CDN for Genome Sequence Similarity Detection

Content distribution network for genome sequence similarity detection project explains about implementing new architecture and procedure for improving genome similarity search services. This paper covers introduction to sequence similarity problem in present network and provide a novel procedure to solve this problem by implementing content distribution network, existing system details and proposed system details and hardware and software requirement. In present scenario as number of services are increasing and request rate is high and in order to handle this high flow requests preset Beowulf architecture cannot handle accurately. As the data base size is increasing accuracy in sequence similarity detection had become a tough task. In order to solve this problem many techniques are introduced on detecting sequence similarity. All these new techniques are developed on gnome sequence search, so demand of its usage had increased. This paper explains a new method in which sequence search requests are treated as content request in gnome database and sequence similarity detection. This is done by using content distribution system. This project will developed different methods for constructing CDN for handling sequence similarity detection. This project can increase scalability at nodes in the network which can be achieved with low cost.

download CDN For Genome Sequence Similarity Detection java project report.

Java Project On Improving Peer-Peer Streaming Output

Improving peer-peer streaming output java project explains about developing a new architecture for optimizing the throughput of data driven peer-peer streaming. This paper covers introduction to new architecture, existing system features compared with proposed system features and hardware and software requirements. Main idea for developing this architecture is to share peers can share few of their resources with system. With this method overall performance can be increased and system capacity will be improved and provide option for serving maximum number of clients. In recent times data streaming has grown rapidly so there is need to improve performance. In this architecture each individual node is connected with its neighbor node for exchanging information. In present scenario there was no accurate procedure to improving performance of existing protocol. Though there are few analysis on this issue but they mainly depend on maximizing the throughput of overall delay. This paper deals with analytical study on scheduling problem in data streaming and provide solution with less implementation cost. This system uses global optimal scheduling procedure and data streaming model to improve throughput. Video coding can be integrated in to data driving protocol and improve algorithm to deal with end-host heterogeneity.

download Java Project On improving peer-peer Streaming Output Project  Report.

Peer-Peer Network Protocol for Efficient Subset Search

Peer to peer network protocol for efficient subset search project explains about new technique in peer to peer network called plexus which is used to improve efficient searching mechanism and efficient method for advertising bit sequence. This paper covers introduction to plexus technology with existing system features compared with proposed system features and hardware and software requirements. In Existing peer to peer system distributed hash table routing or hint based routing mechanism are used for searching. Which do not provide solution to DPM problem? Due to these reasons there is no accuracy in peer to peer search mechanism. Proposed system works on Error correction Codec and query search methods for providing accuracy in peer to peer search mechanism. Plexus visit 1 to 2% of super peers and resolve query with 97% accuracy. Plexus is developed in java and MS Access platform.

download Peer-Peer Network Protocol for Efficient Subset Search Project  Report.

Efficient Transmission Control Scheme Using DDM

Efficient transmission control scheme using DDM project explains about adaptive transmission control scheme for large scale distributed simulation system using data distribution management. This paper covers introduction to DDM, existing system features, proposed system features and hardware and software requirements. Grid based DDM system is used to improve efficiency in transmission control system. More importantly this system uses mathematical model called as switching model. Total time for processing data in Data distribution system depends on size of grouped DDM messages. Mathematical results provided by switching model are effectively used by newly designed adaptive transmission control system which can improve performance in DDM implementation. Main aim of DDM is to control data exchange between simulated entities. AGD protocol is implemented for DDM which will predict average messages flow in given time span of a simulator. Existing system fails in reducing processing time and handling communication load. Filtering procedure in used on sender side to remove unwanted messages while sending. This approach mainly works on low cost but there is no control over message transmission and time delay.

download Efficient Transmission Control Scheme Using DDM Project  Report.

Controlling Network Usage in Multi Homed Environment

Controlling Network usage in multi homed environment project explains about how network bandwidth can be equally shared between different electronic devices like personal computers, laptops, pads, mobiles and other devices.  This paper consists of introduction to robust rate control for heterogeneous network access in multi homed environment and existing system details and proposed system advantages with hardware and software requirements. 

Every home consists of many electronic devices which has capability to access wireless network but each device has different IEEE standards and with multiple networking capabilities. Robust rate control scheme will provide solution for robust rate allocation for the devices. Network access can be equally divided for every device equally. This system analyze LAN Bandwidth test for providing equilibrium between devices.

Proposed system uses H1 optional control linear feedback control mechanism for efficient use of bandwidth in multi homed environment. 

download Controlling Network Usage in Multi Homed Environment A Java Project  Report.

Detecting Maliciously Mails In Compromised Router

Detecting malicious mails in compromised router project explains about how packets are missed in compromised network and provides solution to handle malicious packets in the network. This paper covers how routers are hacked to reduce efficiency of application and details of existing system, proposed system advantages and hardware and software requirements.

