ECE PPT Topic on Embedded In PIC with Presentation

Introduction to Embedded In PIC:

The paper is about the microcontroller. The micro controller is considered as the small computer on a circuit with a number of units such as the processor core, the memory and also the input/output peripherals.  These controllers are used mostly for the embedded applications. These controllers are used mostly for the embedded applications.

In general the microcontrollers are widely used in different products and also devices related to the medical field, appliances and also related to the toys. When compared with size or even cost, the micro controller is most efficient to that of the microprocessor.

The microcontrollers are capable of operating at the clock rate frequencies which is to the minimum of 4 kHz, so that the power consumption reduces. It is even capable of retaining the functionality when the event waiting occurs. Whereas the other microcontrollers can be used in the critical situations are capable of behaving like the digital processor with the power consumption high and also with high clock speed.

In general the microcontroller has variants, where one has possibility of erasing the programmable memory EPROM, which is more expensive when compared to that of the other variant PROM which can be programmed at only once. When we speak about the EPROM erasing property includes the ultraviolet light through a transparent quartz id.

We can conclude that the microcontroller is more efficient when compared to that of the microprocessor can be in terms of either cost or even the size. The applications of the microcontroller are widely used in many fields. It is considered as a small computer with all the units on a circuit.

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Electrical Seminar Topic and PPT on Broadband over Power lines

Introduction to Electrical Seminar Topic on Broadband over Power lines:

This paper presentation seminar is about broadband over the power lines. These applications are completely based on the electrical devices and much more related to the sector of the electric gadgets. The broadband over power lines abbreviated as the BPL is the new scientific technology which has emerged in the world where competition worth a lot.

This make the use of the Internet services which provides a high speed to the access of the home devices by the very unique way called as the common electrical outlets. This has the whole combination of the technical principles of the radio wavelengths, networking protocols and the modems.

There are two types of the Broadband over power lines services like the In House BPL and the Access BPL. The main aim of the device is to transfer the desired data by making the use of the Alternate Currents. Here the data has to be compulsorily distinguished into a different data link. These systems are now used by the electrical factories and industries to control the performance of the grids nodes. There are some of the related solutions that are available based on the networking. This system can also be used in the home and also for the business purposes.

The advantages of the BPL are it is not very expensive devices as it is available at a normal cost. It does not require any more wire connections and the circuits. The network uses add nil cost to the bill that will be generated. This is the handy and the easiest method to connect the computer system in the different rooms. This system works at a very large speed taking 14 megabits per seconds at a time. This system also permits to access the internet in the rural based area. The future of this system is very bright as it traps the attraction of the user easily.

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Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks ECE Seminar Report

Introduction to Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks Seminar Topic:

Now a day’s the Bluetooth device has become and generates a great importance in the daily needs of the people’s. The users require Bluetooth after each and every successful work to transfer the data or to communicate with the other person totally free and with less cost too. The communication strengths of the device is fast, never down, The paths of the delivering information is automatic as it’s the device related to the future applications and devices. These entire systems are allocated to work on the sensors and the controllers are controlled and configure by the actuators.

The existing system called the Bluetooth has the operation of system which is completely not under license and is based on the ISM band with the total frequency of 2.4 GHz for the better spreading of the machinery techniques. A normal Bluetooth device only has the range of the 10 meters and it can also be incremented upto 100 meters too.

This standard channel of the Bluetooth device supports a standard bandwidth of approximate 1 Mb/sec. These Bluetooth are combined connected to a single piconet where each piconet has a content of eight Bluetooth devices together. These eight devices have the seven of it as the slave devices and one as the master device of the Bluetooth connection.

This Bluetooth provides a large chance of the sensory networks and architectural plans too. The architecture plans have a section of wireless connections which is even connected with the Bluetooth services also. When a person using the Bluetooth gets into the supported area then the person automatically gets connected with the Bluetooth services wireless only. In future the developers are even trying to increment the use of Bluetooth services for data analysis and also the data concentric system. Many newest products are been launched in the market regarding the Bluetooth services and the system.

Download Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks ECE Seminar Report .

Seminar Topic on Telecommunication Network PPT

Approximately the urban is 27% and the total number of town is less than 51100 which constitutes a population of less than 100 k. Again, the number of villages is less than 550k that supports less than 5k population. In 2010, the density of telecom sector was 9.5 and 35%. The number of broadband projection was 3 million in the year 2005 and 9 million in 2007. Cable tv connection is almost 60 millions among which 14.5 million comes from the rural areas.

Administrations and government  provide for:

Social role standards


Settlement of disputes


Features of broadband technologies:

A good role of the operators of VSAT

Implementation of satellite connections for inaccessible regions

Fro rolling out of broadband a strong wireless connection is considered

Due to the limited quantity of copper loop DSL there is a low teledensity

Wireless technology scenario:

Wireless kiosks  help in shows sales and temporary events

Limited mobility on the basis of CDMA, CDMA -1x

Access the wifi  connections

Discussion for 3G services

FWT terminals- 3 millions

Management of frequency that is used by applications requires less spectrum than it is originally required due to the advancement in technologies and dynamic provision.

