryption and authentication are been used to protect data while transmitting through internet, even though the security is insufficient so the increasedsecurity on internet is done by using face recognition using neural network, even though his approach is costlier it can provide high advantage of tight security.

It is used in identifying people in real time. By combining local image samplings, the self- organizing map neural network and the convectional neural network, the self-organizing map provides the quantization ofimage samples into a topological space where inputs are in the original space and also in the output space, thereby providing dimensionality reduction and invariance to minor changes in the image sample. These software features are implemented using MATLAB v 6.5.

By implementing the face recognition system the business transaction via internet can be improved. The hybrid neural network solution which compare and recognizes a person with a large database of faces, the neural system give most likely face of people from the database often only one image is available for a person, the next stage of the system is to train the images and stored to the database. Finally the authorized person’s face is used for security monitoring software. Different representation of faces like multidimensional, complex and visual stimuli developing a computational model for face recognition is very difficult. Faces has distinguishable landmark i.e. peaks and valleys on the human faces, There are almost 80 peaks and valleys in human face. Some of them are Distance between eyes, width of nose, depth of eye, jaw line, chin, etc.

Download Artificial Intelligence for Face Recognition Project Report.

Design and Implementation of a Practical Aircraft Position and Reporting Identification Beacon (PRIB) in MATLAB

Design and implementation of a practical aircraft position and reporting identification Beacon project is a MATLAB project. Main aim of this project is to develop a new method for tracking aircrafts which does not depend on transponders. In order to develop this system we are using PRIB (practical aircraft position and reporting identification beacon) technology. In order to replace existing transponder system new system should fulfill size, cost, and power efficient and satisfy financial constraints. PRIB technology works on GPS technology in which GPS receiver will track aircraft signals and send to base station which is located at different locations in the form of radio signals. In this paper we provide detailed explanation on design and manufacture of PRIB. Performance is compared between existing transponders and PRIB system and detailed report is provided.

This application uses Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation technique which is one of the secured and efficient modulation techniques used in wireless communication system.

In existing system transponders are used for tracking aircrafts which had shown few issues in recent years mainly at the time of terrorist’s attacks using aircrafts. These transponders can switch off deliberately and stops tracking aircraft for a base station. In order to solve this problem a efficient method need to be developed.

In present system we use PRIB based system which can work without depending on transponders. This system works on GPS technology which is secure and cost efficient.

In this project we provide detailed explanation on topics like aviation survey, global position system and modulation, hardware implementation, software implementations, measurements and experimental results and future development.

Download Design and implementation of a practical aircraft position and reporting identification Beacon project is a MATLAB project report.

Echo Cancellation MatLab Project Report

Introduction to echo cancellation:

To improve the voice quality of the telephone calls echo cancellation method is employed to completely eliminate the echoes occurred during transmission and reception. By using the silence suppression method the echo get cancelled from the signal. The two types of echoes which occur in telephony signals are acoustic echo and hybrid echo. In this paper we are going to look into the causes for occurring and the cancellation methods proposed by the AT&T bell labs for suppression of the echoes. DSP processors are used for the echo signal from the reappearing original signal. The echo cancellation techniques were first proposed in 1950s for cancellation of echoes occurred due to long delays in satellite communication.

Acoustic echo:

The acoustic echo occurs due to sound coning from loud speakers. The acoustic echo along with the original voice signal enters into direct path. The echo signal will have change in frequencies due to absorption and varied frequencies at different strengths. To suppress the signal the far end signal is delivered into the room by using a speaker and delayed to reassembled a near end signal. By subtracting both the signals we will obtain the echo free signal.

Hybrid echo:

Due to reflection of the electrical energy by public switched telephone networks the hybrid echoes are generated. Because PSTN allows the same frequencies to be generated so to suppress these echoes we employ full bandwidth cancellation method by which the original speech signal is reassembled.


Due to echo suppression techniques double talk gets generated by which it echo suppressor cannot detect the signal of far end speaker. Due to alternative inserting and removing loss the clipping of the signals occurs.

Download Echo Cancellation MatLab Project Report.

Multi User CDMA Communication System Project Report and Mat Lab Code

Introduction to Multi User CDMA Communication System Project:

Multi user CDMA communication system project is for B.S.C communication engineering students. Main aim of this project is to implement a simple experimental setup for understanding wireless communication using sound waves instead of electromagnetic waves. These experimental results will be further designed at lab environment by using transmitter and receiver using electromagnetic waves. Initially entire application is tested using speaker and microphone. 

Problem Specification: 

Using CDMA technology we need to design a real time acoustic communication system. This application should effectively work in laboratory environment. With this simple design we must transmit information from transmitter to receiver acoustic channel. This application should transmit information on eight different channels at same time. 

Along with project design this project report covers details on different wireless communication and modulation techniques and cover information on topics like study on multiple access techniques, transmitters, receivers, channels, synchronization, modulation and de modulation techniques. 

Some of observations that can be made during this project are we can use Walsh code in place of other codes because this system works for short distance and because of this reason there is very less multipath present. BPSK is the modulation technique is used in this project because of limited data rate provided by sound card. 

Here we provide full project documentation with mat lab code for 4 channels and 8 channels. 

Download Multi user CDMA communication system project report and mat lab code from this link.

Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM Electronics Project

Introduction to Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM:

Enhancement of power quality in distributed system using D-STATCOM project is a MATLAB project. This project explains about concept of improvements in voltage sags, harmonic distortions and low power factor using distributed static compensator. This method works on voltage source converter principle. As the increase in power usage there is need to provide quality, reliable, electrical power but as the factors like distorting loads which is reducing awareness between customer and utilities. Three factors which effect quality of power supply is voltage sags, harmonic distortion and low power factor. Main cause of voltage sags is because of utility systems at customer side and sudden increase of load current like starting generator or motor. This problem is mostly seen in industries which cause serious problems and huge loss. 

In order to solve this problem there are many power electronic devices introduced like flexible AC transmission system, and custom power devices.  There are many ways to improve power quality in transmission and distributed systems and among all these devices D-STATCOM is most effective one. In order to control electrical values in D-STATCOM PWM based control scheme is used. 

In this project we provide detailed explanation on construction of D-STATCOM with filters are analyzed. This device is connected to stunt in parallel to 11KV. This system is designed to reduce distortion in power due to harmonics, power quality reducing due to voltage sags and low power factor. 

Students can download entire project report with block diagrams and students can find more related projects from below links. 

Download Enhancement of power quality in distributed system using D-STATCOM project documentation and related files from this link.


Seven Level Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter seminar topic

This Seven Level Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter seminar topic is mainly explains you about the multi level inverters by using seven diodes clamping circuitry. This topic mainly uses the concepts of diode clamped inverter, multi level inverter, PWM (pulse width modulation) switching techniques. When photovoltaic system connected to a two level inverter then there may be mismatching or shades may occur, so that there may be reduction in power, so to avoid this problem of power reduction there we use multi level inverter instead of using two level inverter, so here high voltages are involved by using thyristors we can control the voltages and currents, thyristor can control the Mega Watts of power generated. Here pulse width modulation scheme is used; pulse width modulation scheme is used in five level and seven level diode clamped multi level inverters (DCMLI).

This DCMLI technique is implemented using the MATLAB programming and the total harmonic distortion is compared with two levels and seven levels, in this seminar topic explains you about the diode clamped multi level inverter, PWM method for the seven level DCMLI (seven level inverter model), observation of the five level and seven level DCMLI, and total harmonic distortion comparison. So for high power applications seven level diode clamper with multi level inverter is used.

Download Seven Level Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter seminar topic and Paper Presentation.

Evaluation of Fault Analysis in Transmission Lines Using Relay Settings

The main aim of this Evaluation of Fault Analysis in Transmission Lines Using Relay Settings topic is to reduce the fault in the power transmission using relay settings. Mainly to get the power there is three steps generation, transmission, and distribution. In this the transmission takes major role for transmitting power. When fault occur damage the power system. To avoid this problem RELAY settings concept is used. To get this a high speed protection system with 132kv and above range is required. This can be achieved in two ways one is ROZOA and other id REL-100 protection systems. The REL-100 is the non-switched type protection and ROZOA is for line protection. These relay settings can be calculated using the MATLAB program. This seminar is explained you about the operating principles of the relay settings those are ROZOA and REL-100 and also gives information about characteristics of these relay settings. The relay setting values are simulated by using the MATLAB programs.

The input data given to find relay is primary voltage range, secondary, primary current, secondary current, transmission line length, shortest length for kilo meter per sec, and longest length for kilo meter per sec. here in this technique the relay settings are calculated by using MATLAB programs, both REL-100 and ROZOA are tested relay in the range of 220KV in the substations only. The most successful one of the technique to find relay is REL-100.

Whisper Protocol for WCDMA Packetized ECE Project Abstract

The main aim of this Whisper Protocol for WCDMA Packetized project is to increase the speed of the data by using whisper protocol. The whisper protocol is the wireless protocol; the wireless protocol can be used in 3G technology. Nowadays 3G (third generation) internet data rate and speed is increased. In this technology the whisper protocol is used , 3G technology uses wireless( Wi-Fi ) technology ,the Wi-Fi technology nowadays used in companies and in engineering colleges, here to access internet the security code must be enter to access the internet, and also the Wi-Fi signal range is limited to certain range based on frequency. In this type WCDMA (wide band code division multiple access) technique is used. In this medium access control protocols used in wireless technology. But here bit error rate is more. In wireless technology there is no wired connection, is called as the wireless communication

To avoid this problem in this Electronics based final year project the ROUND ROBBIN scheduling algorithm is used. This algorithm assigns the priorities to the slots of the signal. Based on the priority the slots are activated and so that the bit error rate can be reduced automatically by assigning priorities. Here the round robin algorithm and whisper protocols are compared based on the priority the slots are activated and the call is accessed and the communication is processed by the network. This connection is done using the MATLAB software. In this MATLAB we can use several tools and this can done digital signal processing and we can find the magnitude of the signal and data rate of the signal. 

Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling

  • Project Title: Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling
  • Software tools: Mat lab coding, Windows XP Pro

Project Description:  The main aim of developing this Artificial Neural Network Applied Economic Generation Scheduling final year electronics mat lab project is to create new and efficient artificial network. ANN method is the best method to implement this system. This ANN project was developed on mat lab system on windows XP operating system.