Motion Activated Power Saving System Using MEMS Accelerometer And I2c Protocol

The aim of  Motion Activated Power Saving System Using MEMS Accelerometer And I2c Protocol project is to design and construction of a module for Power saving.  The project was done into 2 parts. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of MEMS. The second phase of the project attempts controlling appliances are devices.

MEMS sensor is interfaced to micro controller using I2c protocol, microcontroller receives the data from the mems sensor and process it according to the data from the sensor appliances are operated. Application are like refrigerators , microwave ovens, Theaters hospitals etc..

Project Components

ATMEGA 8 microcontroller

3-axis accelerometer

MAX 232 for serial communication

 3.3 volt regulator

Computer with RS232


download Motion Activated Power Saving System Using MEMS Accelerometer And I2c Protocol.

Remote Home Automation System

The aim of Remote Home Automation System project is to design and construction of a module for environmental monitoring like temperature, humidity etc.  The project was divided into three phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of MEMS. The second phase of the project attempts controlling and capturing data from temperature and humidity sensors and the third phase of the project is to control the appliances.

Technology Advantages Disadvantages
Piezoelectric High Frequency response High cost
Piezoresistive Very low noise Very high cost
Capacitive Compromise – Medium cost/medium noise
Deferential capacitive Low cost Low frequency responseHigh noise







download Remote Home Automation System.

Rc5 IR Based Remote Device Switching


Rc5 IR Based Remote Device Switching main aim is to develop a micro controller project which can handle home devices using a remote control which runs on IR frequency. This frequency is mainly used as T.V remote.


This project describes to control the devices from some distance using RF data communication. Here we are transmitting a signal from remote control by pressing a button. Then the micro controller does the corresponding operation like switching ON and OFF devices and to control the AC load through TRIAC circuit and here micro controller as a driver. TRIAC is a tri-state AC switch, it is nothing but a switch which can conduct in both the ways and also triac can up to 600V AC. Advantages are we operate the devices at some distance, power saving, easy to operate. Applications are in hotel environments, office environments etc. 


  • AT89S52


  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded c programming
  • IR concept

download Rc5 IR Based Remote Device Switching.

IR Based Distance Measurement System


Aim of  IR Based Distance Measurement System project is to determine the distance  of an Object, using IR range finder sensor.


IR Range finder consists an IR LED and IR detector circuit, in which IR LED emits IR, pulses continuously when power up. If any obstacle is in between its path then pulses revert back and hit the IR detector. This detector directly gives voltage output. With respective to the distance of object the output voltage may vary linearly. 

          This IR Range finder Sensor is directly connected to microcontroller through ADC. If any obstacle is in between its line of sight then IR pulses coming from IR transmitter will reflect back at object and hit the IR detector. According to that it produce voltage output by calculating its time of flight. So that microcontroller determines the distance of object with respect to that voltage output coming from sensor. 


  • Micro controller
  • ADC converter
  • IR sensor
  • LCD display 


  • The functionality of all above components
  • Embedded c programming

download IR Based Distance Measurement System.

Bike Renting System

This information is about  Bike Renting System  project.

The serial data is again received by the controller and here the code that is send with a that format is converted in to ASCII conversion and this send to the system. There in the system the time and take of the bike holder will be  recorded and the status of the bike is noted.  the cards that are assigned to the bikes is passive ID cards. This is passive cards doesn’t have any power. This is activated with the help of the frequency that is generated by the reader itself.

The reader eill read the data and send that to the controller will store the data in the EEPROM. This is to keep the track of the vehicle details and then again it is send to the system through RS232 protocol. This is maintained again in the data base of the system. The details like the total kilometers travelled and other details are recorded manually after the delivery. The time and rent for the time is given in the system.

download Bike Renting System  abstract.

Paper On A Wireless Design Of Low Cost Irrigation System

In the irrigation system we generally use induction motors where the water has to be pulled out and irrigate the plant. But it is difficult to check the availability of the water in the field all the time.

So here we are considering a  A WIRELESS DESIGN OF LOW COST IRRIGATION SYSTEM  to monitor the condition of the plant and then if there in any insufficient amount of water in the field then the network built will check the plants status and then water level and gives the required water level condition by indication the status to concern person of that field.

Normally in the field it is not possible for a person to continuously monitor the condition and the water level in the field. The water level that is in the field has to be monitored and the level of the sump has to be checked and then the motor has to work accordingly. This every this in divided in different sub networks and then according to the levels and status of the field the motor will run under condition. Here actually we are using a wireless network.

That is RF communication system with 433MHz frequency with an address to match the identity. This actually monitors the humidity in the field and water level in the tank and the currents and voltage of the motor. In the field it is common to find that the current and voltage are not always the same.

