CSE Technical Seminar Topic on The Common Accessibility Profile PPT

Introduction to CSE Technical Seminar Topic on The Common Accessibility Profile:

CAP is known as a common accessibility profile that can be used for supporting and selecting computer related ATs.  CAP is based on the AT system for the users and it also focus on improving the accessibility to enhance the interactions between the systems and users. A cap is a transmitter than can be combined together to evaluate the accessibility of the results of specific systems and user combinations along with specific environments and ATs.

The word “assistive technology” indicates a technology that is specifically designed to to be used in an assisted service technology or device. This can be any atom or product system, or equipment piece that is acquired commercially with customization, modification and also helps to enhance maintenance, assistance as well to improve the capacities of its functioning ability.

The universal access reference model also known as UARM in short shows the main relations and functions that are same for all instances of universal access without any kind of voice for a particular instance or design implementation.







Channels of UARM and ATs includes:

1) Channels





2) Details of the system

3) Processing of AT

Accessibility and AT

Specification of the entire system

CAP is applied for identifying the handicaps and to apply it to the selected ATs. Application of the CAP to the managing ATs has in developing the base configuration and their alternatives as well as reconfiguring them. CAP Appleton also helps to tie them altogether

The CAP abilities of the users are aimed by this CAP system and it also looks on the Handi CAP minimization from incompatibilities and the environment among the systems, users and AT’s. At the same time the CAP acts as a basis of dealing and identifying with the issues of accessibility in the most standardized way.

Download CSE Technical Seminar Topic on The Common Accessibility Profile PPT. 

NanoTechnology Seminar Topic and PPT

Introduction to NanoTechnology Seminar Topic:

In the short term testing methods like the activity paradigm and structure paradigm the oxidative stress seems to be a very encouraging end point. The inhalation of the combustion derived very small particles which can also be termed as nano particles produce an effect on the heart system, dysfunction of the endothelial  id the main key in the impaired vasomotor function and fibrinolysis terms. The carbon nano tubes have the capability to asbestos such as pathology when they are lengthly. In case of close relationships of working among industrial, chemists, physicians, hygienists and toxicologists. Fullerenes are commercialized in the primary stage and it depends on the new; properties like affinity for electron and strength. The preliminary data show that they can likely induce ROS or reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, sytotoxicity, and production.

Multi-dimensionality of industrial hygiene is particle sized with charge, surface area, shape and composition of chemical which are an important part of physical variables. They can help in determining scavenging properties and ROS- generation. The nanotechnology is a part of science that involves with the production and development of small machines and tools by controlling the individual atomic arrangement. The health challenges will provide with the safeguards.

The science of designing is known as microfluidics and at the same time is its also the science of formulation of devices, manufacturing and processing which includes dealing with fluid volumes on the nanoliter orders and picolitrs.

Huge microspheres that are 10 to 15 um in diameter are used for the studies of  flow of regional blood in organs and tissues. In certain cases microspheres are injected at the requires locations in the circulatory system and finally in the capillaries. The fluroscenet and microspheres dyes contain the first extractions of the tissue samples followed by constituted of the fluorescence on a fluorescence micro plate reader.

Download NanoTechnology Seminar Topic and PPT. 

Procedure to Develop Struts application by using NetBeans IDE

Netbeans  Introduction:-

  •  Type: IDE software for java environment.
  •  Vendor: sun Microsystems (oracle corp).
  • Open source software.
  • To download from www.netbeans.org gives glassfish as built-in server also allows configuring other extend servers.
  • To get help: www.netbeans.org version: 6.7.1 (compatable with jdk1.5/1.6).
  • Netbeans IDE is good for web application.


Database table of Struts application:-

SQL> create table user-list (username varchar (20), password varchar (20))

       >insert into user-list values (‘ramu’, ‘jalli’);

      > insert into user-list values (‘ramu’, ‘pass’);

Query of the Struts application:- 

Select count (*) from user-list where username = “ramu” and password = “jalli”;

Count (*) ->1 (Valid credentials)  (or)   count (*) -> 0 (invalid credentials)

Procedure to develop in the above diagram Struts application by using NetBeans IED:-

Step1:- create java web project in Net Beans IDE by adding Struts capabilities to it.

              File –> new project –>java web –>web applicatio –>Next –>

                       Project name: StrutsDemoApp2 –>Next  –>Next –>

                               Select Struts 1.3.8

                                 Select ass Struts tld  –>finish –> Delete endex.jsp, Welcome Struts.jsp files.