Re-farming of spectrum

New technologies

Wide use oftools devised out of spectrum management

Use of optimum sprectrum

Growth of services as well as subscribers

There is a need of standard nd regulation for intellectual rights of property, privacy and securirity.

Migration scenarios

Effective technological challenges

New innovations


Lower prices

High performances

In 2015 te telecom neytworks security will get high importance due to the growth of the traffic. There are still various reasons in the rural regions that provide hindrance in the communication process but with time the number of such areas will progressively reduce.

Different environmental conditions


Problem of power supply and topologies

No maintenance of the systems

Limited service areas

Lower speed

Download Seminar Topic on Telecommunication Network PPT. 

Code Division Multiple Access Seminar Topic for ECE With Report

Introduction to Code Division Multiple Access Seminar Topic:

With the daily activities the need of mobile phones is increasing rapidly. With the increasing number of users to accommodate the efficient use of broadband is becoming the most important priority among the mobile phone systems. CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEM is one of the most excellent solution.

For implementation of a communication system that has multiple accessing options CDMA is one of the most important methods. The technique of multiple choices includes many local stations or subscribers who can share the uses of a communication channel. A channel is a part of the limited radio resource that is allocated temporarily for specific purposes like a phone call. The method of multiple access is a description of hoe the spectrum is segregated into various channels and how they allocate it to the users of the system. As there are many users who are transmitting over the single channel therefore a method is must to be established so that individual user will not able to disrupt each other. There are three procedures for performing this: 


The bandwidth available is divided into non overlapping bands of frequency in this technique. Further these sub bands are allocated to users on the basis of time. 


Here each of the users is allocated with spectral occupancy but only for a short period of time and this is known as a time slot. Buffers zones are inserted in between the slots of assigned time in the guard time format. This helps to reduce user interface. This technique also has some of the drawbacks of its own. 


In this technique the limitations of the above techniques are overcome and here the the users spread across the time and frequency in the same channel. This is a combination of TDM and FDMA.

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EC Technical Seminar Presentation Topic on Relativistic Chips The Spintronics Theory

Introduction to EC Technical Seminar Presentation Topic on Relativistic Chips The Spintronics Theory:

BRAIN is one of the most ultimate biological machines and no kind of microprocessor in the entire world can challenge its functions. Of the current IC technology energy and heat are the main constraints. The law of Moores is the ideal for it and relativity can be the answer. The world’s fastest computer is not very faster but the presence of electrons make them do so. 

The relativity theory is proposed by sir Einstein and the existing theory suggests a latest design for the microchips than usually based on the electron spins. The relativistic effects are minuscule but unless the acceleration of the objects takes place in an important fraction of c, that is 300 million meters per second.

Higher end chips are not so much faster like that of the speed of light but the electrons that are present inside them do so. The short form of spin electronics is spontaneous and it studies about the spin of electrons in various materials for better understanding of its behavior with the developers hope for a new generation of electronic systems.

A spinning sphere is known as electron and it is full of charge and has the property of quantum known as spin which makes its manner similar to the twirling of management on its axis, connecting both the poles that is north and south pole. Spheres or electrons can include spins that are oriented in several directions. Like the compass needle the magnetic field also makes ans electronic swivel and the spin axis also processes like that of a wobbling top.  The electrons do not process and the spin orientation anymore after the removal of the magnetic field. A new high technology world of spintronic devices has opened to us as a completely new world and some of the devices include spintronic sola cells



Relativistic transistors.

Download EC Technical Seminar Presentation Topic on Relativistic Chips The Spintronics Theory .

Technical Seminar Topic CSE 2011 PPT on Captcha

Captcha is an automated public Turing test that helps to tell humans and the computers apart. This is discovered at CMU by Luis von Ahn and Manuel Blum. This is a challenging program and it includes a response tests to segregate computers from the human programs. Some of the features of captcha are”

It provides distorted characters to the users

Generic captcha include numbers and distorted letters.

If the letters to be assumed are correct then the user is identified as a human being and thus allow accessing of the system otherwise the user is not permitted to access the system.

The present OCR cannot read the noisy text as well as distorted text and that is possible only by human brains. Therefore whenever the typed letters and numbers do not match the given informations the system will understand the he user is not a human being but a bot which will prevent from any kind of further accessing. The first captcha was used by Altavista in their own sites which gives 95% reduction of spams. Yahoo becomes partner with CMU to reduce the threats they get in the chat messenger service. In the year 2000 captcha was trademarked by Manuel Blum and Luis von Ahn.