In this project we look at detecting malicious manipulating stream of packets. This paper provides simple solution for dropping malicious packets which are sent by some victim. It is a challenging task to differentiate malicious action for missing packets, because network congestion can lead to same result. In existing network packet loss is caused when buffer exceeds its limit. In order to sort out this problem previous system uses threshold value as base. When threshold exceeds it limit packets are dropped which is fundamentally unsound and provides a scope for malicious attacks.

Proposed system is designed with compromised detection protocol which will look at measured traffic rates and size of buffers. Advantages of proposed system include traffic validation mechanism, a distributed detection protocol.

download Detecting maliciously mails in Compromised Router.

Secondary Authorization Server A Java Project

Secondary Authorization Server java project explains about developing a new methodology called cooperative secondary authorization recycling which will reduce single point failure, performance bottleneck, scalability and request response time delay in centralized authorization server. This paper explains about drawbacks in centralized authorization server and explains existing system draw backs and proposed system advantages with hardware and software requirements.

In present servers implementation system PDP use centralized authorization servers, benefits of this system are less manual resource, reduce admin cost. There are two important draw backs in this system performance bottle neck and request handling. In order to solve these problems cooperative secondary authorization architecture will provide multiple servers at each location where information is shared between both servers to mask authorization server failures and network delays. This new design will improve availability and performance of authorization infrastructure.

Disadvantages on existing system include single point failure, authorization system delay and network delay.

Proposed system is implemented with multiple PEP’s, SDPs and one PDP. PDP will authenticate with different applications in the application server.

download Secondary Authorization Server A Java Project  Report.

Effective Use of Shortest Path Using Multipath Dissemination

Effective use of shortest path using multipath dissemination project explains about developing new method for utilizing shortest path in mesh network for effective packet transmission between nodes. This paper explains about how multipath dissemination is important in large scale peer-peer mesh topology and existing system details, proposed system advantages and hardware and software requirements.

Mesh topology is widely used in network for packet transmission. In order to improve quality of service for effective packet routing with in a shortest path there is need to work on multipath dissemination. Large scale and peer-peer network systems works on low power transceivers. Multipath dissemination provide solution for packet handling inside mesh topology, packets are not sent in a round robin manner where node at shortest path always receive high amount of time which causes time delay. This method will provide different shortest paths and provide efficient packet handling at different nodes.

Existing system uses constrained node distribution system for providing quality of service. In this system there are three factors like fault tolerance, bandwidth usage is high and load balancing which reduce efficiency of service.

download Effective Use of Shortest Path Using Multipath Dissemination Project Report.

Techniques for Computing Shortest Path Between Nodes

Techniques for computing shortest path between nodes project explains about two new techniques for fast computation of constrained network. This project report covers introduction to new methodology, Details on existing system, proposed system details and hardware and software requirements.

Calculating shortest distance in Network is one of the important network functions for QoS routing, MLPS Path selection, ATM networking and traffic networking engineering. In voice and video calling finding cheapest path is not an easy task. In order to find solution for this problem many researches and algorithms are designed. This project proposes two techniques which will reduce decentralization errors and provide shortest routing distance by developing faster algorithms. Providing shortest path is the important factor for successful design in QOS system. Simulator is used to test new techniques which show execution time efficiency in new system.

In Existing system Dijikstra algorithms are used for calculating shortest path. RTF and RTC are used to reduce discretization errors along traveling path. In this system finding shortest path from single source node to multiple destination nodes is not possible.

In Proposed system shortest path is accurately calculated using domain packet filter. Two techniques are used to reduce discretization errors. Algorithms used in this system are faster compared to existing system algorithms.

download Techniques for Computing Shortest Path Between Nodes Report.

Spam E-Mail Filtering A Java Project

Spam E-Mail Filtering Java Project explains about developing anti spam application by using ALPACAS frame work, preserving message transformation process and privacy protecting protocol.

This project report covers overview on project, problems in existing system, proposed system features and hardware and software requirement.

Google, Yahoo and many other mailing systems are facing problems with spam emails. This project provides a research paper for developing a anti spam architecture.

E-mail spam problem is a serious problem because users, government and private organizations share security information through mails.

More details on techniques used in web spam, e-mail spam by spammers are explained in web spam seminar.

In order to develop email spam filtering application developers should look after three scenarios. Firstly developers should provide accurate privacy protection policies to participating entities. Secondly developing techniques should be hidden to public market.

Thirdly application should be light weight, less cost, and scalable. Considering above three factors privacy aware frame work is used to filter spam e-mails.

Existing system uses DCC spam filters which are not efficient and accurate to solve the problem. Proposed system uses DHT paradigm and ALPACAS techniques to develop anti spam application.

Java, swing is used as front end and MS Access is used as back end for developing this application.

download Spam E-Mail Filtering A Java Project Report.