So that we check the current s and voltages and then if the voltages and currents are at required level then it immediately transfers the signal to the motor to switch it on. This checks not only the current and voltage values even the level of the water that is present. If the level of the water is at a sufficient level then it automatically switches on the motor.

At the same time it even monodies the condition dint he field. If the water level is sufficient for that time then it instructs the motor to switch it off. This is all done with a wireless network since it is difficult to plant and wire the complete field for the application in this manner. The address has to be matched with the relevant master unit and the master unit controls the remaining part.

A complete network is been implemented in this field with a wireless system. The motor speed is also controlled with a pulse width modulation technique because normally these motors in the field do not have a slow start to regulate the initial currents in the motor.

download A Wireless Design Of Low Cost Irrigation System project abstract.

Paper On Bluetooth Data Acquisition System Based On Avr

BLUETOOTH DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM BASED ON AVR  is used for industrial application for remote operation of different units and monitors the operation of different equipments. Bluetooth has faster rate of data transfer so that the changes in the equipment can be noticed immediately. Atmel Versatile RISC processor which is incorporated in this module will take the control lead part. The slave and master communication is done here. The master will transfer the address and the slave will check the address and if the address is matched with the assigned address of the slave then the communication network bonds the master and slave. In industries most of the equipments require the conditions and parameters of it continuously.

If the Bluetooth protocol is implemented in this place the then the data transfer can be done from the place where the module is placed to the control room. The module will transfer different parameters continuously with out any mismatch or interference of any external disturbances. This replaces the all cable protocol which reduces the place and external interference. The AVR controller has internal accesses to analog input so which is having a ten bit resolution in which we can get good precision compared to that of 8 bit controller and converters.

The speed of the controller is also high so that it can easily match with the speed of the Bluetooth module. The communication network between these to devices is linked with the serial port which in inbuilt in the AVR controller. The data transfer and the communication link between the master and slave with the Bluetooth protocol. The master unit is connected to the computer is have the log status of all the parameters continuously for further verification and control of the equipment for the master control room.







download  Bluetooth Data Acquisition System Based On Avr  abstract.

Paper on Robotics Wireless Network

The robots are connected in such a way that the communication between them will be in a bonded link that they are always transferring the data so avoid the obstruction and transfer the accurate data from the place it stays. A robot is equipped with a wireless camera to transfer the video data of the location where the robot goes. That is linked with the second robot to detect the presence of metal, heat and presence of humidity from the locations. The data that is collected by the second robot is sent to the first one and this alerts the user from the location there. This is done to make a systematic manner to incorporate the network between to Zigbee modules  in an efficient manner for a low power consumption and pinpoint connection  for fast data transfer.

The network type used here will be a pinpoint type of network for communication since we have two modules to communicate. The rugged nature for the robots are in such a way that they can travel in different places. The sense the metal with a proximity sensor that sensory signal finds the strength of the material and the send the same to the master other robot to find the location of that place. If the presence of heat around that are it detects that and send that to the robot and gives a continuous image transfer to the system. This heat is detected with thermistor and then the signal is converted in to digital signal and that is read by the controller and the same is transfer to the other robot. This forms a link to the both the robots  for continuous transfer of the data between the robots to from a Zigbee network.


  • Automobiles
  • Aircrafts fleet management
  • Remote vending
  • Remote control
  • Security systems
  • Tele-services
  • Consumer electronics
  • Home automations
  • Industrial controls
  • Military,
  • Navigation


  • X-BEE(TX/RX)



download Robotics Wireless Network  abstract.

Paper On Mobile Robot Navigation System

Mobile Robot Navigation System project is developed to build a security system for a home/office to prevent unauthorized persons to enter into the important room/chamber by controlling radio frequency identification by checking a suitable RFID card.

The RFID tag gives the unique ID whenever it reads the card information. This ID information is send to the micro controller to check the correct card to take a security action. User authentication is done using this ID if the card id matches with the available data then user can enter in to gate else alarm will on.




  • GATE

download Mobile Robot Navigation System  abstract.

A Can Based Distributed Control System For Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicle

Control area network is a network system for connecting different nodes and controlling it by transferring data from one node to another. Here the mode of data transfer will be from each and every nodal address mostly can bus is used for automobiles, industrial application and controls. 

 This will consume very less power compared to another network connection we give a specific address to each and every location where the CAN node is fixed with this specific address each is communicated. The data what we want to display will be predefined one and that is transmitted to the location after transmit we can get an acknowledgement from that place that the complete data s been received.

Hardware components:

  • At mega 16
  • CAN Controller MCP2515
  • CAN trans Receiver MCP2551
  • Temperature Sensor
  • LCD 


  • Code vision AVR IDE tool
  • Embedded c programming
  • Functionality of the above components


  • Automation
  • Automotive devices
  • Remote application
  • industrial application 

Skill set:

  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • Can bus protocol

download A Can Based Distributed Control System For Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicle project abstract.