The Turing test was proposed by Alan Turning and it helps to test the intelligence level of the ocean. Human judges usually ask two participants and the machine is one among them but he will not know which one id the machine participant. If the judge cannot identify which is the machine participant the the machine will pass the test. A reverse Turing test is employed by the captcha which means a judge= program of captcha and participant = user. If the captcha is passed by the user then he is a human being otherwise it is a machine.

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Electrical Technical Seminar Topic on CAN-based Higher Layer Protoclols and Profiles

Introduction to Electrical Technical Seminar Topic on CAN-based  Higher Layer Protoclols and Profiles:

Some of the features of CAN-based protocols are as follows:

Network management

Principles of device profiles and modeling

Method of processing data connection establishment

Peer-to-peer communication

Methods of process data exchange

System of message identifier assignment

A predefined set of connection is available for explicating messages between a master device and a slave device and it includes:

Strobe channel

Master poll or cyclic channel or change of state

Slave I/O

Explicit message channel

The three elements that determined the SDS message meaning is:

3 bit service type

7 bit logical address

Pri bit and Dir bit

Device configuration with the help of configuration tools various channels for multi-purpose uses are required. These channels are known as non-time critical channels for communication and they always exist between a device that is needed to be configured and a configuration tool. The data transmission has to be executed by various manners and it needs several higher layer protocols which support configuration device providing peer- to-peer communication option.

Detection as well as identification of network failures is the main function of network management. It also helps to control the status of communication of the nodes that are distributed. The following information must be present to make up a device profile and modeling:

Configuration of data

Interfaces of public to that specified data

A data format that is required for the device

Object model

The use of CAN protocol cannot be under determined in any way and its widespread application ranging from the automobile industry to any sort of industrial applications lead to the development of various high class protocols. In the country of the USA the SAE J1939 standard is widely accepted and it is a related protocol of CAN protocol. This is used for the application of tucks and buses. This is an important a swell as an advantageous application.

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Spectrum Allocation Policy and Issues PPT Presentation for ECE Students

Spectrum policies are an abstract subject that is reserved for the technocrats and moreover the NSP or the national spectrum policy is very important. The relevance of ICMT is demonstrated by the e-choupal in the society for simple farmers which has further given a hike to the farmers’ income. These farmers due to the introduction of the limited ICMT gets hardly any cost for their products.

The middleman present in the distribution and supply chain operates in distant markets and the age of the internet is termed as “age of dis-inter mediation”. With the introduction of digital tools the cost of transaction in the market has significantly lowered. The technology substitute the middleman who is not giving any productivity and the nation also becomes more productive with the innovation of this new system.

We have learnt a lot from the e-choupal:

Digital inclusion: today the information society is not only reserved for the white collar employed in the offices to sit at the computer desk. Agriculture, rural activities, fishing and small industrial jobs have given a relevant lesson and transformational changes to the rural society. Digital inclusion has a lot of importance for the individuals and it has a measurable income ans empowerment gain. Development of national productivity has increased.

For the first time the objective of PURA or providing urban amenities to rural areas come within the reach of the ICMT through the electronic enablement or BB connectivity.  4G that is beyond the 3G technology is a very powerful technology that supports the mobile and fixed phone requirements at the real speed of broadband. It can also support electronic connectivity for goods transportation and services as well as people empowerment through a converged and a single system of delivery. These networks are also quite costly and requires a high degree of complexity and specialized manpower.

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Electrical Presentation PPT on Construction And Use Of Broadband Transformers

Introduction to Construction And Use Of Broadband Transformers Seminar Topic:

Privacy infringement long with security issues can reflected as a serious problem for many applications of RFID systems which is also known as radio frequency identification. Most of these problems occurred because of the lack of user control between the readers and the RFID tags. If the user is given the RFID link can eradicate the problems of security. A smart card system can obstruct the unauthorized payment of the credit card or unwanted identification theft which can be released by a simple integration of the electrical touch switch with a 14443 smart card.

When the users touch the switch the smart card will get activated. The capacitor impedance changes with a finger touch of the user. In the application of public transport, e-passports, admission cards and circuit cards the radio frequency identification system is used. The deployment of this system exacerbates the need to get the most ideal method of obstructing the unwanted disclosure of details that is stored in the chip of RFID.

There is no mechanism of the smart cards for obstructing a third party from inserting a reader within the zone of interrogation of the card system to steal information that are stored in the card. Hardware designs and authenticated protocol systems have been recently proposed by experts for the purpose of security.  Hash-locks, tree-walking, re-encryption are some of the cryptographic hardware that has been present. Faraday cage is the other type of security measure. The hardware used in the RFID can be changed by the shield tags.

A smart card system is investigated by us and it can be controlled by the users with a simple touch of fingers. It also comes with integrated switches that helps in providing high level security and protection of privacy. The simple manufacturing process helps in meeting the needs of additional processes in the stage of mass production.

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