Step2: Add ojdbc 14.jar file to the libraries of the project.

                Right click on libraries –>add jar –>ojdbc14.jar file browser & select.

Note:-  Jar files added to the my computer class path environment variable is not visible & access with projects created in IDE s/w. so add them to the libraries of IDE project separately.

Step3: Add form bean class to project (RegisterForm)

            Right click on source packages folder –>new  –>Struts Actionform bean

                               Classname: RegisterForm

                               Package: app.ram –> finish –>delete existing code of RegisterForm class

                                     –> declare private string username, password; –>select this line & right click –>

                                    –>insert code(Alt+insert) –>getter & setter methods.

Step4: add Action class to Struts application (project)(RegisterAction)

             Rightclick on source package  –>new –>Struts Action

                                  Classname: RegisterAction

                                    Package: app

                                  Action path: /register –>next

                                  ActionFormbean name: RegisterForm

                                  Scope:  .session O request  –> finish.

Step5: add action forward configuration to RegisterAction class configuration pointing to register.jsp.

In Struts-config.xml

                     <action name = “RegisterForm” path = “/register” scope = ”session” type = “app.


                               <forward name = “result” path =”/register.jsp” />


Step6: add register.jsp to the profect

          Right click on web pages –>new  –> jsp

                             Filename: register –> finish.


   <% @ taglib uri = “/WEB-INF/Struts-html.ltd” prefix = “j” %>

   <% @ taglib uri = “/WEB-INF/Struts-bean.ltd” prefix = “bean” %>

   <% @ taglib uri = “/WEB-INF/Struts-logic.ltd” prefix = “logic” %>

      <j: form action = “register”>

                Username: <j: text properties = “username”/><br>

                Username: <j: password properties = “password”/><br>

                    <j: submit value = “checkDetails”/>

                     <j: form>


                      Result is: <logic: notEmpty name = “msg”>

                                       <bean: write name = “msg”>

                                        </logic: notEmpty>

Write the following code in the execute () of RegisterAction class:-

    Public ActionForward execute (-,-,-,-) throws exception


              //type casting

  RegisterForm fm = (RegisterForm) fm;

         //read form page form data from form bean class object

                 String user = fm.getusername ();

                 String pwd = fm.getpassword ();

                        // write jdbc code

                             //create jdbc con object

                              Class.forname (“oracle.jdbc.driver.oracleDriver”);

                        Connection con = DriverMananger.get connection (“jdbc: oracle: thin: @localhost: 1521:

                                                                                             orcl”, “scott”, “tiger”);

             // [ctrl+shift+I – gives import statement dynamically]

              //create jdbc statement object

                 // preparedstatement ps = con. Preparestatement (“select count (*) from user-list where

                                                                               Username =? and password =?”);

                 // set values to programs.

                   Ps.setString (1, user);

                  Ps.setString (2, pwd);

                  // send & execute SQL query in D>B> s/w

             ResultSet rs = ps.execute Query ();

              // process the result

                    Int cnt = 0;

                        If (rs.next ())

                              Cnt = rs.getint (1);

                   If (cnt == 1)

                      Request.setAttribute (“msg”, “valid credentials”);


                           Request.setAttribute (“msg”, “ivalid credentials”);

             Return mapping.findForward (“result1”);



Step7: Run the project.

        right click on project  –>Run

  • Most of the IDE software’s redeploy’s the project (web application) once modification are done in the source in the source code of the project.
  • In order to make ActionServlet as front controller we need to configure the ActionServlet class in web.xml file either with extension match url-pattern or Directory match url-pattern.

Procedure to make first Struts application working with directory match url-pattern based ActionServlet class. (with respect to 1st app.)

Step1: configure ActionServlet in web.xml file having directory match url-pattern

     In web.xml


               <servlet-name> action </ servlet-name>

                <u-p> /x/y/* </u-p>


Step2: configure the target action class of form page by having the following action path.

    In Struts-config.xml

            <action path = “/x/y/register” type = “app.RegisterAction” name = “rf”>

                 <forward name = “result” path = “/register.jsp”/>


Step3: design form page Action url as shown below

            <% @ taglib uri ———-


               <html: form action = “/x/y/register”>

                     Username: < ——

                      Password: < ———–

                                 <html: submit  

                     </html: from>

Step4: develop remaining resource of application like other regular struts applications.


It is always to recommended to configure ActionServlet with Extension match url pattern.

CSE Technical Seminar Presentation on CD Writing Technology

Almost two third of the business that lose their data for over 7 days never able to reopen. For retrieving of data you nee dto spend 50,000 Rs per gigabyte and it is only just the physical recovery. Apart from that you also need to pay for the additional and downtime costs. You must therefore keep a back up on a regular basis so that even if you lose the original data your business will not be affected in any manner. It is important that you choose the right system for the backup and before you able to choose you must know the functions of these devices.

The company disk also known as the CD has celebrated 20 years recently and it was launched in the year 1982 in the month of October. Usually a CD can hold up to 700 MB of data and it comes at cheaper prices than other services of back up. Data on CD can also be retrieved faster that any other backup devices. Almost all the system supports CD-ROM and so it is quite easy to handle.

The compact disk was designed by Sony and Philips jointly in the year 1980. Basically CD was sued for storing audios and even till today when we add card for storing of data it is based on the concept if audio CD’s. These types of CDs can hold high quality audio for 80 minutes.

The compact CD can usually store pre recorded formats for computer data, games, music and other kind of applications. All the other formats of CDs are based on the concept of CD audio format which is the original format. CD graphics and text can be used with CD audio while CD extras add dots to the audio. From CD audio is derived from CD ROM.

Download CSE Technical Seminar Presentation on CD Writing Technology .

Technical Paper Presentation on Blutetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology is presently ruling over the world of technology. It is a wireless connection between several equipment’s and they are mostly of small sizes. The main aim of this technology is to provide a low power consumption and a small size as well as low cost device production. Characteristics of Bluetooth are stated below in brief.

It has a frequency of 2.4 GHz and can work within a distance of 10 m as well as 100 m. The rate of data for asymmetric mode is 721 or 57.6 bits per second and for symmetric mode it is 432.6 bits per second. It can provide up to 3 voice channels. It provides complete protection of data which is encrypted and authenticated with and comes with a 8.128 bits key. In the mode of data transfer it consume 30 Ma Power. USB adapters from Bluetake printer from Hewlett Awkward, cell phone from the Erricson company and PCMCIA adapters from Intel will be used today for the research.

The USB dongle box contains a description of the process, two sticker packs for adapters, taped for fixing cables, CD with softwares and drivers and two Bluetooth adapters.

It is good that the installer of Microsoft does everything by itself but at the same the installer also tries to copy the non-existing files into the directory of a system C disc from the CD without asking for any permission. The developer of this program still finds it difficult to solve. For the equipment of Bluetooth a support software is very necessary and in comparison to PC components it can estimate the functions of these devices. The technology is based on the server and client concept and the Dongle provides:


Dial-up networking

Bluetooth serial port

Network access

Exchange of information

Transfer of files

Synchronization of information

Exchange of informalin

Download Technical Paper Presentation on Blutetooth Technology .

Understanding Flow of Execution in the Sample Code of Struts Application

To make ActionServlet trapping form page request and to make Action Servlet passing that request to starts Action class the Action url of form page (action attribute value of form tag) should be designed as shown below.

<action path of target Action class>.<extension mode in the url pattern of ActionServlet> 

Example: – if ActionServlet url pattern is *.abc

         If target Action class action path is /xyz then the form page Action url should be “xyz.abc”

Register.html (Form page) (View Layer):

<form action =”reg.do” method =”get”>                                                 —–>3 and reg.do—–>5

Username: <input type =”text” name=”uname”><br>

Password: <input type=”password” name=”password”><br>

<input type =”submit” value =”send”>                                                                 –> 4


In reg.do

Reg is actionpath of registeraction class”, .do is extension word in the url-pattern of action servlet.

Action Servlet (Controller Servlet)

Server Reads Web.xml/Container                       —->1,2

*.do —> 10

Resultpage.jsp (View Layer)                                —-> 19




Presentation logic (Response going browser window)          —> 20

RegisterForm.java: (formbeanclass) (controller Layer)

Package app:

Public class Registerform extends action form


Private string uname;

Private string password;

Public void set xxx()


…..               —-> 14


Public void get xxx ()





Web-xml (D.D File)



<s-n>action</s-n>          –> 8

<s-c>org.apache.structs.action.actionservlet</s-c>        —>9








<s-n>action</s-n>         –> 7




Struts-config.xml (Strts configuration file and controller layer)



<form-bean name=”rf” type=”app.registerform”>         –>13



<action-path =:/reg” type=”app registration” name =”rf”>            —-> reg-11, registeraction-15, rf-12

<forward name=”Success” path=”/result.jsp”/>                               —>18



RegisterAction (StrutsAction Calss) (Model Layer) 

Package app;

Public class register action extends action


Public action forward execute (—-)


………………                      –>16

Return actionforward obj (logical success names);            —>17


With respect to above sample code:-

1) Programmer deploys struts application in web server / application server.

2)  Based on load-on-startup the servlet container creates ActionServlet class object either during server startup or during the deployment of struts application. In this process ActionServlet reads & verifies the struts-configuration file entries.

3) End user launches the form page (register.html) on browser window.

4)  And 5) After filling up the form end user submits the form page which generates request url “reg.do” (http request)

6), 7), 8), 9) Since Actionservlet url pattern is *.do and form page generated request url having reg.do the ActionServlet traps & takes the request

10) ActionServlet reads form data from the form page

11) Based on “reg” word of request url the ActionServlet searches for an Action class configuration in struts configuration file whose action path is “/reg”

12) The name “rf” attribute of Action tag will be used by ActionServlet to know the form bean i.e linked with struts.Action class

13) ActionServlet creates/locates the register form class object

14) ActionServlet calls set xxx () methods on FormBean class object to write form date to FormBean properties.

15) ActionServlet creates / locates struts Action class object (Register Action)

16) ActionServlet calls execute() method of struts Action class to process the request by executing business logic

17) This execute () method returns ActionForward object with the logical name “success” to ActionServlet.

18) ActionServlet uses ActionForward configuration and got result.jsp as the result page.

19) ActionServlet forwards the control to the result page “result.jsp”.

20) The presentation logic of result.jsp formats the result and sends the results to browser window as response in the form of web page.

Seminar Report on I Mode Technology

I-Mode is a stroke of good luck as a result of a deliberate adjusts of the right engineering, the right technique, the right substance, and the right advertising. On this notable stage, a significant number of players have advanced notable business models, be it premium substance, e-business, publicizing, or others. With the extension of i-mode, it has now come to be a “lifestyle base” and a sequence of organizations together with major players for example Coca-cola has stretched the plausible outcomes. With newfangled i-mode aids being started in Europe and Asia, its auspicious to memorize, in light of the encounters of Japan, what the potential might be.

Taking after a period of development that was unrivaled worldwide, the Japanese cellular telephone business was going to drop in a developed stage in the recent part of 1990. Yet, NTT DOCOMO then started to advance an inventive portable Internet stage with the point of elevating a further development in versatile conveyances. i-mode aid was started in 1999 luring overpowering uphold from cellular telephone users. i-mode not just made a brand new productivity in the developed cellular telephone business sector, but it in addition redefined versatile conveyances for the unique experience by furnishing users with a unique utility

iMode had numerous objects in the midst of its infrastructure:

•           The first was to adhere to the configuration of the telephone. Comparable utilities were conveyed with richer substance on top of PDAs, but users moaned that the gadgets were too huge and troublesome to keep.

•           The second was to make the framework effortless to utilize. Statements for example “web” and “network” were not utilized as a part of iMode advertising, as they give an impression of being challenging to utilize and problematic.

•           Third, a significant number of the appropriate parcel tracking methods were improved in the Internet. These were altered for utilization in the iMode grid.

•           The final object was to permit anybody to process substance for the iMode system. NTT DoCoMo alternatively furnishes the charging utilities and can order all charges into a lone bill.

Download Seminar Report on I Mode Technology .

CSE Term Paper Topic on Foundation of Computing with Full Report

Introduction to Term Paper Topic on Foundation of Computing:

C was one of the first general-reason heightened-level customizing dialects to addition generally universal utilize, and today you can project in C on practically any stage and machine. It was made by Dennis Ritchie in 1971, as the successor to the “B” compiler, for UNIX frameworks.

Sudoku is a sensibility-based, combinatorial number-arrangement astound. The target is to fill a 9×9 lattice with digits so that every segment, every column, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-matrices that form the matrix (moreover called “boxes”, “pieces”, “districts”, or “sub-squares”) holds the sum total of the digits from 1 to 9. The riddle setter gives an incompletely finished network. Finished riddles are frequently a sort of Latin square with a supplemental obligation on the substance of distinct districts. Sudoku was promoted in 1986 by the Japanese baffle team Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, implication single number. It ended up being a global hit in 2005.Sudoku was advanced in 1986 by the Japanese perplex team Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, implication single number. It came to be a global hit in 2005.

Number riddles first showed up in daily papers in the late 19th century, when French confound setters started trying different things with evacuating numbers from mystery squares. Le Siècle, a Paris-based every day, produced a mostly finished 9×9 enchanting square with 3×3 sub-squares on November 19, 1892. It was not a Sudoku on account of it held twofold-digit numbers and needed math as opposed to intelligence to unravel, but it imparted key aspects: every column, section and sub-square meant the same number.

A riddle is a part of the way finished lattice. The at first characterized qualities are reputed to be givens or pieces of information. A legitimate confound has a solitary (interesting) result. A genuine perplex that could be explained without trial and slip (surmising) is regarded as an attractive astound. An irreducible baffle (a.k.a. least baffle) is a fitting bewilder from which no givens might be uprooted leaving it a respectable confuse (with a lone answer). It’s conceivable to build least riddles with diverse number of givens. The least number of givens points to the least over all true riddles and distinguishes a subset of least riddles. See Mathematics of Sudoku-Minimum number of givens for qualities and items.

Download CSE Term Paper Topic on Foundation of Computing with Full Report .

High Level /Detailed Design for B.tech Final Year CSE Students


1)         THE LOGIN PAGE:

The login page may as well have fields for example Login ID and Password. 


The Registration shape might as well have fields for example Login id, Password, Confirm Password, Name, Age, Group send-id and so on. for every bunch of understudies showing up for the test. 


This module may as well furnish the guidelines and regulations to show up for test. 


This module may as well have fields similar to the person name, the bunch code, educator’s name and the undertaking code.





This shape might as well have fields for example Question id, Question, alternatives and so forth. 


This module may as well have fields as User id, User Login name, User Password,

User name, User message-id and so on., all informative data identified with admin. 


This module may as well furnish choices to prepare the user to pilot to the Home page, about us, logout and passageway. 



This module might as well furnish a view of the enlisted user. The login id, user

Name id, Name, message id, Percentage, Group id and so forth. 


The Edit profile module might as well have fields for example Login id, Password,

Affirm Password, User name. One can make updates to the information dropped in. 


The user can update its watchword through this module. 


This module might as well showcase the time needed to sit down for a bit, time left for the test to get over, length of time of exam. 

Test-Plan (TP)

The test-idea is fundamentally a catalogue of test cases that require to be run on the framework. Some of the test cases might be run autonomously for certain segments (report crop from the database, for instance, might be tested autonomously) and some of the test cases need the entire framework to be available for their execution. It’s preferred to test every segment as and when its primed before joining the parts.

Digital Steganography Seminar Report

Steganography hails from the Greek and actually denotes, “Covered composing”. It’s one of different information concealing methods, which points at transmitting content on a channel where some different sort of informative data is presently being transmitted. This recognizes steganography from incognito channel systems, which rather than attempting to transmit information between a few elements that were unconnected heretofore.

The target of steganography is to shroud wires inside different “safe” wires in a way that does not permit any “foe” to even distinguish that there is a second mystery inform exhibit. The just missing qualified information for the “foe” is the short effectively interchangeable irregular number arrangement, the mystery key, without the mystery key, the “foe” may as well not have the slightest risk of all the more ending up being suspicious that on a recognized correspondence channel, shrouded conveyance may happen.

Steganography is nearly identified with the situation of “shrouded channels” n secure working framework objective, a term which points to all conveyance ways that would not be able to effortlessly be confined by access control mechanisms. In a preferable globe we could all sent unabashedly encrypted send or documents to one another with no alarm of responses. Then again there are frequently cases when this is conceivable, either since the working community does not permit encrypted message or the nearby legislature does not favor of encrypt correspondence (an actuality in certain parts of the planet). This is where steganography can become an integral factor.

Information shrouding methods can in addition be arranged regarding the extraction methodology:

  • Cover Escrow techniques require both the first bit of informative content and the encoded one so as to concentrate the inserted information.
  • Blind or Oblivious plans can recoup the shrouded inform by indicates just of the encoded information.

Steganography has improved a considerable measure in late years, on the grounds that advanced procedures permit brand new ways of concealing qualified data’s inside different informative data’s, and this could be valuable in a considerable measure of scenarios. The main to utilize concealed correspondences methods-with radio transmissions-were the guards, in view of the strategic essentialness of secure conveyance and the necessity to disguise the root however much that could be expected.

Download Digital Steganography Seminar Report .